• 形成至少一个数据突发消息并且可将提议元素合并数据突发消息中。

    At least one data burst message may be formed and the overture element may be incorporated into the data burst message.


  • OBS网络可以看作两个网络的重叠:传送数据突发的纯网络传送突发分组光电混合控制网络。

    We can look OBS network as two networks, one is transparent optical network for transmitting data burst; the other is optical and electronic hybrid control network for transmitting burst head packet.


  • 为了减少入口节点数据突发时延提出了一种基于业务流带宽约束的前资源预留(FRR-BC)策略。

    A forward resource reservation scheme based on traffic bandwidth constraints (FRR-BC) is proposed in order to reduce the latency of data bursts at the ingress node.


  • 仿真结果表明所提出算法接近LAUC调度时间数据突发损失概率性能优于LAUC -VF

    Simulation results show that the scheduling time of the proposed algorithm is close to LAUC, and the performance of data burst loss probability is better than LAUC-VF.


  • 这些数据为Taptu热点版块提供支持,这里可以找到突发新闻网络其他热门话题

    It's this data which powers Taptu's "buzz" section where you can find breaking news and other currently "hot topics" being discussed on the web.


  • 至今尚无当前霍乱疫情导致死亡人数数据通常出现复杂突发事件情况下病死率可能会超过30%。

    As yet no data is available on the number of deaths linked to the current outbreak, but generally in complex emergencies the case fatality rate can surpass 30%.


  • 继续往下读吧,说不定发现你自己死亡,就因为一些比特数据什么的突发奇想,然后你就陷入了一个梦想成真”的21世纪噩梦

    Read on to find out why you, too, can be declared dead at the whim of a few bits and bytes and find yourself in a true 21st-century nightmare.


  • 当然交易员有时表现得像《星际迷航》中的巴克,无远弗届地搜寻客观的数据阅读分析师的报告突发新闻

    Sure, in their Mr Spock mode traders scour the horizon for hard-nosed data, read their analysts’ reports and digest breaking news.


  • 突发交换(OBS)网络中,数据信道调度算法提高网络性能重要措施之一

    In optical burst switching (OBS) networks, the data channel scheduling algorithm is one of the key measures to improve the network performance.


  • 对光突发交换网络传统数据信道调度算法进行了分析。

    The data channel scheduling algorithm of traditional algorithm in optical burst switch is analyzed.


  • 采用SP交织算法纠错编码,给出一种基于图像的抗突发误码容量数据嵌入隐秘传输方法

    By using SP algorithm and error correction code technology, a combating burst error and large capacity data hiding method for secret transmission was proposed based on images.


  • 特殊突发数据部分可以填充随机比特

    The data portions of the Special Burst are filled with an arbitrary bit pattern.


  • 突发模式传送系统前导作为系统开销降低数据传送效率

    The preamble signals used as overhead decrease transmission efficiency in burst-mode transmission system.


  • 峰值速率最大突发长度最大数据单元大小不能超过65535。

    Max burst length at peak rate and Max data unit size can not exceed 65535.


  • 如果这项调查给出数据影响因素男性女性是真实的,那么选择一种健康生活方式,一年可以避免200,000名美国人突发性心律猝死。

    And if these factors hold true for men and other groups of women, making healthy lifestyle choices could save more than 200,000 Americans from sudden cardiac arrest death each year.


  • 另外还不同运行环境以及不同油压突然下降的突发情况得到了类似现场应用数据

    Similar data were obtained on different engines operating in the field under varying environments and involving various oil pressuredrop incidents.


  • 突发数据长度偏移时间重要参数如何设定,以及这些参数对网络性能影响等等,都是非常重要待解答的问题

    How to determine the parameters, for instance, the burst length and offset time, and how these parameters impose their influence on network performance, are practical and important problems.


  • 异常变化突发三类最典型数据事件

    Outlier, change and burst are three typical types of events.


  • 实时测量除了参数计算方法的实现,而且计算过程中需要对若干语音突发脉冲进行数据组织

    The real time measure includes not only the algorithm of every parameter but also the organization of these TDMA frames or bursts which are used to compute these parameters.


  • 不幸这些数据对于突发不正常循环没有价值

    Unfortunately, such data would be of little value to substantiate shorter or abnormal cycles.


  • 结果表明,相比于网络处理器普遍采用简单流量控制算法算法具有实时速率抖动较小、变化较为平滑支持突发数据优点

    The merit of our arithmetic is the slight jitter of read-time rate, the flatness of rate variety and the support of burst data Furthermore, the token bucket arithmetic is of common use.


  • 针对衰落信道突发模式的网格编码的多电平连续相位调制(STTC - MCPM)系统提出种基于数据辅助符号定时估计算法

    A data aided symbol timing estimation algorithm was proposed for burst-mode space-time trellis coded multi-level continuous phase modulation (STTC-MCPM) systems in Rayleigh fading channels.


  • 突发式的接收模块中,逻辑电平恢复时钟数据的恢复关键问题

    The most difficult problem in burst mode receiver would be signal logic level recovery and data and clock recovery.


  • 针对数据系统负荷控制算法难点在于反向链路数据突发性对系统造成的干扰,以及如何平衡系统吞吐量抑制反向干扰。

    It is difficult for reverse load control algorithm to balance the system throughput and rise-over-thermal control in the CDMA EVDO data systems, which.


  • 突发交换(OBS)网络中通常采用填充无效数据方法来达到突发最小包要求

    Void data filling is usually used to pad the bursts (i. e. burst data packets) of OBS (Optical burst Switching) networks to required minimum length.


  • 语言不仅适合处理突发高速数据适用反应式系统设计

    It is not only suit for high speed burst data flow processing, but also can be used in reactive system design.


  • 突发交换网络边缘节点如何各待发数据分配信道资源突发交换网络中的关键问题

    At the edge node, how to arrange the channel resource for burst packets, is the key item for optical burst switching network.


  • 减少异常数据传输时延特别是对于数据较大场合采用MAC预留检测方法处理突发情况。

    To reduce the transmission delay of abnormal data, particularly in large data packets occasions, the method of keeping a detection bit in the MAC layer was used to deal with unexpected events.


  • 这些应用有着大容量数据不可预测突发性的数据到达特点这些特点给传统数据管理手段提出了挑战性的问题。

    All these are sharing common characteristics of huge volume, unpredictable and sudden arrive, which in turn will challenge the traditional data management methods.


  • 方法对2005 - 2006年东莞市疾病预防控制中心报告突发公共卫生事件数据、资料进行统计分析。

    Methods Data of unexpected public health events occurred between 2005 and 2006 in Dongguan city was analyzed.


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