• 这个课程网络课堂教育部提供

    The courses and online classroom are provided by the Ministry of Education.


  • 欧洲日本大学对制定学术标准分配资金教育部负责

    In Europe and Japan, universities are answerable only to a Ministry of Education, which sets academic standards and distributes money.


  • 所有大学政府管控,所以教育部负责大学制定课程,也因此没有太多灵活变通之处

    All the universities are owned by the government, so there is the Ministry of Education in charge of creating the curriculum for the universities and so there is not much room for flexibility.


  • 建议教育部秘书联系一下。

    I suggest you contact the education department secretary.


  • 得知教育部提供了一免费课程

    I was told that the education department was offering a free course.


  • 今天下午顺道教育部办公室

    I'll stop by the education department office this afternoon.


  • 他们希望教育部记录哪些孩子左撇子以及这些孩子的受教育程度因为这些孩子占人口10%左右。

    They want the department of education to record which children are left-handed and what their educational attainments are, since they make up some 10% of the population.


  • 城市学院读年级时候,得知教育部提供了一免费课程

    During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a free course.


  • 课程教育部核准。

    The course is approved by the Department for Education.


  • 教育部部长宣布了一些高考改革措施

    Minister of Education, announced some measures to reform the NCEE, known as Gaokao.


  • 教育部正在努力确保所有学生平等地受到优质教育

    Department of Education is making efforts to ensure that all students have equal access to a quality education.


  • 谢菲尔德大学心理学教授彼得·史密斯指导教育部资助谢菲尔德反欺凌干预项目

    Peter Smith, Professor of Psychology at the University of Sheffield, directed the Sheffield Anti-Bullying Intervention Project, funded by the Department for Education.


  • 教育部建议减少每天学生家庭作业量,学生的负担远远超过他们承受的。

    The Education Ministry proposed guidelines to decrease the amount of the homework given to students each day, their burden well above what they can endure.


  • 教育部领导如果旅行教学大纲一部分,学校可以收取食宿费用而且接受政府资助学生需要支付这些费用

    The Department for Education's guidance says schools can charge only for board and lodging if the trip is part of the syllabus, and that students receiving government aid are exempt from these costs.


  • 近,教育部把学生要背诵的古诗数量从14首增加到72首。

    Recently, the Ministry of Education has increased the number of ancient Chinese poems, from 14 to 72, for students to memorize.


  • 教育部宣布,学校应该禁止学生在上课时间携带手机。

    The Education Department of China has announced that schools should ban students from carrying mobile phones during school hours.


  • 2020年6月3日,教育部(MOE)下发了修订后的全国高中课程方案。

    On June 3, 2020, the Ministry of Education (MOE) gave a revised course for high schools across the country.


  • 教育部的规定,小学生每晚应至少有10个小时的睡眠时间。

    According to the Ministry of Education, primary school students should get at least 10 hours of sleep a night.


  • 育部2月初宣布,将禁止中国所有中小学生携带手机上学。

    All primary and secondary school students in China will be banned from bringing mobile phones to school, the Ministry of Education announced in early February.


  • 育部还要求学校确保在整个三个学年中提供40小时的志愿服务。

    The MOE also asks schools to make sure 40 hours of voluntary service during the full three school years.


  • 名在该国教育部工作的教师赶来帮忙,两名外国游客也被孩子们的行为所感动。

    Two teachers who worked for the country's Department of Education arrived to help out and two foreign visitors were also touched by the children's actions.


  • 实上,根据教育部的数据,2020年前6个月,我国中小学生视力不良的比例从59.2%上升到70.6%。

    In fact, poor eyesight among Chinese primary and high school students rose from 59.2 percent to 70.6 percent in the first six months of 2020, according to the Ministry of Education.


  • 开展劳动教育,必须以树立正确的世界观和价值观,以及培养做家务的兴趣为目的。”教育部副部长郑富芝如是说。

    "Labor education must be carried out with the aim to develop the view of the world life and values and develop an interest in doing chores." said Zheng Fuzhi a Vice-Minister of Education.


  • 育部非常关注这一问题,并要求小学生每天至少睡10个小时,初中生至少睡9个小时,高中生至少睡8个小时。

    The Ministry of Education has paid more attention to this problem and required that students in primary schools should sleep at least 10 hours a day, 9 hours for junior high and 8 hours for senior high.


  • 科学高等教育部永久展品上豪掷6700万兹罗提

    The ministry of science and higher education splurged 67 million zlotys on the permanent exhibits.


  • 另一个大幅削减支出方法废除大幅缩减能源部、教育部以及劳工部规模

    Another way to cut spending substantially is to abolish or substantially cut the size of the Departments of Energy, Education, and Labor.


  • 尽管教育部纲要允许学生携带关掉手机,但一些学校允许携带手机上课。

    While Education Department guidelines allow students to carry switched-off mobiles in class, some schools don't want a bar of them.


  • 根据国家教育部统计,截至到2008年,辍学率降低,教师工资增加并且地区可接受”上升认可”。

    The dropout rate decreased, teachers’ salaries increased and by 2008 the district had graduated fromacceptabletorecognised”, according to the state’s education agency.


  • 随后不久教育部评估这些学校缺乏恰当的营销方法没有清晰地说明获得研究生文凭实际益处

    A ministry assessment completed shortly afterward said the schools lacked proper marketing methods and had failed to clearly state the practical benefits of receiving graduate diplomas.


  • 1884年,法国公众教育部报告声称:“在所有文明国家中,我们不在乎清洁的。”

    "Of all the civilised nations, ours is one of those which CARES least about cleanliness," declared a report commissioned by the French Ministry of Public Education in 1884.


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