• 我们去了医生那里,经过一个小时的努力,才开始抽血——实际上,自己也知道她需要了解那些数值

    We took her to the doctor's office and went through an hour-long battle to get her blood drawn — as much as she knew she needed to know the Numbers.


  • 虽然目前难以求得数值,但可用图解表示岩应变状况、构造变形特点,估算拆离滑脱最大埋深计算盖层绝对缩短量。

    Although it is difficult to get numerical solution up to date, the sheet strain and the characters of the structural strain can be illustrated by graphic solutions.


  • 建立激光相变硬化过程温度数学模型应用数值计算预测相变硬化的形状尺寸。

    The width and depth of laser transformation hardened layer was evaluated by establishing temperature field mathematical model and applying numerical calculation.


  • 螺纹的工具接头必须经过正确鉴别然后扭转正确数值确保工具管柱牢固可靠而不损坏工具管子体部。

    The threaded tool joints must be correctly identified and then torqued to the correct value to ensure a secure tool string without damaging the tool or tubular body.


  • 利用啁啾光纤光栅,对啁啾的高斯脉冲色散补偿特性进行了理论分析数值模拟

    By using the chirped fiber grating, theoretically study and numerical simulation have been made on the compensating dispersion property of chirped super Gaussian pulses transmitting in the fiber.


  • 单向拉伸镍钛合金奥氏体马氏体相变实验观测到,并作为局部变形进行了数值模拟

    Phase transformation from austenite to martensite in NiTi alloy strips under uniaxial tension has been observed in experiments and has been numerically simulated as a localized deformation.


  • 数值结果表明方法筋支撑板有效计算机辅助优化设计方法。

    Numerical results illustrate the method is an efficient computer aided optimal design method.


  • 建立了导热冷却条件超导失超模型数值模拟方法研究超导的失超传播特性

    The quench model under the condition of conduction cooling system was established and the quench propagation properties were studied by using numerical simulation method.


  • 本文采用有限元,就三维楔形体结构自由表面过程进行数值模拟

    By means of finite element method, a numerical simulation of water impact is proceeded for a three-dimensional wedge-shaped structure impacting on the fluid field with a free-surface.


  • 针对铰接间隙大型桁架式伸展机构动力学方程分析了方程的非线性特性,研究了其数值求解方法

    The characteristics of nonlinear equations for a deployable truss structure with clearances are analyzed, numerical solution method for such equations is studied.


  • 利用数值方法研究材料空洞化承受应力沿板厚分布均匀材料分叉(平板中平面剪切表面)的作用

    The effects of the nonuniformity of porosity development and stress distribution on material bifurcations(plane shear bending and surface wrinkling)are investigated by means of numerical method.


  • 本文利用数值模拟实验分析了不同出口速度模具应力、模具温度模具工作尺寸变化规律

    By the test of numeric simulation, under various exit velocities the changed rules of stress, temperature and land size about the die are analyzed in this paper.


  • TVD格式数值模拟平板封头爆炸容器内部爆炸载荷的分布规律。

    Numerical simulation was conducted to study the internal blast loading of explosion chamber with flat end using TVD schemes.


  • 数值算例表明方法求解襟翼偏转机翼有效方法

    Numerical results show that the present method is effective one for solving the flow around wing with flap deflection.


  • 严格数值结果近似公式对比发现共振滤波器的旁反射率可以普通薄膜光学反射率公式进行非常直观方便的讨论。

    Comparing rigorous numerical result with approximate formulae, we find that the reflectance formula of general thin optics can easy straight calculate the side bands reflectance of resonance filter.


  • 锅炉中其分配弯头入口顶棚过热器受热面流量分配做详细的数值模拟研究

    A detailed numerical simulation study was conducted of the flow distribution in the heating surface tubes of a boiler roof superheater featuring a distribution header with a bent inlet.


  • 土壤非饱和确定性数值模型在农业环境工程领域有着广泛应用

    Deterministic numerical models of the soil unsaturated zone can be widely applied to the fields of agronomy, environment, engineering etc.


  • 其次本文单侧压边迷宫滴灌流道液相颗粒相运动进行了数值模拟分析。

    We also performed numerical simulations to investigate the flow field and particle motion inside the channel of labyrinth emitter.


  • 高炉过程数值解析软融推断形成比较完整的内状况分析体系实际高炉生产中的应用表明,体系具有很好的实用价值

    The numerical simulation model and prediction model on the blast furnace form an integrated analysis system, which is applied to actual production blast furnace and proved to be of practical value.


  • 本文阐述特征的基础上,指出了包气研究方向中土壤水的调控研究,是水—气二相数值模拟研究

    The article describes its characteristics and points out their study directions. One is how to control soil water in aeration zone, the other is numerical simulation study on water-gas flow.


  • 运用光分层介质中传播特征矩阵方法通过数值计算研究了掺杂一维光子晶体中光子杂质特性随不同偏振光及入射角的变化。

    The characteristics of photonic forbidden band and impurity mode in doped one-dimensional photonic crystal were investigated by numeral simulated calculation with the method of characteristic matrix.


  • 利用计算流体力学软件FLUENT-5,导流筒搅拌内的进行了数值模拟

    The commercial code of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), FLUENT-5, has been used to numerically simulate the flow field in the draft-tube agitated tank.


  • 数值模拟结果表明研究挤压模具工作优化有效的。

    The simulation results show that the optimization of die bearing is effective.


  • 本文采用物理模拟数值模拟相结合方法研究了双辊池内布流系统

    In this paper, using physical and numerical simulation method research metal delivery system of twin-roll thin strip continuous casting pool.


  • 常规旋翼尾桨直升机为对象,讨论均匀与均匀入流模型直升机飞行数值仿真影响

    For the current helicopter of single main rotor with tail rotor, the effect of inflow models with different characteristics on helicopter trim and digital simulation was discussed.


  • 理论数值分析两方面讨论滑坡内热致孔隙压力及其对高速滑坡影响

    The effects of the thermal and the pore pressure generated by high-speed landslide are discussed.


  • 建立辊薄连铸凝固数学模型,并利用有限元软件连铸凝固过程进行数值模拟。

    The solidification model of twin-roller strip casting is established. The solidification process of strip casting is mathematically simulated by using the finite element software.


  • 采用在接地板上光刻光子隙结构形成新型线利用FDTD数值仿真实验方法进行了研究。

    Defected ground planes have been adopted to build up novel microstrip lines. Numerical simulation based on FDTD method and experiments have been carried out?


  • 采用在接地板上光刻光子隙结构形成新型线利用FDTD数值仿真实验方法进行了研究。

    Defected ground planes have been adopted to build up novel microstrip lines. Numerical simulation based on FDTD method and experiments have been carried out?


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