• 德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校帕克他的同事证明学习编织数码摄影可以增强老年记忆功能

    Park of the University of Texas at Dallas and colleagues demonstrated that learning to knit or do digital photography enhanced memory function in older adults.


  • 视网膜上面附有很多的感受器,这类似于数码相机芯片像素点。它们可以分为细胞细胞两个大类。

    The light sensitive receivers are found on the retina and can be likened to the pixels of a digital camera chip and are separated out into two sorts: rods and cones.


  • 镜头对准赞叹山峰或者蜿蜒曲折河流,按下快门后去看数码相机显示屏幕——淘气的树像牧羊那样站在那里遮挡了你的镜头。

    You aim at some astonishing peak or a swerve of the river, then examine the screen on the back of your digital camera. A rogue, blurring tree has dived across like a goalkeeper to block your shot.


  • 名为“播放按钮”装置源于这样一个现状,厌倦CD又发现下载数码音乐并不能完全满足

    Called the Playbutton, the new device came out of the facts that people were tired with CDs, but finding digital music downloads not entirely satisfying.


  • 他们开发了一种可以分析数码图像视频的软件,该软件可以面部表情进行识别分类

    Its software can analyse digital images, including video, to recognise and classify facial expressions.


  • 目睹了太多的普通普通房屋租赁官司却耗费了3年时间离婚案子苦不堪言,现在演变成了数码消耗战

    She has seen ordinary landlord-tenant disputes take three years, and divorce cases that might have been merely bitter, but are now digital wars of attrition.


  • 然而这样数据数码音乐历史上难以捉摸。

    Yet those kinds of numbers have remained elusive throughout the history of digital music.


  • 对于年轻的“数码土著”一极其冷漠,而这一代使用博客其他网络工具电话一样自然

    Is indifferent to the young "digital native" generation, who use blogs and other web tools as naturally as you use a telephone.


  • 几乎没有去过学校因为自己客户们,我更愿意进行数码艺术创作一个呆着。

    I almost didn't go to school at all, because I had my own clients and I prefer being alone when I make digital arts.


  • 这些场景有些数码相机发指坦率拍摄下来,上周世界大报纸、杂志,甚至是电视上一遍一遍地播放

    Those scenes, caught in shocking candor by someone's digital camera, played over and over last week in the world's newspapers and magazines and across the airwaves.


  • 凯夫距离丹麦繁忙的地铁车站数码酒店住宿,不得不让猜测可能类似的计划

    Mr Doukaiev had lodged in a hotel just yards from Denmark's busiest underground station, leading to speculation he may have had similar designs.


  • 红外线摄影数码相机使用胶片传感器图像传感器红外光感光能让相机拾取不可见任何光线

    In infrared photography, the film or image sensor used within a digital camera is sensitive to infrared lighting, which allows the camera to pick up any light that's invisible to the human eye.


  • 虽然有些没有把“数码毒品”当回事不过考虑这种行为可能会引导青少年尝试实体毒品,美国一些地区已经发布预警防止青少年使用数码毒品”。

    Not everyone is taking i-Dosing seriously, but since it could indicate a willingness to experiment with real drugs, warnings have been issued in some parts of the us to prevent children to do it.


  • 星星数码执行制片史蒂芬D .卡茨说:“即是这样,星星数码雇佣一流程序员方面不能赶上西方世界级的动画公司。”

    Even so, Xing Xing "can't approach world-class Western animation companies in terms of employing top-notch programmers," said Steven D. Katz, executive producer at Xing Xing.


  • 6月,他们一名苏格兰学生组成5小组,共同参加苏格兰举行的“挑战数码时代2009”总决赛

    Next month the designers will team up with a Scottish student to go for gold in the 2009 Dare to be Digital grand final.


  • 创始之一、现任从事手机游戏开发制作数码巧克力公司行政总裁的Trip Hawkins,“iPhone一个先行者。

    The iPhone was a harbinger, ” said Trip Hawkins, a founder of Electronic Arts and now chief executive of Digital Chocolate, which makes games for cellphones.


  • 数码策略咨询公司AltimeterGroup合伙耶利米·欧阳(Jeremiah Owyang)只要不是过于推广公司品牌类公司推出的生活网站会受到欢迎。

    Jeremiah Owyang, a partner at the Altimeter Group, a digital strategy consulting firm, said company-generated lifestyle sites could be effective as long as they did not push the brands too hard.


  • 展览组织者王辉为此组织了400多位数码艺术家花费时间,总投入为5000万民币

    The exhibition's organiser Wang Hui spent two years preparing the collection with a team of over 400 digital artists, at a cost of around 50m yuan.


  • 当然Kindle并不是市面上唯一电子书阅读器一个同样也提供iPad这样滑不留手又聪明强大的平板电脑数码产品市场上,有些不免考虑Kindle是否物有所值

    Of course, the Kindle isn’t the only e-reader out there, and in a digital marketplace that also offers slick tablet computers, like the iPad, some might wonder whether the Kindle is worth it.


  • 我们开始之前,我们应该首先一个问题既然小型数码相机得多、并且价格容易让接受,为什么还有那么想要单反呢?

    Before we get down to business it's worth stopping for a moment to ask the question: why would anyone want a digital SLR when compact digital cameras are so much smaller, lighter and more affordable?


  • 唯一数据转发一个数码照片生平资料

    The only data transmitted will be a person's digital picture and biographical information.


  • 彩色的,知道现在有钱喜欢数码电视所以家里地方放。

    It is a color TV. You know, the rich people like the digital one now. So they have no room fot them.


  • 配合大型数码显示装置可供上百进行实验。

    Connected with large scale digital display system, many a one can do experiment simultaneously.


  • 实验表明MAP算法可以有效地降低汉语数码语音识别适应误识,而且对非自适应性能影响很小

    The experiment shows that the MAP algorithm can considerably reduce the error rate of Mandarin digital speech recognition on the adapted speaker and cause little influence on the non-adapted speakers.


  • 有些消费者渴望生活数码云端之上我们却依然看重实际中的接触

    We're told consumers want to live in a digital cloud but still value the importance of physical touch.


  • 有些消费者渴望生活数码云端之上我们却依然看重实际中的接触

    We're told consumers want to live in a digital cloud but still value the importance of physical touch.


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