• 事实上数字科技可能这些问题变得毫无意义

    In fact, it's quite possible that digital technology will make this particular problem moot.


  • 数字科技有限公司

    New Shine Digital Technology Co.


  • 过去几年来,牛津其他词典收录年度词汇时重点偏向数字科技领域

    For the past few years, Oxford and other dictionaries that pick words of the year have leaned heavily on the digital world.


  • 该系统采用现代数字科技克服传统数显传呼传输线缺点

    By the use of modern digital technology, the shortage of too much wiring of the traditional alphanumeric display communication device is conquered;


  • 处在数字科技数字技术数字传播快速改变更新营销思维年代。

    We are currently in one of those periods of rapid change, when digital technology, devices, and communication are renovating and re-shaping Marketing.


  • 证据表明数字科技已经开始毁坏长期记忆稳固性,而正是真正智慧基础

    There is evidence, he says, that digital technology is already damaging the long-term memory consolidation that is the basis for true intelligence.


  • 广告客户经常讨论消费者衔接”,因此他们数字科技带来交互潜力产生很大兴趣

    Advertisers constantly talk about wanting to "engage" with consumers, so they are taking great interest in the potential for interactivity that digital technology will bring.


  • 利用任天堂数字科技展示日本小仓百人一首,这是100位诗人100首诗组成的诗集

    It displays Ogura Hyakunin Isshu, an anthology of 100 poems by 100 poets, using digital technology from Nintendo.


  • 英国卫报名编辑ALAN RUSBRIDGER在这个告诉位印度的读者数字科技蚕食传统印刷报纸

    ALAN RUSBRIDGER, the editor of the Guardian, a British newspaper, told an audience of Indians this month that digital technology was mauling the traditional print newspaper.


  • 正是这样一种理想催生一系列设计方案,吊诡的是,这些方案却来自于世界顶级影像制作公司,水晶石数字科技有限公司。

    It is this ambition that has resulted in a series of design proposals, ironically from the worlds leading image maker; Crystal CG.


  • 波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup)最近发布报告,探讨数字科技中国影响。报告考察了中国互联网快速成长及其使用方式其它主要市场的区别。

    A new report by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) on the impact of digital technology in China looks into the rapid rise of the Internet and how its use varies from other major markets.


  • 詹妮·拉德斯基数字产品研究中宣称:“发展科技的目的就是为了沉浸其中,生产数字产品为了促进最大参与度。”

    "Tech is designed to really suck you in," says jenny Radesky in her study of digital play, "and digital products are there to promote maximal engagement."


  • 公司 UneeQ 正在开发他们的“数字人类”,他们在屏幕上看起来像真人,不仅在语言方面,还有面部动作:扬起的眉毛、一个微笑,甚至是一个点头。

    Tech company UneeQ is heading for its "digital humans", which appear life-like on the screen not only in terms of language, but also because of facial movements: raised eyebrows, a smile, even a nod.


  • 旅游科技专家一个旅游局推出的面对消费者的网站所涉及的数字营销手段分享了观点

    Travel technology pundits have Shared their comments on the move by a tourism board to steer towards a customer-direct and largely digital approach.


  • 他们学会了容易使用的数字电视录像机科技玩意增加了看电视乐趣

    They have seized on easy-to-use gadgets like digital video recorders, which increase their enjoyment of television.


  • 把一家科技公司交给一个摆弄数字行政人员来掌管时,结果想必你也料得到。

    The result was just what you'd expect when you hand the REINS of a cutting-edge technology company to a number-crunching suit.


  • 认为虽然这些数字可能既不合适过于简单,却依旧折射出深层变化——有些有关世代,有些有关法律,有些有关科技

    I think the Numbers, inadequate and simplified though they may be, reflect deeper changes - some generational, some legal, some technological.


  • 不管怎么说,2006年用英文数字的曾经达到惊人的20万,书籍科技改变意味着那个年代已经过时了。

    Anyway, the change in book technology means that the 2006 intimidating number of 200,000 new book titles in the English language is outdated.


  • 不管怎么说,2006年用英文数字的曾经达到惊人的20万,书籍科技改变意味着那个年代已经过时了。

    Anyway, the change in book technology means that the 2006 intimidating number of 200, 000 new book titles in the English language is outdated.


  • 科技数字媒体记者Emma barnett。

    By Emma Barnett, Technology and Digital Media correspondent.


  • 如果信息科技产业不断过渡IPv 6(一种使用更多数字地址系统)的过程中拖泥带水的话,那么英特成长步伐受到阻碍。

    If the it industry keeps dragging its feet on moving to IPv6, a new address system that USES many more Numbers, the growth of the Internet of things will be stymied.


  • 同时非常实际的,研究很具有科技实验数据数字仿真比例实验出版理论模型相对比。

    While very practical, this research is also quite technical in that the experimental data will be compared to numerical simulations, small-scale experiments and published theoretical models.


  • 然而,当STM科学科技管理)成为整个数字核心,图书馆并不热心于电子出版,原因就是读者们的需求。

    While STM (science, technology and management) is the core business in digitisation, the literati is not very enthusiastic about e-publishing, reason being the readers’ approach.


  • 虽然科技公司商业性的主题发布会科学发布会有所不同人们要听数字背后的含义不是数字本身吗?

    A business keynote by a technology company is different from a scientific presentation at a conference, but isn't it always about what the Numbers mean rather than just the Numbers themselves?


  • 虽然趋向完全数字形势越来越明显,但是传统商业名片一种兴隆的生意,甚至名片本身经过了科技的重新包装。

    While the trend to go completely digital might be growing, however, there is still a roaring trade in traditional CARDS. But even those are now getting a number of hi-tech overhauls.


  • 虽然趋向完全数字形势越来越明显,但是传统商业名片一种兴隆的生意,甚至名片本身经过了科技的重新包装。

    While the trend to go completely digital might be growing, however, there is still a roaring trade in traditional CARDS. But even those are now getting a number of hi-tech overhauls.


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