• 也许时候,欧亚大陆内部大草原上出现了独特游牧文化,这种文化主导地区几千历史

    Perhaps even earlier, there had emerged on the steppes of Inner Eurasia the distinctive types of pastoralism that were to dominate the region's history for several millennia.


  • 独立自主我们文化主导地位

    Total independence is a dominant thing in our culture.


  • 因此主导地位批判成为艺术史学家们所使用的方法一种专业性学术方法,致力于艺术品所创作时代文化背景下发现艺术品的意义”。

    Consequently, the dominant critical approach becomes that of the art historian, a specialized academic approach devoted to "discovering the meaning" of art within the cultural context of its time.


  • 销售专家再一告诉非洲贫困买不起个人电脑尤其是男性占主导地位的文化背景下,向个不是非洲人的女性买电脑。

    Once again the marketing experts told her African was too poor for personal computer products, especially if they were sold by a non-African female in a male-dominated culture.


  • 他们是否被要求接受德国主导文化正如一些保守派人士要求的那样?

    Will they be told to embrace the German Leitkultur (“leading culture”), as some conservatives demand?


  • 法国以及其他地方麦当劳是以美国主导全球化文化同一化的象征

    In France and elsewhere, McDonald's is emblematic of U.S.-driven globalization and the homogenization of cultures.


  • 关于自闭症天才拥有不可思议有时令人震惊天赋的观念流行文化中占有主导地位。

    The idea of the autistic savant, with prodigious, sometimes jaw-dropping, talents has taken hold in popular culture.


  • 我们今天生活一个娱乐——被名人主导文化里。

    Today we live in an entertainment - celebrity oriented culture.


  • 所以无论如何,allophilia应该被研究估量被鼓励,要记住通过国家主导文化事件来推广它(allophilia并非上上之选。

    So by all means, let allophilia be studied, measured and encouraged. Just remember: state-sponsored cultural events may not be the best way to go about it.


  • 美国这些公司Mattel这样的大公司比起来也许显得渺小,在欧洲,这些公司却是文化巨头,竞相争夺法国德国市场主导地位。

    These firms may be dwarfed in America by titans like Mattel, but in Europe they are cultural giants, vying for top spots in markets such as France and Germany.


  • 第一阶段由国家主导基础设施建设工业建设扩大粮食生产以及提供诸如教育健康文化基本权利

    The first phase was that of the state-sponsored building of infrastructure, industrialization, expansion of food production and provision of basic rights like education, health and civic amenities.


  • 但是本书优势抓住话题,它把诱惑根基描绘成了感性主导公众生活文化

    But its great merit is that it gets the topic right, sketching the background to a culture in which sensuality defines so much of public life.


  • 当前,托鲁瓦旅游业主导核心仍然地热相关的各式活动,游客不仅能体验近在咫尺的热水间歇泉沸腾泥浆,还能有机会与毛利文化作近距离接触

    Still central to Rotorua's tourism offering is its accessibility to thermal activity such as hot-water geysers and boiling mud pools, plus the opportunity to engage in Maori culture.


  • 其他不同,密西西比过去10年里人口增长并不研究人员表示,迁入人口并非导致文化改变主导因素

    And unlike in many states, Mississippi's population has not grown much over the last decade, suggesting to researchers that any change in culture is happening not primarily as a result of newcomers.


  • 并非由我主导全球化进程中,我们必须保持清醒头脑树立适应全球化时代的健康文化心态

    We must keep a cool head and attempt to foster a wholesome mind on culture to pick our steps on the inevitable course of globalization.


  • 文化交流方面主导白种人文化包括标准英语的交流模式直接眼神交流避免身体接触控制情绪等方面。

    In terms of cross-cultural communication, the dominant white culture includes communication patterns of Standard English, direct eye contact, limited physical contact, and controlled emotions.


  • 文化教学是以文化背景知识教学主导注重语言人文性”的外语教学。

    Cultural teaching is cultural background teaching oriented and it emphasizes the "humane aspect" in foreign language teaching.


  • 探索形成具有自己主导标志饰品文化形成品牌自己的价值理念争取同类消费者有效竞争手段

    Develop to from jewelry culture with own leading sign and to form brand with own valuable idea what is the effective means to shoot for the same customer.


  • 乡土文化负面价值批判构成河南作家主导文化品格

    The criticism of the negative value of local culture by Henan writers has become their leading cultural character.


  • 以“海纳百川有容乃大主导思想设计庄重典雅凸显主人文化内涵

    General Manager's Office: to "be tolerant to diversity tolerance is a virtue, " as the guiding ideology, design elegance, highlighting the cultural connotation of the owner.


  • 文化生活方式应当占据主导

    And whose culture and way of life should take precedence?


  • 目睹中国几千父权制统治以及由此带来男性主导文化专权后,人们也质疑:中国是否存在真正意义上的“女性艺术”?。

    After several thousand years' of patriarchic society and the consequent male-dominant culture, the existence of "Feminist Art" in its true sense in China is questioned, as it should be.


  • 本文德国鲁尔区整治重点范例分析文化再生理念主导各国城市更新的理念实践

    With Germany Ruhr Region as the key example, this article analyzes the concept and practice of urban renewal under the guide of cultural regeneration concept.


  • 当今社会已进入个以视觉文化主导时代,“视觉”图像”的转向问题已成为继“语言学的转向”之后又一个热门话题

    We are currently in The Times when visual culture gain its domination, and the visual and image turn is another hot topic after academic discussion on linguistics turn.


  • 当今社会已进入个以视觉文化主导时代,“视觉”图像”的转向问题已成为继“语言学的转向”之后又一个热门话题

    We are currently in The Times when visual culture gain its domination, and the visual and image turn is another hot topic after academic discussion on linguistics turn.


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