• 经理们分析他们公司数据与其竞争数据进行比较

    Managers analyse their company's data and compare it with data on their competitors.


  • 多年来,一些组织使用数据挖掘分析海量数据以便能够预测行为生成有用的报告赢得竞争等等

    For many years, organizations have used data mining to analyze volumes of data so they can predict behavior, produce meaningful reports, overcome competition, and so on.


  • 产业竞争对手事实过去现在数据作为基础分析得出了好的应对措施和防御性假设方案。

    Base each of these models on facts, past and present performance data, industry and competitor analyses and a series of well-thought-out, defendable assumptions.


  • 组织使用数据挖掘分析海量数据产生富有含义报告帮助预言行为赢得竞争等等

    Organizations use data mining to analyze large collections of data to produce meaningful reports that help to predict behavior, overcome competition, and more.


  • 例如分析历史数据可能得到关于特定客户购买模式购买偏好其他竞争零售商态度等信息

    For example, the analysis of this historical data might reveal information about buying patterns for particular customers, purchasing preferences, attitudes on competing retailers, and more.


  • 阐述应用相关统计技术进行数据分析持续改进完善质量体系提高产品质量和市场竞争重要手段

    States that using relative statistic technology to carry out data analysis is the important means to successively improve and perfect quality system and enhance market competition.


  • 出口数据评价一国国际竞争一个重要经济分析工具

    Appraising a countrys international competitiveness with export data is an important economic analysis way.


  • 六部分则通过以上理论模型分析,结合数据结果提出提升城市区域竞争几点建议

    The last part is through the above theory and the model analysis, unifies the data results, proposed promoting various cities and region competitive power several suggestions.


  • 随着全球市场竞争加剧,现代企业必须能够快速响应市场需求,在综合分析大量数据基础作出正确决策

    With the fierce competition of the global economy, modern enterprises should response quickly to the market requirements, making a correct decision based on the analysis of volumes of integrated data.


  • 通过世界经济论坛1999—2005年度全球竞争报告数据进行分析研究发现我国经济缺乏核心竞争

    Through analysis on the data of "Global Competitiveness Report" 1999-2005, provided by World economic forum, we find that Chinese economy lacks the core competitive ability.


  • 统计数据分析表明企业国际竞争要素具体指标之间相关性较大,竞争力的系统性能力比较

    Data analysis shows that the correlation between soft international competence in business management and detail indices is strong, and the systematic competence is strong, too.


  • 通过比较分析国内外著名竞争情报软件,构建一个基于数据挖掘企业竞争情报智能采集模型

    Through comparing and analyzing famous competitive intelligence software, the paper constructs and intelligently gathering model of competitive intelligence based on data mining.


  • 分析竞争时隙数据时隙之间存在互动关系

    The connection of contention slot and data slot is analyzed.


  • 网站进行优化之前分析非常重要的一项工作其中包括数据分析关键词分析竞争对手分析等方面

    Optimizing a site before the analysis is very important to a work, including data analysis, keyword analysis, competitor analysis and so on.


  • 未来那些擅于利用数据分析引导决策的企业获得许多竞争优势对于这一点没什么人会表示怀疑。

    There is little argument that many competitive advantages in the future will go to those who most effectively use analytics to guide decisions.


  • 分析了系统基于事务响应时间限制优先级要求并发控制原理利用主动触发机制解决数据竞争实现方式

    The concurrency control theory based on its transaction response time priority and the realization of initiative trigger is analyzed.


  • 采集指标原始数据进行规范化、标准化处理,利用层次分析法,求得区域体育竞争各指标各子系统权重

    Raw data was collected to carry out the standardized treatment; analytic hierarchy process was also used to obtain the competitiveness of regional sports each index and the subsystem weight.


  • 数据汉语接口句法分析建立了一个抑制竞争型神经网络模型

    Based on statistic analysis in modern oral Chinese, this paper describes the features of this pattern and semantic characteristics.


  • 定量分析运用常用出口竞争指标近年的相关统计数据逐个测度

    The quantitative analysis USES usual exports competitiveness indexes, then these indexes are measured step by step in recent years' statistic data.


  • 利用1978 - 2005年省级面板数据,本文构造了一个检验税收竞争效应经验分析框架

    Using a provincial panel from 1978 to 2005, we develop an empirical framework to identify the effects of inter-province tax competition.


  • 年历帮助他们制定基准分析竞争对手监测产业趋势收集市场数据支持业务计划

    The Almanac helps them develop benchmarks, analyze competitors, monitor industry trends, and gather market data to support their business plan.


  • 针对软件企业含义及特点构建了相应的核心竞争评价指标体系,运用属性坐标分析模拟数据进行运行,软件系统的计算结果令人满意。

    This paper builds up a core competence evaluation system based on the attributes of software enterprises, in which an attribute coordinate analytic method is adopted to...


  • 针对软件企业含义及特点构建了相应的核心竞争评价指标体系,运用属性坐标分析模拟数据进行运行,软件系统的计算结果令人满意。

    This paper builds up a core competence evaluation system based on the attributes of software enterprises, in which an attribute coordinate analytic method is adopted to...


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