• 救援直升机海湾上空搜索了一遍。

    The rescue helicopter made another sweep over the bay.


  • 我们这个吊舱锁定救援直升机进行连续跟踪

    We use the targeting pod to lock onto the rescue helicopter and to keep track of it.


  • 美国海岸警卫队计划银行飞机航班天桥准备搜索救援直升机

    The Coast Guard planned an airplane flyover of the Outer Banks and prepared for search-and-rescue helicopter flights.


  • 早晨时一半美国人受伤了武装分子将炮火对准即将赶来救援直升机防止他们着陆

    By midmorning, nearly half of the Americans were wounded, but the militants directed their gunfire on the arriving medevac helicopters, preventing them from landing.


  • 一度使救援直升机无法飞行大雨现在慢慢变小军用直升机可以向边远山区幸存者空投食物药品

    The driving rain that halted helicopter flights until now has eased, allowing military helicopters to drop food and medicine to survivors in remote mountain villages.


  • 28下午2左右救援直升机成功从新疆尼勒克县雪崩区域救出首批11名被困群众,包括5名孩子6名妇女

    Helicopters rescued the first group of people trapped by avalanches in Nilka county, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region, at about 2 PM Sunday. The 11 rescued were 6 women and 5 children.


  • 这个巨大的空间还有其他一些设备可以模拟救援直升机旋气流,也能制造降雨黑暗时速120英里大风,以及

    Other equipment in the cavernous space can replicate the downwash from rescue helicopters, and generate rain, darkness, 120-mile-per-hour winds, smoke and fire.


  • 到目前为止最佳选择达到安提瓜岛等候在那里救援直升机首先必须使用远程发射机,而且唯一一个在附近,是铠甲基地。

    So far your best option is to reach Antigua Island and wait there for rescue choppers, but first of all you must use a long range transmitter, and the only one nearby is inside an armor base.


  • 警方直升机救援队伍于分钟内赶抵现场

    Police and helicopter rescue crews were at the scene within minutes.


  • 直升机协助救援努力

    Helicopters aided the rescue efforts.


  • 当时,灭火云梯不能到达大楼中部略上的位置,救援直升机也因大火浓烟阻挡。

    Fire ladders were unable to reach the upper half of the building, and rescue helicopters were hampered by smoke.


  • 据悉,该类轻型直升机用于搜索救援任务疏散伤员观察监视限制电子情报搜集

    The helicopters will be used for search-and-rescue missions, casualty evacuation, observation and surveillance, and limited electronic intelligence gathering.


  • 警察,该男子在救援行动中拼命反抗,并试图接近冰点水中救出救援人员身旁开,后来直升机吊索才把救上来。

    He then desperately resisted rescue attempts, swimming away from rescuers who tried to pull him from the near-freezing waters and climbing out of a sling dropped by a helicopter, police said.


  • 国家海岸警备队直升机水面上方低空降临,下降的气流在水面吹出一道波谷,前来救援小伙子们缆绳上摇荡下来,尽之力。

    The Coast Guard choppers are coming in low over the water, the downdraft streaking a trough across the surface, the rescue guys swinging from cables like anyone could do what they do.


  • 医务人员直升机到达该岛救援物资因恶劣天气而受阻苏门答腊岛巴东港来大约费了半天周折。

    Medical personnel were arriving on helicopters but boats bearing aid have been hampered by bad weather around the islands, which are about half a day's journey away from the port of Padang on Sumatra.


  • 医疗人员通过直升机进入重灾区进行营救但是该地区交通通信受到破坏救援行动难以进行。

    He said medical personnel were on their way to the worst-hit areas in helicopters but rescue efforts have been hampered by disruption to communications in the region.


  • 后来警方叫来一架私人直升机驾驶员利用机翼产生迫使男子海岸救援人员可以到的地方

    A private helicopter was called and the pilot used wind from the blades to generate a current which pushed him closer to shore where rescuers could reach him.


  • 直升机携带设备炸毁3公里,1009公尺堰塞湖作为救援的路径。

    Helicopters carrying equipment to blast the sides of the barrier lake, which is 3 km long, 100 meters wide and 9 meters deep, have been pressed into service.


  • 已经足够直升机救援资源待命,然而我们没有预料到会发大水”她说。

    I'd have had more helicopters standing by. More resources standing by.


  • 盘旋印度洋救援货船行动期间直升机盘旋在“蒙特·克里斯托”号上空。

    Hovering: a helicopter hovers above the Montecristo during the operation to free the vessel in the Indian ocean.


  • 巴基斯坦已经救援工作部署了80直升机其中一些直升机是从其它国家借来的。

    Pakistan has deployed more than 80 helicopters, including some on loan from other countries, for the relief effort.


  • 世界粮食计划署发言人保罗·里斯,不幸的,世界粮食计划署无法使用美国海军直升机救援物资运到整个伊洛瓦底江三角洲

    WFP spokesman Paul Risley says it is unfortunate that U.S. Navy helicopters will not be available to bring aid across the Irrawaddy Delta.


  • 世界粮食计划署发言人保罗·里斯,不幸的,世界粮食计划署无法使用美国海军直升机救援物资运到整个伊洛瓦底江三角洲

    WFP spokesman Paul Risley says it is unfortunate that U.S. Navy helicopters will not be available to bring aid across the Irrawaddy Delta.


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