• 需要具备基于有效整合信息其他二级市场调研资源进行分析提出深思熟虑的建议能力

    The ability to perform analysis and make thoughtful recommendations based on available syndicated data and other secondary market research sources is required.


  • 并购企业内外部资源融合过程,企业提升市场竞争力重要途径竞争力的根源在于资源共享整合创造协同效应。

    It's the important approach of improving the market competitive power, which is rooted in the synergistic effect that created by resource share and integration.


  • 熟悉品牌管理建立整合媒体相关资源熟知市场

    Familiar with brand management, brand establishment, layout of media and resources, acumen and insight of the market.


  • 我们通过针对供应链资源充分调度整合;规模化生产以及迅速的市场反应来确保优异的供货价格

    Integrate and schedule the resources of supply chain, together with manufacturing process and timely market feedback, we offer our suppliers a favorable price.


  • 另外一方面,就整合必要性来说本文还从外在的角度大学英语课程设置市场需求以及资源优化等来探讨。

    On the other hand, in terms of the necessity of integration, this paper concerns about the external areas such as college English curriculum setup, the market demand, and optimization of resources.


  • 卡夫希望通过收购整合两家市场资源

    Kraft also hopes the acquisition and integration of resources both in the market.


  • 整合资源个别企业传制造家具难以推动全国市场

    Unconformity resources, individual enterprises Chuan-made furniture it would be difficult to push the national market.


  • 为了适应现代环境下市场需求企业必须协调整合资源提升整个供应链竞争力

    To meet the market demand for the modern environment, enterprises must coordinate and integrate resources to improve the competitiveness of the entire supply chain.


  • 企业必须采取基于核心能力内外部资源整合手段参与市场竞争取得竞争优势

    Enterprises based on core competencies must be taken within the means of integration of external resources, to participate in market competition, gain a competitive edge.


  • 应用企业资源计划(erp)最终目的重新整合业务流程快速响应市场从而提高企业竞争力

    Use enterprise resources to plan (enterprise resource Planning, erp), the final purpose is to combine the business procedure again, Respond the market fast, thus improve enterprise's competitiveness.


  • 对于目的地市场一方面全岛统一规划整合旅游资源一方面创造“聚焦点”,引导淡季旅游消费。

    For destination market, on the one hand, the whole island should be unified planned, integrating tourist resources, on the other hand, creating "focal point", guiding tourist during the off-season.


  • 一般操作型CRM重视整合企业内部资源不能快速捕捉外部市场变化

    General Operational CRM only pays attention to combining resources inside enterprises and can't catch the turn of the market outside fast.


  • 双方通过整合先进技术资源医疗信息行业开拓广阔的市场

    The both sides will develop a broader market in medical information industry by integration of advanced technology resources.


  • 过程使我们看到:在于“文学精神”的资源整合系统——近代出版市场很大程度上参与了现代文学史建构

    This process demonstrated that the publishing market, though outside the discourse of "literary spirit," played an indispensable role in the construction of modern Chinese literature.


  • 这些研究尝试目的不仅仅资金技术管理市场资源进行整合重要体制、新系统的建立和输出

    Our trying and purpose is not merely the merge of the resources, such as fund, technology, management, market etc, the most important thing is to output a kind of new systems.


  • 国际资本冲击引起结构企业资源整合重组国内结构市场产生动荡。

    International capital compact will lead to the reallocation of industry resources, and domestic steel construction will fluctuate.


  • ASP网络化制造平台通过相关企业提供应用服务实现企业间的资源整合促进优势互补,从而促进企业的竞争力市场相应能力。

    Network Manufacturing Platform based on ASP provides application services to the enterprises, it can help enterprises realize resources conformity and have predominance.


  • 企业激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,就必须一种全新管理理念管理手段,计算机毕业设计对内部外部资源进行有效整合

    Enterprises, which want to put themselves in an invincible position must find out a new management concept and management approaches, and effectively integrate its internal and external resources.


  • 市场营销渠道企业重要资源之一因此营销渠道整合成为企业关注的焦点。

    Marketing channel is one of the important resources in business, so the integration of marketing channels is the main focus for enterprise.


  • 运用互联网思维,全面整合海运空运、专线快递、跨国小包海外仓储金融、代理采购等市场资源跨境电商综合服务更加便利、高效、省心。

    We integrated sea, air transportation, express, packet service, overseas warehousing, finance service resources to make our service more competitive and convenient.


  • 根据中国联通中国网通现状特点,整合企业资源,研究设计重组融合中国联通品牌战略产品战略、渠道战略、市场营销策略

    Thirdly, based on the status of China Unicom and China Netcom, we design the brand strategy, product strategy, channel strategy and marketing strategy after the two companies' merging.


  • 根据中国联通中国网通现状特点,整合企业资源,研究设计重组融合中国联通品牌战略产品战略、渠道战略、市场营销策略

    Thirdly, based on the status of China Unicom and China Netcom, we design the brand strategy, product strategy, channel strategy and marketing strategy after the two companies' merging.


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