• 文件结论是婴儿儿童产妇死亡率风险母亲年龄太小已经几个孩子怀孕有关

    The document concludes that the high risk of infant, child, and maternal mortality is associated with pregnancies where mothers are too young, too old, or have already had several children.


  • 就是属性文件用于可翻译文本运行时参数化风险

    That is the risk of mixing the use of properties files for translatable text and runtime parameterization.


  • 今后20年间一个体系过渡充满风险,”这份文件宣告

    "The next 20 years of transition to a new system are fraught with risks," the document declared.


  • 如果说平台提供终结清除打开文件大大降低忘记式地关闭这些句柄的风险为什么更多使用终结器呢?

    If the platform libraries provide finalizers for cleaning up open file handlers, which greatly reduces the risk of forgetting to close them explicitly, why aren't finalizers used more often?


  • 爱迪生上个月地震海啸风险评估初步报告上交公用事业委员会然而文件缺少委员会所要求三维地震分析

    Edison turned in its initial report on earthquake and, tsunami risks to the utilities commission last month, but the document lacked the three-dimensional seismic analysis that the agencies requested.


  • 下面健康风险状况评分规则传统实现,它使用了一个加密文件

    Below is traditional implementation of a health risk profile scoring rule using a cryptic file.


  • 这些日子里演示报告公开文件中充斥警告风险提示

    These days, presentations and offering documents are stuffed with warnings and risk disclaimers.


  • 风险部老总带领团队再加上思·艾伦公司协助,美国银行正在筛选数以千计内部文件估计泄密事件可能带来的影响。

    A team led by the chief risk officer, and helped by Booz Allen, a consultancy, is sifting through thousands of internal documents to gauge the impact of their release.


  • 举例来说,希望一个更新单个文件进程多次执行因为可能带来文件处理过程中被损坏风险

    For example, you would not want a process that updates a single file to be executed multiple times, because you would risk the file getting corrupted in the process.


  • 文档文件程序文件分开可以降低安装升级程序意外删除文档风险

    By separating document files and program files you reduce the risk of accidentally deleting your documents when you install or upgrade programs.


  • 可以通过禁用Web应用程序中的文件服务目录浏览来进一步限制内容服务不适当风险

    You can further limit the risk of inappropriate serving of content by disabling file serving and directory browsing in your Web applications.


  • 采用同样方式(编辑一个公共文件),这会使得部署变得复杂起来,可以减少应用程序获得不恰当权限风险

    That complicates deployment in same ways (editing a common file), but reduces the risk of an application obtaining inappropriate permissions.


  • 依赖文件本身引用模式(通过doctype语句schemalocation属性)的应用程序有一定风险

    Applications that rely on the file itself to reference the schema (through a DOCTYPE statement or through a schemaLocation attribute) are at risk.


  • 为了减轻风险雅虎数据复制多个群集因此分布式文件系统中断可以使用备份文件系统来弥补和解决。

    To mitigate that, Yahoo replicates data to multiple clusters, so an outage of one distributed file system can be compensated for by using a backup file system.


  • 不必牢记特定文件不必承担键入目录文件路径时拼写错误的风险

    You don't have to remember a particular file name, or risk typos in directory or file paths.


  • 可能不想深入文件系统底层了解这些东西,本文介绍的技术对于理解文件系统的使用异常重要因为存在数据丢失风险

    You may not have wanted to get so in-depth with your file system but the techniques covered here are pretty important to understand particularly because there is a risk of data corruption.


  • 这些文件结论,这类风险调整得来的跑与其说是修整不如说是进一步下跌风险

    The conclusion reached by the papers I've read is that the risk-adjusted outperformance more than makes up for the additional downside risk.


  • 然而WMO这些风险始终有清醒的意识。 1986年,WMO出版了第99号技术文件,题为《重大核战争可能带来的气候后果》,该文件子孙后代将是一份具有历史意义参考文献

    WMO was however always aware of the risks and the 1986 WMO Technical Document No 99 - Possible Climatic Consequences of a Major Nuclear War - shall remain a historic reference for future generations.


  • 注意排除任何文件之前,记住改动任何默认安全设置风险的!或许你应该关掉页面然后离开

    Note: Before you start excluding any files, you keep in mind that changing any of the default security settings could be risky, and you should probably close the browser tab and run away.


  • 我们今天就是阐明如何通过排除某些操作频繁的文件来使系统提速,且无需额外风险

    What we're going to do today is explain how you can exclude certain folders with write-heavy operations to speed up your PC without putting yourself into extra danger.


  • 这种复制操作本身存在一定的陷井,即对活动文件系统进行复制可能风险的,特别是打开了多个文件的情况下。

    Such a copy is not without its traps -- copying a live file system can be risky, especially if there are open files.


  • 上述政策处于关键时期这些文件的出台非常清晰点出期间的代价风险所在,显然做出相应的调整确保政策保持在正确轨道上也因此变得非常必要

    Those policies are at a critical stage and these documents may very well underscore the stakes and make the calibrations needed to get the policy right.


  • 为了不要运行软件文件覆盖风险

    This is so you do not run the risk of the software overwriting your file.


  • 文件内容主要包括通用破产重组进程、目前公司金融项目、所有权归属以及IPO过程当中可能遇到一系列风险评估因素

    GM will cite bankruptcy, steps completed in restructuring, financial projections, details of ownership and a large set of risk factors in the document, one of the sources said.


  • 文件还说道,商业用途航空飞船发射着陆时机毁人亡风险应该高于千分之一。

    The document states that the risk of losing a crew during launching or landing on a commercially provided spaceship should be no more than one-in-1, 000.


  • 考虑一点重要,因为发布检测后的文件可能组织带来安全风险

    This is important to consider because shipping files that have been instrumented can expose your organization to a security risk.


  • 每次更改文件,你也冒着意外地增加更多错误风险

    Every time you make a change to a file, you run the risk of accidentally making more mistakes.


  • 文件重要部分附录1提供风险管理总结(RMS)的样例,其中以表格方式列出ICHQ3D指南中的24个元素

    An important part of the document is the Annex 1 providing the example of a risk management summary (RMS) which lists the 24 elements of the ich Q3D guideline in a table.


  • 文件重要部分附录1提供风险管理总结(RMS)的样例,其中以表格方式列出ICHQ3D指南中的24个元素

    An important part of the document is the Annex 1 providing the example of a risk management summary (RMS) which lists the 24 elements of the ich Q3D guideline in a table.


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