• 在大学学费计算器输入,然后对着网络出来的六倒抽一口——很少其他在线活动这种活动能让人清醒了

    There are few more sobering online activities than entering data into college-tuition calculators and gasping as the Web spits back a six-figure sum.


  • 表示全面投产究竟矿物沉积层造成怎样影响必须注入什么样天然混合物才能维持生产都是未知

    What is still unknown, he says, is how full production will affect the deposits, and what mixture of gases and water must be injected to maintain their output.


  • 年后回到家,不再那个能翻山越岭扛着沉重化石一口行走英里健康小伙儿了。

    After five years he was home. He was never again the healthy young man who climbed mountains and carried heavy bags of fossils for miles.


  • 俄罗斯天然工业公司投下赌注它买下位于墨西哥湾古巴水域四个石油开发区块公司计划明年古巴沿海地区开始钻井施工

    Russia’s Gazprom bought a stake in four oil-exploration blocks in Cuban waters in the Gulf of Mexico. Several companies plan to begin drilling off Cuba next year.


  • 现在俄罗斯人和波兰人很可能喝伏特加一样一口啤酒喝光

    Russians and Poles are these days almost as likely to be found downing bottles of beer as shots of vodka.


  • 勘探不足该国潜在石油天然储量在很大程度上仍是个未知

    A lack of exploration means the country's oil and gas potential remains largely unknown.


  • 康涅狄格州米德尔敦一家天然发电厂发生爆炸,形成如同地震一般的冲击波,影响达英里

    An explosion rocked a natural-gas power plant Sunday in Middletown, Conn., sending earthquake-like shock waves miles away.


  • 得到了相和液相,摩尔的表达式。

    And I derived an expression for the ratio of the number of moles in the gas and liquid phases.


  • 本文提出一种计算效率高基于叠加修正策略多重网格控制方法解决轴承很大导轨形状复杂承载问题

    A computationally efficient multigrid control volume method based additive correction strategy is developed for the solution of the very high bearing number and shaped rail air bearing problems.


  • 螺旋通过间隙相互作用产生涡流因此,涡流取决于相应中心螺旋线方位

    Helical port also produces swirl by airflow interaction of valve gap and cylinder wall, so swirl number depends on helical line direction of relevant cylinder center.


  • 探讨了磁极永磁材料工作温度退磁屏蔽罩对永磁齿轮传递最大影响

    The influence on the maximum transmittable torque from the number of magnetic poles, air gap, permanent materials, operating temperature, demagnetization and magnetic masking is studied.


  • 扬声器发射声音频率1000赫兹放置平面反映一个大型会议厅载有天然

    A loudspeaker which emits sound of frequency 1000 Hz is placed several meters from a plane reflecting wall in a large chamber containing a gas.


  • 采用高温相色谱法测定橡胶防护蜡中的正构烷烃非正构烷烃含量

    Carbon distribution and content of normal alkane and isoalkane in rubber waxes are measured by using high temperature gas chromatography.


  • 微马达结构磁场转子厚度、转子写入磁极定子绕组微马达输出力矩影响进行了分析和讨论。

    The effects of structure, gap magnetic field, rotor thickness, magnetic pole Numbers of rotor and winding layers of stator of the micromotor on it's output torque are discussed in detail.


  • 试验研究径向涡流面积套筒扩张等参双旋装置态流影响

    The effects of swirl number of primary swirler and radial swirler, area ratio and sleeve divergence angle on the cold flow field of double swirl air intake were investigated.


  • 脾虚升高哮喘机体组织局部白介素4浓度嗜酸性粒细胞

    Spleen-deficiency can raise the level of IL-4 and the Eos count in the lung tissue.


  • 研究结果表明增大射流出口雷诺增大射流速比均能提高可吸入颗粒清除效率

    The experimental results showed that the removal efficiency increased with increasing Reynolds number of jet exit and flow ration of jet-crossflow.


  • 为了探求固两相湍流射流特性,研究了不同雷诺固两相湍射流的影响

    To study the characteristics of the gas-particle turbulent round jet, the effects of Reynolds number on the round jet were investigated.


  • 该预旋情况下,雷诺盘面平均赛尔特影响大于旋转雷诺

    The cooling flow rate have more effects on average nu number than rotating speed in this pre-swirl Angle.


  • 利用分形维定量表征催化剂形状不规则程度其中进行的-固相催化反应进行分析计算。

    The fractal theory was introduced into the gas solid catalytic reaction system to describe the influence of the surface irregularity of catalyst on the gas solid catalytic reaction.


  • 对半水煤进水量理论全面进行计算分析比较

    This article makes an overall calculation, analysis and comparison for water feed and theoretical tray number of half-water gas scrubber.


  • 及其大小加大而增加。

    The number and size of these bubbles increase with rise in gas velocity.


  • 利用相位多普勒PDPA)系统研究了不同下突扩旋风筒两相湍流特性的变化规律。

    The dilute gas-particle flows in a cyclone chamber with axial and tangential inlers of different swirl numbers were studied by using a Phase-Doppler Particle Anemometer(PDPA).


  • 实验发现雷诺流量较大的影响

    It is found in the experiments that film hole Reynolds number and Rib Angle have great influence on film hole discharge coefficients.


  • 渗透率裂缝宽度、微观均质系、相对分选系和可流体体积百分都有明显幂律关系。

    The effects of porous microstructure features on porosity and permeability, volume percentage of mobile fluid and pressure sensitivity were also analyzed.


  • 在这里对应一个马赫之一流速等于当地音速特别是天然

    Here the gas velocity corresponds to a Mach number of one, denoting that the flow velocity is equal to the local speed of sound of the particular gas.


  • 12t基准华白得到可以替代天然作为补充应急源。

    The gas mixture prepared according to Wobbe index of 12t reference gas can replace natural gas as a supplemental gas source or emergency gas source.


  • 颗粒雷诺较小范围内,针对不同密度材料颗粒相湍流的调制规律进行实验研究

    This article makes an experimental study of gas-phase turbulence modulation by particles with different material density in small particle Reynolds number range.


  • 计算模拟了26个每个截面的网格达到200个,计算包括了供

    The computational domain were extended to the coolant supply plenum, and two rows of 26 film cooling holes were simulated, with about 200 cells across each orifice cross-section.


  • 栽培法促进马铃薯开花,其现蕾开花花粉生活明显优于田间栽培

    By aeroponics, potato inflorescences were promoted effectively, and the number of flower buds and flowers, and pollen fertility were much superior to those of plants growing in field.


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