• 前额皮层内侧较小活跃起来,这是Braun早期关于语言形式如何自传故事联系关键发现

    A smaller area called the medial prefrontal cortex fired up, a key finding as Braun's earlier research on how language forms linked that region to autobiographical storytelling.


  • 评论我们分享智慧故事

    Share your wisdom and story with us in the comment section.


  • 也有很多有关男子去了西部、而将妻子子女留下的居民故事也许是编造的)流传开来。

    There are tales, perhaps apocryphal, of whole communities where the men have gone west, leaving their wives and children behind.


  • 正在隔离进行研究工作卢博克德州科技大学(Texas Tech University)放射生态学家罗纳德·切瑟(RonaldChesser)说:“切尔诺贝利真实故事就是人间悲剧。”

    “The true story of Chornobyl, ” says Ronald Chesser, a radioecologist at Texas Tech University in Lubbock who carries out studies in the Exclusion Zone, “is the human tragedy.”


  • 与《变形金刚2》、《终结者2018》《阿达》相比,《第九》只能算是小本经营,而且一部影片中讲出了五个故事,值得

    Made on a shoestring compared to Transformers 2, Terminator Salvation or AVATAR, District 9 actually tells about five stories in one. Go see it.


  • 本周故事关系欧元以及希腊是否能够得到欧元15个兄弟姐妹”的救助。

    This week the story concerns the euro and whether Greece will be saved by its 15 siblings in the single currency.


  • 大量的电视观众着过分的好奇心期盼听到沮丧故事意味着很多被取消赎回权加州中产阶级现在临时棚户

    A television audience with a grisly eagerness for depression stories was meant to conclude that California's middle class, being foreclosed upon en masse, was now living in shantytowns.


  • 他们故事交杂马利克的哥哥阿里故事,阿里正在沿海邦特兰自治寻找离家出走继子塔克斯里伊尔。

    Their story alternates with that of Malik’s brother, Ahl, who is searching in the autonomous coastal region of Puntland for his runaway stepson, Taxliil.


  • 故事围绕伦敦国王十字大规模重建而展开

    His story takes place around the massive redevelopment of the King's Cross area of London.


  • 恐怕继续讲述有趣故事使敏捷成为个纯粹的技术能力讨论

    I'm afraid that continuing to try to tell an attractive story will lead this community to become a cult of irrelevant technical competence.


  • 每次生产车间加工工棚巡逻时都要职工故事这样宣传方法受到了职工一致好评

    Each of the District Team workshop, processing sheds on patrol, he should tell a little story for the employees, such publicity by workers alike.


  • Beasla还是孩子时候,爷爷总是坐在图书馆儿童读物地上或是弓着背坐在长椅上为Beasla别的孩子们读书上的故事

    When Beasla was a child, her grandfather would spend hours reading to her and other children in the kids' section of the local library, sitting on the ground or hunched on a tiny bench.


  • TweetMeme博客帖子赞助者可以24小时'推广升级'故事链接到'赞助者tweet '

    According to the TweetMeme blog post, sponsors can 'promote' a story link as frequently as every 24 hours to appear in the box.


  • 但是如果对该事件应激影响到信息加工信息整合某个故事的话,治疗不一定有效的。

    But if the stress of the event is affecting areas of the brain responsible for processing information and incorporating it into a story, that treatment may not be as effective.


  • 我们已经看到这个故事一地开始了。

    And we have seen this story unfold throughout this region.


  • 列车驶进了浓密灌木林,夜幕降临,我们进入塞卢斯禁猎,这里是非洲最大的禁猎之一听说大象列车相撞使得火车脱轨故事)。

    With nightfall’s approach, we would be entering the Selous Game Reserve, one of the largest in Africa. (I had heard stories of collisions with elephants causing trains to derail.)


  • 美国恐怖故事莉莉·拉贝出演指挥官姆,来自2某届饥饿游戏获胜者

    American Horror Story's Lily Rabe joined the cast as Commander Lyme, a past Hunger Games victor from District 2.


  • 正如片名所示,所有故事发生无人徐铮野心勃勃唯利是图律师变成了一个渐渐学会关怀的正义之士。

    Everything happens, quite literally, in a no man's land, and Xu transforms from an ambitious, mercenary lawyer into a righteous man who gradually learns to care.


  • 另一种快乐故事,将推动经济令人难以置信力量实现内陆保税物流。

    This would be another merry story and would promote the in-land economy with incredible power.


  • 莉齐-梅丽用故事告诉我们生活准则自己去计划和创造行的通的。她出生华盛顿一个贫民贫穷导致她的双亲成为艾滋病患者

    Lizi Merry told us by her story that the rule can be arranged by herself, who was born in a gutter of Washington district, her parents were both the sufferer of Aids as their poor life.


  • 但是过程出现了一点问题,结果飞行器坠毁了,由此诞生传奇般的罗斯威尔事件,之后后“发现的外星人尸体送往51”——如果相信这个版本的故事

    Butt something went wrong, the plane crashed, and the Roswell legend was born, with "alien" wreckage and bodies sent on to Area 51if you believe that story.


  • 这个故事开始布鲁克林商业街道拐角老人马路时忽然在街道的十字路口,一辆救护车急速送往金司县意义。

    The story began on a downtown Brooklyn street corer. An elderly man had collapsed while crossing the street; an ambulance rushed him to Kings Country Hospital.


  • 正如片名所示,所有故事发生无人徐铮野心勃勃唯利是图律师变成了一个慢慢学会关怀的正义之士。

    Everything happens, quite literally, in a no man's land, and Xu transforms from an ambitious, mercenary lawyer into a righteous man who gradually learns s to care.


  • 我们语言学习英语故事

    We are learning English story in language area!


  • 我们语言学习英语故事

    We are learning English story in language area!


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