• 研究结果幼儿能力培养促进提供参考依据。

    The results will be of benefit to the training program for promoting number ability in preschoolers.


  • 雕塑一样连续小时保持静止能力

    He has this ability of being able to remain as motionless as a statue, for hours on end.


  • 倘若的差距足够人类可以轻松区分大小,那么动物们也具备这样能力吗?

    Humans can do this with ease - providing the ratio is big enough - but do other animals share this ability?


  • 有时候雇主这点帽子能力即使是经济最佳时期很多专业人士都会身兼

    Sometimes employers will call this the "ability to wear many hats." Most professionals have multiple job duties even in the best of times.


  • 第一来自《民记》14片段展示摩西,盛怒的上帝平静的能力

    The first excerpt is from Numbers 14, and it shows Moses' ability to placate the wrath of God.


  • 记住代以来,联邦发债问题上,我们一直非常小心保持着让整体债务水平明显低于美国经济借款能力

    Remember, over the generations, we have been very careful to keep the total level of debt well below the borrowing capacity of our economy so far as federal issuance is concerned.


  • 品种不同颜色,不同的味道抗病性也各不相同,由于它能力生存周,而在辆货车正在整个欧洲一半着。

    There are hundreds of varieties, differing in colour, taste, resistance to disease, and ability to survive for weeks in a lorry while being lugged across half of Europe.


  • 某种意义上说,不是我们化学知识-他要考的是,我们把一大堆特定事情大脑能力,以及考试周突击啃书本的能力

    In a sense, he wasn't testing our chemical knowledge - he was testing our ability to stuff lots of peculiar facts into our head, to cram for weeks for a curved exam.


  • 早前研究对象是年龄较大儿童能力关系图斯的研究团队对象则是200名平均年龄4岁的低龄儿童。

    Past research has associated number sense with math ability in older children, but the Libertus and her team's study involved 200 younger children with an average age of 4.


  • 所以睿都巴若那试图证明自己能力那边只需根枝杈叶子,就估算树上叶子的总

    So Rituparna tries to prove to him his abilities and he says, see that tree there, I can estimate how many leaves there are on that tree by counting leaves on one branch.


  • 由于担心上市公司利润增长减缓新股发行超过市场承受能力沪深300指今年以来下挫了39%。

    The CSI 300 had dropped as much as 39 percent this year on concern earnings growth will slow and new additional share sales will overwhelm demand.


  • 也许许多一样为了延缓年龄渐长引起认知能力衰退,时常进行脑力锻炼”,比如玩游戏。

    Maybe you are among the many people who do "brain exercises" like sudoku to slow the cognitive decline associated with aging.


  • 许多会发现独是一个有趣令人上瘾的游戏此外可以帮助提高解决问题能力

    Most people find Sudoku a fun and addictive game, plus it can help improve your problem-solving skills (just not your overall brain health).


  • 其他系统能力轻而易举地忽略这里或者那里兆字节MVP必须竭力保持一切最小。

    Other systems can more easily afford to be careless with a couple of megabytes here or there; the MVP really has to work very hard on keeping everything small.


  • 按照两个国家能力 (日产),生产量有待猜测

    The level of the oil field in terms of production (barrels per day) that the two countries will be able to produce is still a matter of speculation.


  • 虽然预测贫困率可能将降至DevarajanNabi承认地区实现预测能力取决于应对处理某些艰巨挑战能力

    And in making the forecast of single digit poverty levels, Devarajan and Nabi, admit the region's ability to make it a reality hinges on it meeting and dealing with some big challenges.


  • 受惠摩尔定律带来CPU计算能力增加每个节点任务了一倍。

    Doubled the number of jobs per node, benefitting from increased CPU power due to Moore's law.


  • 一个现实主义者硕士没有画家已经超越了能力抓住本质特征修复他们帆布广泛肯定

    He was a master realist, and no painter has surpassed him in the ability to seize essential features and fix them on canvas with a few broad, sure strokes.


  • 提高观察能力增长记忆力

    Can improve the ability to observe, to increase memory.


  • 先进的水平扩展能力自动布置统一管理结合在一起,客户能够方便、快捷地存储基础设施扩展Pb级

    Its advanced scale out capability coupled with automated data placement and unified management enables customers to rapidly expand storage infrastructure to multiple petabytes with minimal efforts.


  • 没有Marketplace系统以及这样应用可能拥有能力)应用程序是否可用另一个未知

    Whether applications will be available without the Marketplace system (and what capabilities such applications might have) is another unknown.


  • 能力实际上是从出生时开始有了,新生儿所有刺激物中最喜欢的是人的脸庞,而且,宝宝能够模仿面部表情

    The ability to read minds actually begins at birth, newborns prefer faces to any other stimulus, and babies just a few weeks old are able to imitate facial expressions.


  • 哈里斯联盟最好渗透型球员一直期待着这样进攻体系中自由释放自己的能力好好大展一番拳脚

    Harris is the best seepage player who in the alliance ranks among the best, he has been anticipating can release own ability freely in such attack system, well a big exhibition fist foot.


  • 本文提出了分形估计的子波函方法理论计算机模拟实验表明方法不仅实现简单,而且具有较强噪声抑制能力

    Wavelet - based method is proposed to estimate fractal dimension. It is shown in theory and in experiment that the new method is simple to implement and robust to noises.


  • 罗非鱼能够繁殖代,生殖能力很强。

    Tilapia are very fertile, and reproduce several offspring every year.


  • 罗非鱼能够繁殖代,生殖能力很强。

    Tilapia are very fertile, and reproduce several offspring every year.


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