• 通过鼓式制动器制动效能试验验证制动气压制动减速度关系模型准确性汽车制动失效报警方案进行论证

    Though the braking performance test of drum brakes I verified the brake pressure and brake deceleration the accuracy of the relational model, and demonstrated the brake failure warning program.


  • 波特兰市俄勒冈国家灵长类研究中心的米塔李波夫(ShoukhratMitalipov星期三记者说,试验使用的方法效能非常低下

    The process used in the new experiment is "quite inefficient, " Shoukhrat Mitalipov of the Oregon National Primate Research Center in Portland told reporters Wednesday.


  • 通过试验计算认为效率效能可以作为评价筛选驱油表面活性剂的两个标尺使用;

    The testing and calculating results show that efficiency and effectiveness can be treated as two gauges to evaluate and choose flooding surfactants.


  • 下一步是做人体皮肤试验,从而确定这种凝胶效能

    The next phase of testing will assess the gel's effectiveness against STDs in humans.


  • 模型突破只能评估导弹武器系统试验效能局限性估算值更反映出导弹武器系统的实战水平。

    This new model can get over the limit that only evaluates the effectiveness in experimentation, and the evaluation can reflect the missile performance in real battle.


  • 通过中试试验研究臭氧活性炭深度处理工艺效能

    Pilot experiments were conducted to investigate the algae removal efficiency of ozone-GAC process, one f advanced drinking water treatments.


  • 通过杯罐试验研究造纸中段废水预处理效能影响因素

    The treatment efficiency and effect factors of coagulation pretreatment of bleaching wastewater from pulp making process was studied by jar test.


  • 为了处理印染废水进行了HCI活化硅藻土、粉煤灰及其处理效能试验

    For the sake of treating textile-dyeing wastes, experiments on the activation of silica and powdered coal ash with HCI and its efficiency of treatment are carried out.


  • 试验结果表明网络环境有效提高这种交互活动效能,受到普遍欢迎

    The result of our experiment shows that the environment of Internet can increase the efficiency of the interactive activity and make it more popular among the students.


  • 文中以某末修子母弹攻击机场跑道例,用统计试验数值模拟法以及CADET三种方法计算了末修子母弹对机场跑道的射击效能

    In this paper, the shooting efficiency for terminal correction sub-munition to airport runway is calculated by three methods:Monte-Carlo method, Numerical Value simulation method and CADET.


  • 试验研究了生物水力特性硝化效能

    Hydraulic characteristics and nitrification efficiency of Biological Turbulent Bed Reactor (BTBR) were studied.


  • 外场试验进行电子对抗效能评估有效手段之一。

    The outfield experiment is one of the most effective measures in the efficiency assessment of ECM.


  • 毁伤响应函数获取毁伤效能评估至关重要的研究内容,主要研究方法是试验归纳

    While evaluating damage efficiency, it is especially important to deduce the damage response function, which is mainly achieved by deduction from a variety of experiments.


  • 本文MIOD工艺模型基础,进行了MIOD水力性能研究与工艺运行方式试验研究,进而由此进行了新型一体化氧化沟工艺效能分析。

    Based on the model experiment, flow performances of the main ditch and operation styles of MIOD are experimented and furthermore, energy efficiency is analyzed in the article.


  • 试验结果表明只有施作水面才能使其防水效能得到理想发挥

    The result shows that its impermeability depends on the position of the layer and its perfect performance can be achieved only when the layer was on the upstream face of underground construction.


  • 本文以松花江本底,以微量苯酚重金属离子研究对象,通过烧杯搅拌试验,初步考察了高铁酸盐污染效能

    The pollutant removal effect of ferric coagulant was researched by stirring jar test to remove trace phenol and heavy metal ions of Pb and Cd in Sungari River.


  • 环境应力试验特别是加速应力试验效能主要取决于环境模拟设备性能

    The effectiveness of Environmental Stress Testing (especially Accelerated Stress Testing) mainly depends on the capability of environmental simulation facilities.


  • 随着各种航天试验航天器进入现代高技术局部战争,逐步形成了一体化战争格局,提高航天试验指挥效能成为现代战的迫切需求。

    With the use of all kinds of aerospace experiments and spacecrafts in the high-tech local wars, an integrative pattern of war forms day by day.


  • 采用研制酸雾抑制剂模拟实际工艺条件进行了缓蚀抑效能试验

    The acid mist depressing effect test was carried out by simulating actual working conditions using recently developed acid mist depressor.


  • 试验发现甘草酸具有良好乳化作用,其效能接近大豆磷脂其他一些性能方面则优于大豆磷脂。

    Licorice acid had a good emulsification and the effect was closed to soybean phosphatide or better than soybean phosphatide in other properties.


  • 本文采用中试规模UASB反应器,试验研究其对红薯淀粉废水的处理效能及其影响因素

    In this paper, the experiments of the full-scale UASB treating sweet potato starch wastewater were studied.


  • 通过中试试验考察了高锰酸复合药剂氧化活性炭—砂滤池组合工艺处理富营养化水体效能

    The preoxidation efficiency of micropolluted raw water with potassium permanganate composite(PPC) and potassium permanganate combined with ozone was compared in a waterworks in the south of China.


  • 最后试验大客车基本参数建模依据利用ADAMS软件改进后的大客车制动效能进行仿真分析。

    Finally, according to the basic parameters of test bus, we got a simulation model. We analyzed the simulation of the efficiency of the improvement in bus braking system by using the ADAMS.


  • 通过试验研究表明反应器可以保持较高COD去除效率能够充分发挥处理段工作效能

    Experimental studies show reactor can be maintained higher COD removal efficiency, and to give full play of anaerobic treatment.


  • 目的评价日本血吸虫间接试验(IHA)诊断试剂盒血吸虫病临床诊断效能

    Objective to evaluate the clinical diagnostic efficiency of Indirect Hemagglutination Assay kit (IHA kit) for antibody detection of schistosomiasis japonica.


  • 通过运行试验及大量器材保养实践证明,设备运行可靠性能优越,能够有效提高器材除锈保养自动化水平、保养质量保养效能满足装甲装备器材除锈保养的要求

    It has been proved to run reliably with good capability promote the standards of the automation, quality, efficiency and capacity and satisfy the demands of removing rust and maintenance as designed.


  • 获得系统的最佳效能,采用温度畸变发生器作为逼喘装置,分别给出了不同发动机稳构件的试验结果。

    A relicable anti surge control system must be erected in order to prevent compressor operation from being close to surge point.


  • 获得系统的最佳效能,采用温度畸变发生器作为逼喘装置,分别给出了不同发动机稳构件的试验结果。

    A relicable anti surge control system must be erected in order to prevent compressor operation from being close to surge point.


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