• 面向互联网服务供应商的视频系统销售收入增长了13%,源自视频会议企业社交网络协作式服务的收入增长了12%,数据处理中心业绩更是飙涨了107%。

    Revenue grew 13% from video systems for ISPs, 12% from collaboration services like video conferencing and enterprise social networks and 107% from the data center division.


  • 更多的数据处理进程桌面挪到网络在线搜索大师谷歌正在从桌面软件巨头微软虎口夺食。

    Computing is moving online, away from the desktop—and away from Microsoft, the desktop-software leviathan, to Google, master of online search.


  • 什么看法?你是否也发现现代网络应用不管是基于位置手机应用还是传感器产品或者一些别的依靠数据处理的东西,正在一步步侵蚀你生活的乐趣

    What do you think - are you finding that modern web apps, whether location-based mobile apps or products with sensors or something else data-driven, are making you enjoy life just a little less?


  • 因此利用计算机网络数据处理技术开发一套当前工作适应招商办公系统成为必定

    Therefore, the use of computer network and data processing technology development and the current work of an adapted to the investment office system have become necessary.


  • 一些基本配置的手机都已经拥有简单网络浏览器计算器其它数据处理功能

    Already, even basic handsets have simple web-browsers, calculators and other computing functions.


  • 按具体用户需求来设计数据处理用的计算中心网络过程

    The process of designing a data-processing installation or network to meet the requirements of particular users.


  • 其中,顶板岩层结构探测仪集成风动锚杆钻机上数据处理采用训练成熟BP算法神经网络进行结构的识别;

    Thes detecting structure instrument of the roof rock is integrated in the pneumatic bolt drill and data processing is adopted BP algorithm of mature net to identify the structure.


  • 这种我们大脑应当高速数据处理那样运行想法不仅根植于互联网的运行当中,也是网络商业活动的主导模式

    The idea that our minds should operate as high-speed data-processing machines is not only built into the workings of the Internet, it is the network's reigning business model as well.


  • 利用软测量思想采用神经网络建立软测量模型分析进行数据处理克服传统方法不足提高出口带钢厚度预测精度

    The idea of soft-measurement is used in our work and neural network and wavelet transform are adopted to overcome deficiency of traditional method and improve forecast accuracy of exit thickness.


  • 利用神经网络模式识别能力对输入数据处理辨别,设计合适控制网络汽车纵向动力学系统实施控制;

    Then, the neural networks model is applied to identify and process input data, design suitable networks layer for the vehicle longitude dynamics system control.


  • 自动测量装置,自动测量数据处理控制装置,网络系统

    Automatic measuring apparatus, automatic measurement data processing and control apparatus, network system.


  • 目前我们公司已全球需要计算机硬件网络连接数据处理产品公司提供服务

    Shinny Electronics now leads itself to a global player in the supply chain of computer hardware, network connection and data process.


  • 仪器研制采用数字滤波神经网络数据处理方法克服干扰提高稳定性准确性

    In development of the instrument, the methods of digital filtering and neural network for data processing are adopted for anti-interference and enhancing stability and accuracy.


  • 概要介绍了一种新的网络控制矿压观测方法数据处理系统

    This paper briefly introduces a new Network Control observation Method and data handling system.


  • 采用了自行设计DSP系统主要完成数据处理及实时控制以及专家模糊神经网络的控制方案。

    The paper USES DSP system board designed by ourselves. Its main task is data process real-time control and expert Fuzzy neural network control scheme.


  • 舰艇多功能显控台具有数据处理网络通信综合显示人机交互能力一体化海军电子装备信息平台

    The multifunction console is the integration information platform of navy electronic equipment with data handling, network communicating, comprehensive display, man-machine interaction.


  • 充分利用数据处理技术建设完善的信息网络体系

    Fully use data processing technology to establish perfect information network system.


  • 友好交互界面网络互联功能智能化软件高效数据处理几乎成了智能化系统共同需求

    The friendly interactive interface, the function of network mutual connections, intelligent software and high efficient data processing nearly has become the common demand for the intelligent system.


  • 提出了利用径向基函数神经网络进行水轮机综合特性曲线数据处理方法建立了相应数学模型约束条件。

    The method for data processing of synthetic characteristics curve of hydraulic turbine is proposed, the corresponding mathematical model and the condition of constraint is established.


  • BP神经网络一个优秀的并行数据处理方法具有暗箱操作性、以及强大的学习能力推广能力。

    The BP neural network was proved to be an excellent parallel data-handling method with dark-box operating performance, powerful studying and generalizing ability.


  • 为了提高流动电流仪(SCM)对自来水浊检测精度文章提出了一种基于神经网络数据融合技术的数据处理方法

    This paper gives a methodology based on data fusion and realized by artificial Neural Networks to improve the accuracy of SCM which is used to measure the degree of turbidity of water supplying.


  • 介绍基于神经网络数据处理技术轮缘踏面自动检测方法。

    This paper introduces a method which is based on the neural networks digital processing technology for wheel profile automatic measuring.


  • 该文径向函数网络引入地震数据处理实现了函数逼近法地震数据插值处理实际地震数据处理中取得了较好的应用效果。

    This paper introduces the radial basis function (RBF) network in the seismic data processing, and realizes the inserting data in seismic data processing with function approximation method.


  • 研究数据压缩数据数据加密网络数据处理技术

    Researching some data processing techniques, such as data compression technique, database technique and data encryption techniques.


  • 学习者行为追踪对学习者网络平台之间互动过程进行数据采集数据处理数据分析技术

    Learners activity tracing system is a technology that can collect, process and analyze data during the interaction between learners and the network platform.


  • 实例分析证明广义回归网络模型可以应用疾病预测数据处理工作,并可以取得更优分析结果。

    The example analysis proves that GRNN model can be used in the data processing of the disease forecasting.


  • 设计首先提出了包含数据采集数据处理层、网络交互层等三个层次的手体系结构。

    During the process of design, the gripper architecture is developed, which includes data acquisition layer, data process layer and network interface layer.


  • 网络处理(NP)专门处理数据设计编程处理器,综合ASIC数据处理能力RISC可编程特性。

    Network processor (NP) is a programmable processor designed for processing data packet, which combines the ability of data processing of ASIC and the programmable characteristic of RISC.


  • 本文分析图书馆自动化经历三个历史阶段集成系统阶段(数据处理阶段),网络化阶段,数字化阶段。

    This paper analyzes the three historical stages through which a library becomes automatic: integrated system stage (data processing stage), network stage and digit stage.


  • 为了比较算法性能作者分别采用了最小二乘法、主成分分析结合BP神经网络进行数据处理

    To compare arithmetic performance, the authors also processed the spectral data with partial least squares and PCA-BP neural network.


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