• 第二DB 2压缩剩余XML关系数据缩小3

    Second, DB2 compression shrinks the remaining XML and relational data by a factor of 3.


  • 图像数据缩小部分04A)以预定缩小率来缩小所述给定图像数据以便生成缩小后的图像数据

    The image data reduction part (04A) reduces the given image data at a predetermined reduction rate to generate a reduced image data.


  • 空间滤波处理部分(04b)所述图像数据缩小部分(04a)所缩小缩小图像数据执行空间滤波处理以便生成处理的图像数据

    The spatial filter processing part (04b) performs a spatial filter process on the reduced image data reduced by the image data reduction part (04a) to generate a processed image data.


  • 完成此操作一种简单方法缩小表示数据范围范围全部能用0到100的来表示。

    One simple way of accomplishing this is narrowing the scale of the data to be represented so it all fits in 0-100 values.


  • 如果使用了预置语句,那么两种方法之间的差距可能拉大,也可能缩小,这取决于应用程序系统配置数据

    If prepared statements are involved, the differences could increase or decrease, depending on your application, system configuration and data involved.


  • 这个程序利用UNIX功能对某个命令生成输出结果运行grep命令,这样做允许自动缩小python必须解析数据的范围。

    The program takes advantage of UNIX's ability to run a grep command on output generated by a command, which lets you automatically narrow the data Python has to parse.


  • 最后Exhibit提供了facet,这是一工具,可用帮助用户搜索缩小搜索范围以便找到他们所需数据

    Finally, Exhibit offers facets, a set of tools to help users search and narrow down the data to find what they need.


  • 并且来自SN 1979cx射线数据帮助我们缩小了范围。

    And the X-ray data from SN 1979c could help to narrow that down.


  • 对于处理来说,尤其如此其中应用程序必须某个不断缩小时间窗内处理大量数据

    This is especially true for batch processing, where applications must process vast amounts of data within some narrowing window of time.


  • 诸如SOA 之类的项目上下文中这样分离重要的,因为允许将分析的范围缩小分析比较重要数据上。

    Such segregation is important in a project context such as an SOA effort as it allows scoping down to the data sources that are important for analysis.


  • 过度使用数据字段另外一种替代方案就是用户提供一系列链接,从范围开始每一后续链接缩小一点范围。

    Another alternative to the excessive use of data fields is to provide a user with a series of hyperlinks that begin with a broad scope and narrow with each successive set of links.


  • 有些情况下这些组织访问相同数据可以缩小规模

    In some cases, these organizations can scale down while providing access to the same data.


  • 本质缩小同样被发送数据结果任何内容看作一个上下文

    In essence, anything that Narrows the scope of a result which is also sent to the data source will be considered a context.


  • 可以通过——正在改善健康状况,日益缩小家庭规模教育水平提升这些数据来证明亚洲人力资源成功

    I can demonstrate human resources successes in Asia through health being improved, family size decreasing and then education levels increasing.


  • 必须注意数据表达式尽可能缩小规模

    Attention must be paid to the expression of the data flow in order to minimize the weight of this.


  • 应用一系列高级数据搜索方法沃卢克斯团队缩小研究范围,审阅大约3400万文件

    By using a sophisticated set of databases and search techniques, Mr Valukas and his team narrowed the focus but still examined some 34m pages of documents.


  • WebSphereDataStage作业早期阶段中,输入数据经过一些操作的处理(过滤聚合连接),这些操作缩小数据规模

    Input data sets go through some operation (filtering, aggregation, or a join) in the early stages of the WebSphere DataStage job that reduces their size.


  • 相对 Track1来说,我们把 Track2数据大量缩小以便参赛者低端机器上也能方便的访问。

    We made the Track2 dataset significantly smaller than the Track1 dataset in order to make it more accessible to contestants with lower-end computing machinery.


  • 根据NetApp数据IE应该保持着67%的浏览器市场但是份额正在缩小

    IE may still hold 67 percent of the browser market, according to Net Apps, but that share is declining.


  • 六月份男性失业率为10.6%,女性则为8.3%,两者间2.3%的差距比五月份的2.5%有所缩小,而2.5%1948年首次记录此项数据以来的最大差距。

    The 2.3-percentage-point gap between men's June unemployment rate of 10.6% and women's 8.3% rate was just below May's 2.5-point gap, the largest since records started being kept in 1948.


  • 不过预测说,随着大量数据吸收里,这些公司市场份额缩小

    Still, he can foresee their numbers dwindling as great volumes of data are sucked up into the cloud.


  • 本地数据进行即时及时筛选,一旦用户开始输入就可以显示结果随着用户继续输入逐步缩小范围

    Live-filter local data so you can display results as soon as users begin to type, and narrow the results as users continue typing.


  • 国家冰雪数据中心暗示北极海冰最小范围持续缩小可能超过2007年的纪录

    The National Snow Ice and Data Center (NSIDC) has suggested the extent of the retreat in the Arctic's sea ice minimum could rival 2007's record low.


  • 处理复杂化工流程时,为了缩小解题规模必须进行数据分类流程分解

    In treating complex chemical process, as the scale of solution is reduced, it is necessary to classify the data and to decompose flowsheet.


  • 使用PC 104系统称重传感器油泵数据进行采集降低成本缩小测量设备体积

    Use the PC104 system and weight sensors to collect the amount of spraying oil data of the oil pump, reduce cost, reduce the cubage of measure equipments are discussed.


  • 即使我们缩小特定模型(比如神经网络)没有最好,即使数据缩放练习

    Even if we narrow down to some one particular model (lets say neural network) there is no best practise even in terms of data scaling.


  • 查询条件缩小数据范围返回过滤器摘要采用聚合完成

    A set of conditions in a query that narrow the scope of the data returned. A summary filter is applied after aggregation is complete.


  • 去年数据为基础这种差距正在缩小至少是与法国差距减少了。官方等待2005年的数据

    He said the gap was narrowing, at least with France, based just on last year's figures, while officials were awaiting figures for 2005r.


  • 高速数据传输接口中,由于数据缩小以及传输路径不一致,造成数据时钟信号在FPGA的接收端发生偏移偏移。

    Data may arrive at the FPGA receiver with channel -to -channel bit skew and word skew due to different trace length and smaller data window.


  • 高速数据传输接口中,由于数据缩小以及传输路径不一致,造成数据时钟信号在FPGA的接收端发生偏移偏移。

    Data may arrive at the FPGA receiver with channel -to -channel bit skew and word skew due to different trace length and smaller data window.


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