• 事实上我们现在认为所在的星球整体,这并不意味着我们星球拯救”能靠着全球天才之举技术就能实现。

    The fact that we now imagine our planet as a whole does not mean that the "rescue" of our planet will come with one big global stroke of genius and technology.


  • 整体而言,全球经济明年增速有可能下滑3%以下,普遍将速度视为经济进入衰退期。

    Taken as a whole, though, growth in the world economy seems likely to slow below 3% next year-a pace that many count as recessionary.


  • 看来全球经济变得不那么美国为中心了,全球繁荣有助于美国战胜严重房地产萧条不会造成整体经济的衰退

    In my opinion, the world economy has become less US-centric, and the global boom will help the us to overcome its severe housing recession without an economy-wide recession.


  • 但是作为整体美国无法免于全球人民的(反对)。

    But the United States as a whole has not been spared from global public opinion.


  • 鉴于眼下全球整体不景气的局面,是个好消息。

    That's good news, given the overall global downturn.


  • 那些全球经济看好主管相比,整体信心(指数)高出19.3个百分点。

    Overall confidence, measured as the balance of executives who think the global economy will improve, over those who expect it to worsen, is at 19.3 percentage points.


  • 人为造成全球气候变暖首批整体群落疏散——卡特里特居民正在全体撤离。

    The first evacuation of an entire community due to manmade global warming is happening on the Carteret islands.


  • 这种企业颠覆了家长带领一国际小朋友的模式,将战略管理运营作为一个全球化的整体来操作。

    Rather than have a parent with lots of Mini-Mes around the world, such a firm shapes its strategy, management and operations as a single global entity.


  • 而言之,微软互联网标准形式整体观点正在发生改变,并且选择顺应全球趋势。

    In other words, Microsoft is changing its entire view of standards and formats, and is opting to work with the rest of the world.


  • 对于作为整体发达经济体衰退之后全球金融危机1930年来影响最大的一次。

    For the advanced economies as a whole, the slump that followed the global financial crisis was by far the deepest since the 1930s.


  • 经济学警告说金融市场确定性已经蔓延整体经济,包括亚洲经济,因此全球经济可能会急速走软。

    Economists are now warning of a sharp downturn in the global economy as financial market uncertainties spill over to the general economy, including Asia.


  • 近年来运输成本降低数字化分割了全球供应链,使产业各个生产工序分布多个国家产业整体迁移

    But more recently, rather than industries moving en bloc, cheaper transport and digitalisation have sliced up supply chains and distributed the various stages of production around several countries.


  • 美国房地产危机已经成为全球恐慌事件;最近七月,深陷泥沼的整体经济可能处于近几十年来严重的衰退

    America's housing crisis has become a global financial panic; the economy, which was muddling along as recently as July, may be in its deepest recession in decades.


  • 频道(利润丰厚)整体一致避免廉价观点”而著称,而且对手报道更多全球新闻。

    He says his (highly profitable) channel is known for "integrity and avoiding cheap opinion", and for providing more global coverage than its rivals.


  • 这些活动《2006至2015年全球免疫远景战略目标提供支持许多国家通过此项战略并将作为免疫的整体战略框架

    These activities support the goals of the Global Immunization Vision and Strategy 2006-2015, which has been adopted by many countries as an overarching strategic framework for immunization.


  • 虽然这一过程会令部分人感到痛苦,然而它却使欧盟成为有竞争力整体,同时也将全球所带来收益散布欧洲每一个角落

    The process, though wrenching to some, made the European Union as a whole more competitive and spread the benefits of global trade to every corner of Europe.


  • 祖里格:“美国介入表明作为一个整体的金融系统稳定性面临风险全球金融系统可能再次受到威胁。”

    "The intervention from the U.S. has also shown, at least a risk that the stability of the financial system as a whole - the global financial system - might be under threat again," he said.


  • 齐弥特纳注解说很多以前的研究研究了1850年至今时期的变化,因此全球规模上来说,没有考虑到气候这个属于整体数据

    Schmittner notes that many previous studies only looked at periods spanning from 1850 to today, thus not taking into account a fully integrated paleoclimate data on a global scale.


  • 星期之前发生了一件重大事件人为全球变暖造成恶果,世界上首批居民整体迁移开始了。

    Two weeks ago a momentous event occurred: the beginning of the world's first evacuation of an entire people as a result of manmade global warming.


  • 存储芯片的市场低迷始于2007年初预示去年半导体整体行业困境金融危机引发全球经济衰退之后,半导体行业的低迷状态愈加恶化。

    The memory downturn that began in early 2007 foreshadowed last year's broader industry troubles, which became worse after the financial-industry crisis led to global recession.


  • 全球需求降低整体出口增速季度衡量,服装鞋类钢铁出口降幅高于电器出口。

    Weaker global demand has crimped growth across the board, but on a quarterly basis, exports of clothing, shoes and steel all fell far more sharply than electrical goods.


  • 全球需求降低整体出口增速季度衡量,服装鞋类钢铁出口降幅高于电器出口。

    Weaker global demand has crimped growth across the board, but on a quarterly basis, exports of clothing, shoes and steel all fell far more sharply than electrical goods.


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