• 成功陆生植物群体那些进化出了受精细胞散布方法的群体,这些方法依赖于防止发育中的胚胎干涸结构

    The most successful groups of land plants are those that evolved methods of fertilized sex cell dispersal that are independent of water and structures that protest developing embryos from drying out.


  • 只有一次例外发生三月牧师公开散布一些极具煽动发言导致就此问题发表非常长的演讲

    The one exception was in March, when Revelations of inflammatory remarks by his longtime pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, led him to deliver a lengthy address on the subject.


  • 导致广泛散布增加企业体系结构复杂不灵活使得实现企业范围SOA更加困难

    This creates widespread redundancies that increase the complexity and inflexibility of the enterprise architecture, and makes it harder to implement enterprise-wide SOA.


  • 或许非常温和刺激社会活动闹市区散布杂货铺购物减弱抑郁情况。

    Perhaps very mildly stimulating social activity, such as going for a walk in a busy area or going grocery shopping, can take some of the edge off of your depression.


  • 一方面,有人指责基因测定行业消费者提供信息风险过大,令人无法放心;而一方面,又有人指责基因测定行业散布的信息毫无意义,且具有误导,纯属一派胡言

    On the one hand it stands accused of offering information too dangerous to trust to consumers; on the other it is charged with peddling irrelevant, misleading nonsense.


  • 说:“在距离岛第一核电站35英里处的福岛城散布着许多具有辐射的碎片,把这些碎片放到一起可以堆满10个篮球场。”

    Fukushima city, 35 miles from the nuclear plant, contained enough radioactive waste to fill 10 baseball stadiums, he said.


  • 有一动物(包括了人类其他现存世界灵长类祖先变成了昼动物,散布森林里头,果实纳为重要的食物。

    One group—among which were the progenitors of humans and the other Old World primates living today—took up a diurnal life, spread out into the trees, and made fruit an important part of their diet.


  • 医生扁桃体严重充血而且肥大表面散布几个小白点。诊断腺窝扁桃体炎。

    Doctor: Your tonsils are very much congested and enlarged with several white spots spreading over their surface. My diagnosis is acute lacunar tonsillitis.


  • 他们全国广为散布煽动言论。

    They sowed sedition broadcast over the country.


  • 沃伦先生控告散布诽谤言论

    Mr Warren sued him for libel over the remarks.


  • 电子散布可用适合目标

    Electronic distribution and availability lend themselves to this objective.


  • 一个工作补充产品散布在这里就是范围是个有利可图丰富,你的创造力

    To find a work supplement, a new product to be diffused here which is with your range, for little that you make profitable the fruitfulness of your creativity.


  • 肾脏单纯囊肿,还有些小囊肿散布于肾脏。

    Here is a much larger simple renal cyst of the upper pole.


  • 制作散布直观地评价两个连续变数之间相关特质。

    Create a scatterplot to visually assess the nature of an association between two continuous variables.


  • 随着温度升高这些媒介可能散布新的区域,从而可能以前未受过侵害野生生物种群造成可能毁灭影响

    As temperatures increase, these carriers are likely to spread into new areas and may have potentially devastating effects on wildlife populations that have not been previously exposed.


  • 本文研究火箭弹自身缺陷随机提出通过合理设计发射装置一阶固有频率,克服火箭弹自身缺陷落点散布影响

    The paper studies the random question of rocket self-defect, puts forward a new method of reducing the effect of rocket dispersion by designing equitably the first nature frequency of launcher.


  • 可能有放射散布事件发生时,切记不能迎着不能顺着,应尽量风向侧面迅速进入最近建筑物隐蔽。

    Avoid running into or following the winds which might carry the nuclear fallout. Find shelter on the sides of the winds. Find the nearest building as fast as you can and go inside.


  • 根据目前理论霹雳时发生一些过程,会把物质相当程度随机加以散布,因此所有可能的排列组合都会有非零的或然率产生

    According to current theories, processes early in the big bang spread matter around with a degree of randomness, generating all possible arrangements with nonzero probability.


  • 作用可能在于阻断脑细胞电压依赖通道,因而阻止病灶放电散布

    Its role is to block the brain cells may be voltage-dependent sodium channels, which can prevent the spread of lesions discharge.


  • 第三同学负责演讲他们游客散布白色浑浊坏处保卫境况的要紧

    The third group of students is responsible for speech, they promote to tourists white pollution and the harmful effects of the importance of environmental protection.


  • 这些散布胶体,就造成浓缩咖啡质感、高以及表面张力等特

    The colloidal character of the dispersion gives the drink high body, high viscosity and low surface tension.


  • 然而由于这些药物其它药物具抗药寄生虫广泛散布它们的持续使用产生相当危险

    However, their continued use poses considerable risk due to widespread parasite resistance to these drugs as well as to others.


  • Gimpo艺术位于这座城市东部末端,艺术厅强调了步行区的重要,同时散布融入设计中。

    Located on the eastern end of a city block, the art hall emphasizes pedestrian access by incorporating a friendly walk into the design.


  • 如果仅仅拷贝gpl授权软体自行使用,却没有任何后续散布传递行为,还有哪些义务规定主动遵守的吗?

    GPL_faq42-If I only make copies of a GPL-covered program and run them, without distributing or conveying them to others, what does the license require of me?


  • 如果仅仅拷贝gpl授权软体自行使用,却没有任何后续散布传递行为,还有哪些义务规定主动遵守的吗?

    GPL_faq42-If I only make copies of a GPL-covered program and run them, without distributing or conveying them to others, what does the license require of me?


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