• “欧开伊”的后人经济地位社会地位教育地位几乎没有上升

    Economically, socially and educationally, their descendants have barely moved up.


  • 随着教育地位日益提升教育新闻报道越来越受到新闻媒介重视

    By going advanced gradually with educating position's, educated news report is becoming regarded highly by media.


  • 教育资源悬殊情况下不同学校长期形成与其教育地位一致的一系列学校文化

    In the case of disparity in educational resources, different schools formed the school culture in line with their educational status.


  • 探究农村妇女个体教育地位差异原因构建农村妇女个体教育地位理论解释模型

    This paper also tries to explore the causes of the differences existing among rural women individuals, and establish an expository model for the theory of rural women individuals' education status.


  • 政府教育辩论中处于有利地位

    The government is claiming the high ground in the education debate.


  • 政府将教育放在了高度优先的地位

    Education has been given a high-priority rating by the new administration.


  • 居住市中心贫民区孩子教育方面可能处于不利地位

    Children living in inner-city areas may be educationally disadvantaged.


  • 语言因素我们如何判断一个人个性智力社会地位教育程度工作能力以及身份社会生存其他许多方面都产生着影响。

    Linguistic factors influence how we judge personality, intelligence, social status, educational standards, job aptitude, and many other areas of identity and social survival.


  • 随着技术工人社会地位工资水平提高相信中国职业教育体系开始中国发展发挥大的作用

    With the rising of the skilled workers' social position and pay, it is believed the vocational education system in China will start to play a bigger role in the development of China.


  • 当代社会几乎所有方面依赖这些创新这些创新之所以成为可能是因为当时美国数学科学教育方面处于世界领先地位

    Those innovations, upon which virtually all aspects of contemporary society now depend, were possible because the United States then led the world in mathematics and science education.


  • 没有其他信息可提供的条件下,研究人员要求他们估计威廉姆斯先生工资职业地位教育背景

    With little else to go on, they were asked to estimate Mr. Williams's salary, professional standing, and educational background.


  • 这些年轻妈妈年龄教育状况社会经济地位导致子女得不到妥帖的照料。

    The age, education, and socioeconomic status of these young mothers led to less satisfactory child care.


  • 教育专家阿里夫·拉赫曼(Arif Rahman)每种语言都有社会地位

    Each language had a social rank, said Arief Rachman, an education expert.


  • 控制(这个词翻我翻不好)家长收入婚姻地位一些其他因素之后我们发现家长教育影响仍然重大

    Even after controlling for parental income, marital status and a host of other factors, we find that the impact of parental education remains significant.


  • 你们智慧,你们努力工作能力以及你们受到教育给予你们独特的地位责任

    Your intelligence, your capacity for hard work, the education you have earned and received, give you unique status, and unique responsibilities.


  • 缺乏获得教育机会以及社区社会地位低下,与针对妇女暴力行为有关

    Lack of access to education and opportunity, and low social status in communities are linked to violence against women.


  • 而言之,教育打破贫穷健康不良苦难地位低下循环强有力方式,这种循环过去妇女们代代相传。

    In short, education is a powerful way to break the cycle of poverty, ill health, misery, and low status passed on from one generation of women to the next.


  • 少女教育自主改善健康状况、改善社会经济地位以及母亲和儿童健康产生积极效应有着重要联系

    Girls' education is critically linked to self-determination, improved health, social and economic status as well as positive health outcomes for the mother and the child.


  • 当然过去几年苹果通过打折手段来自己巩固教育市场地位并不是个秘密

    It's no small secret, of course, that Apple has planted its computers in the education market over the years by offering discounts to grow its position.


  • 财富教育声望更高的社会地位给了他们关心自己自由权利。

    He said wealth, education and prestige and a higher station in life gave them the freedom to only worry about themselves.


  • 美国国家科学基金会对于如何提升计算机科学教育高中中的地位似乎已经有一个明确的策略

    The N.S.F. seems to have a sound strategy for elevating computer science education in high schools by collectively raising its sights.


  • 我们不能儒家一点,或者至少提高教育地位我们可以思考地更多。

    And can we become just a wee bit more Confucian ourselves, at least in terms of elevating education in our priorities?


  • 突尼斯消除贫困,提高国民识字率教育人口控制妇女地位方面,在国际上的得分很高

    Tunisia scores high in poverty reduction, literacy, education, population control, and women's status.


  • 等同地位竞争提议需要平等教育

    The proposal for a level playing field demands, of course, equal education.


  • 尽管如此像芬兰这样的在国际教育领域处于领先地位国家没有采用任何入学考试模式

    However, the country which tops most international education league tables, Finland, does not use any entrance tests.


  • 我们传统教育中,教室里、课堂上的老师知识智慧代表象征,用各种仪式树立老师的地位威严,似乎只有如此才能作好教学,儒家的话来总结就是“师道尊严”。

    In the traditional one, a teacher in a classroom represents the knowledge and wisdom. His or her status and dignity must be set up by using regulations.


  • Fodder有着慈善地位职权范围,作为教育一部分市民来看他所期待的东西

    Fodder has charitable status and as part of its educational remit he is taking members of the public to see exactly what he is looking for.


  • Fodder有着慈善地位职权范围,作为教育一部分市民来看他所期待的东西

    Fodder has charitable status and as part of its educational remit he is taking members of the public to see exactly what he is looking for.


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