• 改变一步厌恶

    The first stage of a life changing day is disgust.


  • 界读书旨在通过热爱书籍和共享阅读来改变生活,并将书籍带给最需要的孩子。

    World Book Day is here to change lives through a love of books and shared reading, and bring books to the children who need them most.


  • 名科学家亚历山大·弗莱明曾说:“当我在1928年9月28破晓后醒来时,我当然没有打算通过发现世界上第一种抗生素给所有医药带来改变。但我想这正是我当时所做的。”

    The famous scientist Alexander Fleming said, "When I woke up just after daybreak on 28th September 1928, I certainly didn't plan to revolutionize all medicine by discovering the world's first antibiotic. But I guess that was exactly what I did."


  • 1月1人们决心改变自己行为不过事实是,这种决心很难坚持一两天以上

    On January 1 people resolve to change their behaviors, in spite of the fact that such resolutions hardly ever stick for more than a day or two.


  • 改变世界”不只是今年国际青年主题而且激励各个时代青年人训喻

    "Change Our World" is more than the theme of this year's International Youth Day; it is an injunction that should inspire young people at all times.


  • 现在51实行一条法律带来了改变法律明确规定允许没有并发症年轻孕妇们在家生育

    Now a change in the law from May 1st will explicitly allow home births for a restricted category of younger mothers with uncomplicated pregnancies.


  • 土星2008年12月31起开始逆行,经历了4个半月所以这个改变受到欢迎的!

    Saturn's been retrograde since December 31, 2008, four-and-a-half months, so the change that is coming will be quite welcome for you!


  • 许多议员5月5进行选举为时过早,他们担心法案通过会改变现有的国会选区(bagehot)。

    Many peers argued that the date of the vote (May 5th) was too soon, and were worried about the changes to parliamentary constituencies that were included in the same bill (see Bagehot).


  • 1月20里根体现出来精神二者不仅没有隔离而且乘机改变整个民族的方向和格局。

    On Jan. 20 Reagan and the idea he embodies will both emerge from their respective seclusions with a real opportunity to change the direction and tone of the nation.


  • 国际劳工组织6月16会上通过了一项条约希望借此改变所有一切。

    The International Labour Organisation (ILO) hopes to change all this with a new treaty adopted on June 16th at its annual conference.


  • 今天环境意识能动性全世界范围内渐高涨——证明地球教育开始改变我们所有的人,改变我们共同生存的环境。

    Today, environmental awareness and activism are on the rise across the world -proof that Earth day's teachings have begun to change all of us, and change the environment we share.


  • 另有消息人士自从交易212被提出审议以来,力股价已经了50%,事实改变这家矿业集团的处境。

    The fact that the Rio share price has risen by 50% since the deal was first mooted on 12 February changed the picture for the mining group, said another source.


  • 工作,你容易这些气恼的事感到习惯——或者想当然认为他们不能改变

    It's easy to get used to these irritations in the working day - or to assume that they can't ever be changed.


  • 到了最后,要求改变愿望了上风,在选举那一天投票选举铁娘子保守党英国达到创纪录的新高。

    In the end, though, the desire for change proved overwhelming, and on election day Britons voted in near record Numbers for the Tories and their fighting lady.


  • 亚历克斯·福伊尔博客有朝一症候群》那些对于工作简直病得太重了。仍然通过改变工作焦点使保持有效经营

    When Alex Fayle of the blog Someday Syndrome is too sick to work, he still manages to stay productive by changing the focus of his work.


  • 一个毫无疑问改变生活纪念

    Sunday is the anniversary of something that undoubtedly has changed your life.


  • 这么建议病人我们尝试一下摄入热量方面一个缓慢或者切实可行改变这样并不觉得过于饥饿而且可以复一地坚持下去

    That's what I recommend to my patients, let's try to pick a gradual or realistic reduction in calories that's not going to make you really hungry a lot and that you can sustain day after day.


  • 今年即2005年世界献血主题为庆祝血液礼物”,突出生活因血液而发生改变许多情况下其生命得到拯救人们真实故事

    This year, World blood Donor Day 2005 will have the theme "Celebrating your gift of blood" and will highlight true stories of people whose lives have been changed - in many cases saved - by blood.


  • 现在改变每周的工作每天查看邮件的次数大概310次不等,大约花费1小时处理这些邮件;

    That changes now. For one week, I will only be checking my email at approximately 10 and 3 each day, spending no more than 1 hour responding to or sending email.


  • 国家数据办公室(ONS)2月263月30即将发出的公告会大大改变所颁布的第四季度GDP增长值

    Forthcoming bulletins from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on February 26th and March 30th could well change this week's dismally low figure for GDP growth in the fourth quarter.


  • 1月19马萨诸塞州的参议院选举出人意料的激烈,说明美国仍然在寻求改变奥巴马并非唯一能带来改变的人。

    Thesurprisingly narrow Senate contest in Massachusetts on Jan. 19 seemedto nail home the point: America still wants change, and Obama is notthe only vehicle.


  • 6月6,他们无视国际货币基金组织鼓励斯本坚持预算削减计划报告,公开表示应当寻求改变

    Time for an alternative, Labour declared on June 6th, brushing aside a report from the International Monetary Fund that urged Mr Osborne to stick to his cuts.


  • 但是现在蒸蒸经济改变她们的生活

    But now a booming economy has transformed their lives. Hilary Spurling sees the changes for herself...


  • 2月22(本周一),巴马抛出自己改变美国困境重重的医疗体系方案

    Then, on Monday February 22nd, Mr Obama at last unveiled his own set of proposals for reforming America's troubled health system.


  • 然而到了夏天随着B——布什富人减税计划到期——开始邻近,调子发生了改变

    But the tone changed during the summer, as B-day - the day when the Bush tax breaks for the wealthy were scheduled to expire - began to approach.


  • 然而到了夏天随着B——布什富人减税计划到期——开始邻近,调子发生了改变

    But the tone changed during the summer, as B-day - the day when the Bush tax breaks for the wealthy were scheduled to expire - began to approach.


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