• 作为多学科设计网络中的我们研究设计实践设计教育如何能够商业和STEM项目紧密的结合。

    As part of the Multi-disciplinary Design Network, we have investigated how design practice and education can work more closely with business and STEM subjects.


  • 实现这个目标近年进行了护理学情感教育理论实践研究

    To gain this objective, recent years we study the theory and practice of nursing affection education.


  • 如何应用网上教学系统推进教育模式不断完善目前大量研究实践

    There is still need of a lot research work for improving the high education model by applying e-learning system.


  • 体育健身教育观点出发大学体育健身课教学模式研究实践效果分析探讨

    Starting from body building education, the paper made an analysis and study of the results achieved in body huilding teaching practice.


  • 取得研究成果看,主要集中相关历史事件问题研究张学良教育思想及其实践研究还属于薄弱环节。

    As far as these great successes are concerned, they focus mainly on historical events and issues related with Chang, while researches on Chang's educational thought and its practice seem rather thin.


  • 运用文献资料、归纳分析实践研究方法,对高等院校实施体育俱乐部高校终身体育教育进一步研究

    By the means of documents, analysis and experiment, ect, the author do some researches on club of physical education and life physical education in universities.


  • 第一马里中国学习教育理论实践研究

    I am among the first postgraduate from Mali who leams the educational theory and practices in China.


  • 这种双重排斥导致教育儿童的双重异化,应该引起教育研究实践高度注意

    This has led to the double-dissimilation between education and children, which deserve our attention to the educational research and practice.


  • 教育理论实践紧张关系一直困扰教育研究教师的难题。

    The tension between educational theory and practice is the difficult problem always obsessing the educational theory researchers and teachers.


  • 学习隐喻变迁体现了教育研究理论实践进步

    The transition of learning metaphors shows the theoretical and practical progress in educational studies.


  • 当前我国大部分地区开展了全科医学教育探索研究实践并且取得一定成绩经验

    At present we have launched exploration, research and practice of general practice medical education in the most areas of our country, and have obtained certain achievements and experience.


  • 同时希望通过本文呼吁俄语教育工作者共同研究探讨大学俄语专业教材编写理论实践

    Meanwhile, it hopes to call upon those engaging in Russian education to jointly research and discuss the theory and practice of compilation of teaching materials.


  • 20世纪70年代起,“问题解决研究开始显现出了认知心理学理论学校教育教学实践密切结合重要特点

    Since 70's in 20th century, an important character of "Problem Solving" research has been combining cognitive psychology theory with instruction practice.


  • 数学教学模式研究实施成为国内教育理论实践方面都共同关注焦点问题

    Mathematics educational model research and the implementation has become the focal point question in the domestic education session which has been paid attention to at the two aspects.


  • 我国教育研究中长期存在着理论实践脱节问题

    The problem that theory is out of integration with practice has long been existed in our education researches.


  • 视听传播教育理论实践分支,主要研究控制学习过程的信息进行设计使用

    Audiovisual communications is that branch of educational theory and practice concerned with the design and use of message which control the learning process.


  • 研究学习近年教育理论实践领域提出一个崭新研究课题课堂研究性学习这种新的学习方式的理论研究缺乏

    Research study is a new problem put forward in the field of educational theory and practice in recent years, the theories foundation of the classroom research study are very lack now.


  • 教师教育形式有效性教师教育研究实践中倍受关注的问题。

    The form and effectiveness of teacher education are focused on in the teacher education research and practice.


  • 本文讨论建筑教育存在三个问题:建筑美术关系个案研究教学方法以及教学、研究社会实践的关系。

    The essay discusses first three problems in architectural education: architecture's relationship with fine arts, the case study method, and the impact of practice on education and research.


  • 然后目光转向国内数学教育理论研究实践,洞察国内数学问题解决研究的现状以及数学教学实践层面存在的问题。

    Then we focus on the theoretical study of mathematics education and practice in the school to find the problems need to be solved.


  • 教育行动研究有效沟通教育理论教育实践方法

    Education action research is a kind of effective method to link up the education theory and education practice.


  • 生命信仰教育研究实践散见于整个教育各个方面没有系统分析与研究

    Research and practice on life belief education involves in each respect of the whole education and has no systematic analysis and research.


  • 骨干教师培训课程结构包括理论学习技能培训,教学实践考察教育科学研究

    The courses construction of training cadre teacher include theory learning and skill training, education practicing and investigating, educational science researching.


  • 研究理论研究基础上,结合幼教实践提出幼儿艺术教育科学教育融合构想设计

    In this part, the researcher puts forward the conception and designing methods of the integrated education for the art and science of young children.


  • 研究教育科学研究方法目的在于探索教育规律以解决重要教育理论实践问题

    The aims that study the methods of education science research is for questing for educational regulations, resolving the important problems of educational theories and practice.


  • 为了设计较为合理的教育税制必要回顾国内外有关教育问题研究实践情况

    For designing a reasonable education tax system, it is necessary to review the research and practice concerning education tax abroad and at home.


  • 生活教育关系教育哲学永恒主题也是当前教育理论实践研究热点问题之一

    The relationship between life and education is the eternal theme of educational philosophy as well as one of topics of the research of education theories and practice.


  • 文章信息素质定义内涵标准为基础,介绍国内外信息素质教育理论研究实践进行的情况。

    Based on the definition, meaning and standard of information Literacy, this paper introduces domestic and international research and practice on information Literacy Instruction.


  • 加快加强教师继续教育理论实践研究步伐,全面提高师资质量当务之急。

    It is urgent to accelerate and enhance the research of continuing teacher education theory and practice for the quality of teachers' comprehensive improvement.


  • 加快加强教师继续教育理论实践研究步伐,全面提高师资质量当务之急。

    It is urgent to accelerate and enhance the research of continuing teacher education theory and practice for the quality of teachers' comprehensive improvement.


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