• 现在可以使JSF表达式生效核查数据类型,将JSF标签JSF配置文件连接起来,等等

    It can now validate JSF expressions, check data types, link JSF tags with JSF configuration files, and much more.


  • 连接它的所有虚拟化存储提供单一管理接口可以不同类型设备执行数据复制

    It provides a single management interface for all virtualized storage connected to it and data replications across heterogeneous devices are also possible.


  • 支持何种类型数据连接

    What kind of data connection is supported?


  • 一般而言,UI设计根据数据连接类型动态调整

    In general, the UI is designed to adapt dynamically based on the type of data connection.


  • 不同类型和数目的服务器——应用程序HTTP门户LDAP数据库——连接在一起,可能使人感到畏惧

    The different types and Numbers of serversapplication, HTTP, portal, LDAP, and database-can seem like a daunting set of connecting parts.


  • 连接个人数据——你的位置饮食习惯,电影场次类型

    It will connect to your personal data - your location, your dining and film preferences.


  • 连接不同类型比如通过JDBC连接数据JMS连接以及通过J2C资源适配器连接其他任何外部资源。

    There are different types of connections, such as connecting to a database via JDBC, JMS connections, as well as connections to any other external resource connected via a J2C resource adapter.


  • odbc函数4种主要类型用于连接查询提取数据错误报告函数。

    There are four main types of ODBC functions: functions for connection, querying, fetching data, and error reporting.


  • 这些原生应用利用CPUGPU绘制动画并且可以通过LiveBindings任意数据类型进行连接

    These native applications make use of the CPU and GPU to draw the animations and can be connected to any data type through LiveBindings.


  • 通过不断增加数据格式协议传输支持MessageBroker增加能够连接一起现有应用程序类型数量

    By continually increasing its data format, protocol, and transport support, Message Broker increases the number of existing application types that can be connected to together.


  • 根据会话连接LotusDomino数据返回类型可能有所不同

    Depending on the session's connection, the type of Lotus Domino data returned may be different.


  • 缺省情况下,将连接添加text类型业务指示数据

    By default, a business item of type Text is added to the connection to indicate a data flow.


  • 现在可能想知道如何连接XML数据xml数据(例如基于传统sql类型关系数据)。

    By now, you may be wondering about joining XML data with non-XML data (relational data based on traditional SQL types, for example).


  • 注意authorID连接谓词没有包含文字文字值表明比较的数据类型

    Note that the join predicate on the author ID does not contain a literal value that would indicate the data type of the comparison.


  • 爬行器一种类型接口——它们连接目标系统扫描更改然后数据WebSphere InformationIntegrator OmniFind Edition,以用于解析。

    Crawlers are a pull type of interfacethey attach to the target system, scan for changes, and pull the data back to OmniFind, ready for parsing.


  • 通过fact中的dimension 表中的键进行连接采用like数据类型例如 INT32 to INT32),提高查询性能

    Query performance can be improved by leveraging like data types (i.e. INT32 to INT32) when joining foreign keys in a fact table to primary keys in a dimension table.


  • 个“datastore类型目标节点可以连接测试活动指定这个测试活动需要的一个数据

    An object node with the stereotype "datastore" can be linked to a test action in order to specify that a data pool is required for this test action.


  • 需要了解数据类型连接驱动程序以及注册信息(大多数情况需要注册密码)。

    You need to know the type of the data source, the driver used to connect to it, and the login information (in most cases, login and password).


  • 包括关于建立数据连接信息远程服务器属性数据类型函数映射索引信息以及远程对象统计信息

    This includes information about establishing connections to the data source, remote server attributes, data type and function mappings, index information, and remote object statistics.


  • 平面表示按照类型组织所有数据对象允许按照名称模式连接别名对对象进行排序

    The flat presentation organizes all the database objects by type, which enables you to sort objects by name, schema, connection alias, and so on.


  • 进一步了解一个部分内部结构点击数据结构类型标有下划线名称点击数据结构连接选择集合类型(如图19所示)。

    To learn more about the internal structure of a section, click on the underlined name of a data structure type, or click the data structure link to select the collection structure (Figure 19).


  • 例如如果需要审计数据连接系统管理事件类型那么配置审计功能时应该指定VALIDATESYSADMIN事件类型

    For example, if you only needed to audit database connection and system administration event types, you would only specify the VALIDATE and SYSADMIN event types when configuring the facility.


  • 小节中,建立数据连接现在您可以重用这个连接生成一个类型

    In the previous section, you established a connection with a database. Now you can reuse the same connection to generate a type tree.


  • 现在看一下J2EE环境数据数据资源类型当前可以使用哪些连接合用设施

    Now I will look at what connection pooling facilities are currently available for database and non-database resource types in the J2EE environment.


  • 连接名称可以是底层存储库数据允许任何varchar类型

    Connection group names support any valid value of type VARCHAR in the underlying repository database.


  • 应用程序请求式的可信连接不能数据服务器验证类型设置CLIENT

    If your application requests an explicit trusted connection, you cannot set the database server authentication type to CLIENT.


  • 所以正在建立连接类型无关紧要,因为数据的启动恢复事务日志所有未完成事务,以便保持数据完整性

    So the type of connection being established does not matter because the act of booting the database will recover any incomplete transactions in the transaction log in order to preserve data integrity.


  • 通过AIR这些类型框架现在可以通过连接进行发布运行,它们同时拥有一种强大方式保证在断开连接后依然保存数据变化

    With AIR, these types of frameworks now have a means of being delivered and run with a connection, and a robust means to store data changes while disconnected.


  • 这些情况下需要使用不同类型连接连接数据

    In these situations, a different type of connector is required to talk to the data.


  • 前面小节中创建了数据连接现在可以重用连接一个查询生成一个类型

    In the previous section you established a connection with the database. Now you will reuse the same connection to generate a type tree from a query.


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