• 特定语言社团特定的文化思维模式语言学界已经了共识

    A common recognition has been reached on the point that specific language community has specific cultural thinking mode.


  • 本文英语修辞,英民族文化思维模式以及英语系统功能语法角度分析了英语主题

    In this paper the issue of the topic sentence is analyzed from the viewpoints of the rhetoric, the cultural thought patterns and the functional sentence perspective.


  • 由于宇宙感知角度不同东方人西方人文化思维模式语言表达方式方面存在着差异

    Easterners and westerners, because of their different perceptions of the universe, differ in cultural thought patterns and the use of languages.


  • 科技容易开发,”,“开发需要新的态度文化思维模式转换另一个困难方面。”

    "Technology is easy to develop," he says. "Developing a new attitude, moving the culture from one mental model to another, that's the difficult part."


  • 介绍了中、西方两种不同文化思维模式进而六个方面思维方式语言系统影响进行了阐述

    The paper introduces differences between Chinese and western thinking models, and furthermore illustrates their great influence on the linguistic systems from six aspects.


  • 觉得尽管语言显然一个独特文化重要标志,但说语言组成语言使用者思维模式未免言过其实了。

    He suggests that, although languages are obviously key features of what make cultures distinct, it is a mistake to overstate how much they encode thought patterns unique to its speakers.


  • 不仅如此同一家公司工作意味着你们都是同样企业文化一部分,(一定程度上)具备相同知识思维模式

    Not only that, being part of the same company means you're part of a bigger culture, sharing same knowledge and thinking patterns (to a degree).


  • 中医中国古代文化思维模式当然相通

    Traditional Chinese Medicine is absolutely interrelated with ancient Chinese culture in the mode of thought.


  • 正是文化这种以关系本质认知模式背景下产生了此种寄放理性的思维方法

    This way of thinking breeds in the mode of thought that relationship is the essence of the world.


  • 游览世界探索新天地,可以改变生活使有机会接触新文化而且有助于你的思维模式形成

    Traveling the world and exploring new places can change your life. It exposes you to new cultures and can help shape your mindset.


  • 口译工作由于文化背景传统习惯以及行为思维模式不同容易引起误解和歧义。

    Misunderstanding often happens in interpretation due to different culture backgrounds, traditional habits and behaviour as well as thoughts mode, etc.


  • 由于民族差异语言思维模式差异,它们不同语言中所表现出来文化喻义也不同。

    Because of national difference and that of language and thinking model, they have cultural figurative meanings different from those of other languages.


  • 网络文化思维方式行为模式人格特质方面现代性延展发挥着不可忽视作用

    Network culture exerts an indispensable role in the stretch of modernity in such aspects as people's ways of thinking, behavior modes and personality idiosyncrasies.


  • 其中错误相对显著,际错误主要母语的负迁移(包括语言迁移文化迁移思维模式迁移)所造成。

    Interlingual error refers to the error due to transferring rules from mother tongue, including linguistic transfer, cultural transfer, and thought pattern transfer.


  • 文章文章主题入手,对英汉文章结构思维模式哲学文化渊源进行了分析

    This paper deeply analyzes the structure of English-Chinese article, mode of thinking and source of philosophy and culture from the top IC sentence.


  • 不同文化背景下学习者的学习风格思维模式不同,从而习得规则和顺序也不同

    Learners with different cultural background knowledge differ a lot in their thinking patterns and learning routes and styles. The difference can be investigated and explained.


  • 中西文化词汇成语篇章结构、思维模式历史等多方面存在异同

    There exist similarity and difference between Chinese and Western cultures in terms of vocabulary, idioms, discourses, thinking patterns and history.


  • 本文魂洋才”思维模式日本传统商业文化鹿儿岛地方文化三个方面说明稻盛哲学与日本传统文化关系

    This dissertation examines that relationship from three sides: the thought of "Japanese spirits, Western materials", Japanese traditional commercial culture and local culture of Kagoshima.


  • 不同地域文化思维模式哲学世界观两种语言存在差异根源语言总体差异又造就了两种语言衔接手段方面的差异。

    Different geographical cultures, thinking patterns and philosophical values are the roots of the language differences, which contribute to the differences in cohesive devices.


  • 对其哲学文化思想评析需要脱离纯粹激进主义思维模式

    It needs to jump out of the thinking mode of pure activism on evaluating the philosophy and cultural thoughts of Chen Duxiu.


  • 每个言语社团其特定历史、文化、风俗习惯、思维模式、道德观念、价值观念因素影响,语言使用规则也不尽相同。

    Influenced by various factors, such as culture, mode of thought and so on, each language differs from others in the way of expression.


  • 名字传递着反映时代趋势历史文化信息帮助人们形成意见想法思维模式

    Names convey historical and cultural information that reflects the trend of The Times and helps shape people's ideas and thoughts as well as ways of thinking.


  • 概念因素是指汉语英语概念系统冲突主要表现概念迁移、思维模式因素和文化因素。

    Conceptual factors refer to the conflict of Chinese and English conceptual systems, which are embodied as conceptual transfer, factors of thinking mode and factors of culture.


  • 东方主义西方试图控制东方一种思维模式,其中浸透强烈种族主义文化帝国主义倾向

    Orientalism is a way of thinking that helps the west control the east, and it is saturated with a strong sense of racism and cultural imperialism.


  • 研究日本文化重点研究日本人思维行为模式,对加强中日两国人民之间相互理解具有十分重要的意义。

    This paper maintains the importance of analysis on the mode of the thinking and the mode of behavior to approach the study on Japanese culture.


  • 中医中国古代文化思维模式当然相通

    Traditional Chinese Medicine is absolutely interrelated with ancient Chinese culture in the mode of thought. They share the following features.


  • 不同文化不同思维模式思维模式差异决定语篇结构的差异。

    Different cultures have different thought patterns. The differences of language thought pattern determine the differences of textual structure.


  • 犹太文化是犹太族历史境遇与历史进程中长期心理积淀思维方式行为模式交互作用下形成的。

    Jewish culture has evolved as a combination of long-term psychological deposit, the mode of thinking and behavior in the course of its history.


  • 犹太文化是犹太族历史境遇与历史进程中长期心理积淀思维方式行为模式交互作用下形成的。

    Jewish culture has evolved as a combination of long-term psychological deposit, the mode of thinking and behavior in the course of its history.


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