• 想想类似手机这种看似无害东西吧——一方面,手机可以用来进行小额信贷基于文本社交但另一方面,它也可以成为临时制作的爆炸装置

    Think of something as seemingly benign as the cellphone—we have microfinance and text-based social networking at one end of the spectrum, and improvised explosive devices at the other.


  • 帕里发现了伍德和沃尔夫忽略东西诗歌本身口头传递证据文本中。

    Parry had discovered what Wood and Wolf had missed: the evidence that the poems had been transmitted orally was right there in the text itself.


  • 这里惟一难题到达浏览器东西实质上是一个二进制文本

    The only difficulty here is that what arrives in the browser is essentially one big blob of text.


  • 笔记可以任何东西可以链接文本或者图片甚至仅仅是屏幕上段空白空间

    Notes can be anythingyou can connect them with text, or an image, or even just a blank space of the screen.


  • 一方面,内容通常更多面向人的——内容是用户网站发现有用东西图片视频音频文本

    Content, on the other hand, is typically more human-oriented — content is what the users on a Web site find helpful, such as graphics, video, sound, and text.


  • 实际上一般而言,收据都会遵循一个模式,所以将原始文本输入编写最终财务应用程序可以使用东西得到了简化

    Scripting raw text input into something that the final accounting application can use is simplified by the fact that, in general, receipts follow a pattern.


  • 贯穿整个维基文本结构一个给定的页面使用自然语言作出多变命令范围内,可以描述所有需要描述的东西

    Across the whole wiki there is a hypertext structure, but on a given page, within the versatility of your command of your natural language, you can say whatever needs to be said.


  • 当然乔布斯这份119作证文本没有盖茨录像那样我们开眼但是告诉了我们许多东西有关乔布斯本人的,以及苹果运作方式

    Of course, the 119 page text of Jobs deposition doesn't give us the same insight as those videos of Gates - but it has plenty to tell us about Jobs himself, and about the way Apple works.


  • 他们给了我们大概小时了装满三个鞋盒的东西一些报纸的纸草文本

    "We were given about half an hour to look into what were effectively three shoe boxes. Inside were papyri wrapped in newspaper," says Emmel.


  • 鄙人并非见多识广,虽然很多关于文本处理 方面东西例如本书),但是来说语言处理(linguistic processing) 是一个相对新奇领域

    Your humble writer knows a little bit about a lot of things, but despite writing a fair amount about text processing (a book, for example), linguistic processing is a relatively novel area for me.


  • 如果知道TextExpander Touch一个应用程序允许你把一些片段文本组织成你想要东西

    If you don't know, TextExpander Touch is an app that allows you to program short snippets of text as ways to expand to anything you want.


  • 每种实现实际上都非常小;URL参数要缩写东西返回新的压缩过的文本

    The implementation of both clients are in fact remarkably similar; they both take a URL with a parameter (the thing that is being shortened) and then return the newly shortened text


  • helloworld中的—importgtkimporthildon—提供屏幕显示文本所需的所有东西

    Two lines in the hello world program-import GTK and import hildon-bring in everything you need to display the text on the screen.


  • 话说,Elem抽象类型,用于表示任何解析东西常见的是文本字符串

    In other words, Elem is an abstract type representing... well, anything that can be parsed, most commonly a text string or stream.


  • 如果打算创建MonoTouch应用程序所需所有东西就是前面提及的,一个文本编辑器

    If you want to create MonoTouch applications, all you need are the previous items and a text editor.


  • 节点可以包含文本属性其他节点(因此形成XML层次结构)以及其他一些特殊东西(比如处理指令注释)。

    A node can contain text, attributes, other nodes (hence, the hierarchical nature of XML), and a few other specialized things (such as processing instructions and comments).


  • 通过这种方式屏幕我们阅读一切东西,而不仅仅文本

    In this way screens will enable us to "read" everything, not just text.


  • 这些需要任何东西除了所爱的,文本编辑器,一个我建立邮局,一本好书简单食物御寒衣服以及户外世界

    These days, I need nothing but my loved ones, a text editor, a way to post what I create, a good book, simple plant-based food, a few clothes for warmth, and the outdoors.


  • 将某个东西拖放到其中一个文本之后单击旁边按钮然后就可以转换小部件

    After dragging something into one of these text boxes, you click the button next to it, and that something is turned into a widget.


  • 我们通过文本才能了解一些,我们不得而知东西含义

    We use a text to find meaning in something that we don't have available to us.


  • 不是文本在这包括了所有重要的东西无论如何都没有其它东西存在

    He didn't mean to say the text is here, the text contains everything that matters, and nothing else exists anyway.


  • 文本文档实实在在优点可以很容易地将一些东西写入文本文档而且快速搜索文本文档。

    Text has some concrete advantages too: you can get stuff into a text file quickly, and you can search text files quickly.


  • 可以一个WebURL内容表示任何东西,而不仅仅文本片段

    It can be anything with a Web URL and representation, not just a snippet of text.


  • ResourceBundle 中的字符串通常出现应用程序中的文本但是可以特定某个地区任何东西

    The strings in the ResourceBundle are usually the text that appears in the application, but they can be anything specific to a given locale.


  • 如果没有伟大的导师指点如何初学者应该开始东西像是英语语言文本分类特征检测一份工作

    If there isn't a great tutorial, can anyone give me Pointers to how a beginner should get started and do a good job with things like feature detection for English language Text Classification.


  • 文本编辑器撤销按钮或是备份文件进行过恢复人,体会电脑记住以前东西惊奇效果

    Anyone who has ever hit the "Undo" button in a text editor or recovered a backup file knows the wonders of having the computers remember things that are not currently relevant or immediately apparent.


  • 接着我们解决方案提炼标准文本精确描述东西

    Next we have to refine that solution into something precisely described in standards text.


  • 研究弥尔顿优秀学者们透露他们反对,研究文本那些不太有趣生动东西

    The good scholars of Milton reveal their typical resistance to anything even remotely interesting or alive in the text.


  • 研究弥尔顿优秀学者们透露他们反对,研究文本那些不太有趣生动东西

    The good scholars of Milton reveal their typical resistance to anything even remotely interesting or alive in the text.


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