• 公司为何选择Informix数据软件管理数据基础架构

    Why would a company choose Informix database software to manage its data infrastructure?


  • 所以如果数据基础架构必须处理时间序列Informix已足够完成工作

    So if your big data infrastructure must cope with time series, Informix is more than up to the job.


  • DirectoryServer存储用户概要文件提供一个可信身份数据基础架构实现身份验证。

    Directory Server stores user profiles and provides a trusted identity data infrastructure for authentication.


  • 业务组件扩展基础架构在后系统提供数据管理

    Business components extend the infrastructure and provide management of data in back end systems.


  • 尽管RDBMS传统的客户-服务器架构存储数据提供了一个坚实基础但它不能轻松地(便宜地)扩展多个节点

    While the RDBMS provides a rock-solid foundation for storing data in traditional client-server architectures, it doesn't easily (or cheaply) scale to multiple nodes.


  • 可用性数据网格技术架构设计基础

    High availability is fundamental to the architecture and design of data grid technology.


  • 举例来说,印度团队可能拥有数据仓库瑞士团队可能拥有许多应用程序美国的基础架构团队可能拥有安全框架

    For example, a team in India may own the data warehouse, several applications may be owned by a team in Switzerland, and the security framework may be owned by an infrastructure team in the us.


  • 构建虚拟网络几乎不修改用户数据中心基础架构

    Setting up an virtual network requires little modification of the customer's data center network infrastructure.


  • 租户关键部分URL中设置账户参数基础架构知道哪个客户请求访问数据

    The most critical part for multi-tenancy is that the account be specified in the URL as a parameter so that the infrastructure is aware which customer is requesting access to its data.


  • 具有多种用途需要移动数据时,无需额外的磁盘备份基础架构中运行不必要命令

    It has plenty of USES when you need to move data quickly without requiring additional disk or making unnecessary demands on your backup infrastructure.


  • 模型可以帮助确定软件数据基础架构实际使用量

    This model helps to determine the actual usage of software and infrastructures for databases.


  • 例如许可用户可以运行计算基础架构每个内核相同数据实例

    For example, customers with existing licenses can run the same database instances per core in a cloud computing infrastructure.


  • 数据基础架构一个重要部分就是确保良好的可扩展性。

    An important part of any database infrastructure is ensuring that it scales well.


  • 目前公司基础架构存在数据实例已经开始使用基础架构服务平台,并使用已有许可协议

    The database instances that exist today in large enterprise infrastructures started with an infrastructure as a service platform using license agreements that already exist.


  • 将会导致卸载数据收集基础架构过程失败。

    This will block the uninstallation process for the data collection infrastructure.


  • 切分对于绑定关系基础架构无法继续升级硬件满足大量可伸缩数据存储要求组织来说一个非常成本高效决策

    Sharding is a particularly cost-effective decision for organizations tied to a relational infrastructure that cannot continue to upgrade hardware to meet the need for massively scalable data storage.


  • 1展示所有解决方案架构领域看作是“技术性的”,因为它们的范围内包括各种技术元素例如软件数据IT基础架构

    All the solution architecture domains shown in Figure 1 are considered "technical," as their scope includes various elements of technology, such as software, data, and it infrastructure.


  • 基础架构团队开发团队一个子集,他们负责编译工具、(测试生产)服务器管理数据管理等。

    A subset of the development team was an infrastructure team that handled build tools, server administration (both test and production), database administration, and so on.


  • 这样就能帮助各行业各类AIX用户数据分级,从而高效利用基础架构获得最大产出

    This helps various AIX users across all industries to tier their data to use efficiently the available infrastructure for maximum yield.


  • 因此,需要一些额外的运营基础架构项目用于计量收费例如获取使用数据消息服务

    Some additional operational infrastructure items are required for metering and billing, however, such as messaging services to capture the usage data.


  • 这么可以帮助服务进行容量规划计费计量例如存储服务大量数据存储基础架构中的服务器

    Doing so helps in capacity planning, billing, and metering for services such as storage as a service, where data is stored in larger amounts on servers across the infrastructure.


  • 检查监控数据是否正在帮助管理架构基础设施帮助业务分析师重新定义优化的业务流程。

    Find out whether monitoring data is helping the management architect in fine tuning the infrastructure, and helping the business analyst in redefining the optimized business processes.


  • 还有软件帮助企业IT基础架构变成自己就是“数据中心虚拟操作系统”。

    The other is software that helps firms to turn their IT infrastructure into their own cloud, known as a “virtual operating system for data centres”.


  • 给出个范围你就必须保证能够有效支持大量数据加工基础架构支持机制阶段非常重要。

    Given the scale, you must ensure that you are ready to support the masses effectively; the tooling infrastructure and support mechanisms are crucial at this stage.


  • 提供商拥有运营数据中心技术,还可以大的基础架构中获得规模效益

    Cloud providers, he says, have more expertise in running data centres and benefit from a larger infrastructure.


  • 因此本文中,我们聚焦关心功能节约财力加强数据基础架构

    So in this article, we'll focus on the capabilities that tie to your top concerns: saving money and strengthening your data infrastructure.


  • 精明投资者知道数据仓库基础架构对于一个公司竞争市场中保持战略优势至关重要的。

    The smart money knows that data warehouse infrastructure is critical to a company maintaining a strategic edge in competitive marketplaces.


  • 并不要紧因为使用类型化数据如果基础架构发生改变仍然可能必须更改一些客户端代码

    This is not a big deal because when you use an untyped DataSet you would still likely have to change some client code if the underlying schema changes.


  • 如果基础架构每个客户账户都有一个单独数据那么实现可伸缩性就会简单,因为已经存在针对单个数据故障转移的最佳实践

    If the infrastructure stack requires a single database for each customer account, scalability is straightforward, as these best practices have been established for single databases with failover.


  • 技术数量运算次数以及任何能源公司IT系统基础架构需要处理数据呈指数增长

    There is an exponential increase in the number of technologies, calculations, and amounts of data that need to be processed by any individual energy company's IT systems and infrastructure.


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