• 但是隐私专家是因为消费者根本看不到这些收集的结果

    But privacy experts say that is because the collection is invisible to them.


  • 大部分隐私偏执狂网络时代集中那些强有力公司中,主要是谷歌收集我们有关在线活动的所有信息

    Most of the paranoia about privacy in the Internet era has focused on the power of companies, primarily Google, to collect information about all our doings online.


  • 实际上隐私策略所做只是定义这家公司收集哪些信息为什么收集这些信息以及可能这些信息进行怎样的处理。

    In fact, all the privacy policy does is define what information the company collects, why it is collected, and what can be done with it.


  • 一旦清楚了即将收集实际内容,那么创建一条隐私策略实际上没有那么困难

    Once you know what you're actually going to collect, creating a privacy policy isn't actually all that difficult.


  • 特别要求收集个人信息的世界卫生组织网站发表专用网站隐私政策

    WHO sites with specific requirements to collect personal information may publish a privacy policy specific for that site.


  • CRM解决方案收集数据公司必须考虑客户隐私需要、数据安全以及法律上文化上行为规范

    When gathering data as part of a CRM solution, a company must consider the desire for customer privacy and data security, as well as the legislative and cultural norms.


  • 激进隐私保护者对话同时考虑要求公司代理商发送数据告知人们收集关于他们信息

    He talks to privacy activists and may even consider the idea of requiring firms and agencies to send out "data letters" telling people what information is collected about them.


  • 即便美国要求企业各种条件下收集数据客户提供隐私策略通知

    Even in the United States, companies are required to provide notice of their privacy policies to customers when collecting data under various conditions.


  • 研究了加洲法律了解到,对于涉及收集个人信息网站必须主页上放置一个关于隐私保护链接

    I've been trying for two days to understand a California law that seems to say that Web sites that collect personal information must put a link to their privacy policies on their home page.


  • 基本上隐私策略用于告诉用户收集哪些信息、为什么收集这些信息,以及这些信息进行怎样处理

    Basically, this privacy policy is designed to tell the user what you are collecting, why you are collecting it, and what you're going to do with it.


  • 苹果最近修改了隐私政策,称公司需要收集数据用来提供位置服务德国这场担忧正是由此引发的。

    The Germany concern is in response to Apple's updated privacy policy, which outlines what the company feels is the need to harvest data to provide location-based services.


  • 微软对于收集用户隐私采取非常透明态度

    The Redmond company has adopted a very transparent position when it comes to the information being collected from its users.


  • 网络数据收集尤其是cookies使用,强化了个人隐私问题的关注,这个话题我们后面的课程里详细讨论

    The collection of web data, and especially the use of of "cookies", raises important concerns about individual privacy, a subject we will discuss at length later in the course.


  • 隐私监察机构要求苹果公司一麻烦问题进行回答——为什么iPhonesiPads秘密收集用户位置信息

    Privacy watchdogs are demanding answers to this troubling question - Why are iPhones and iPads secretly collecting location data on users?


  • 这些Facebook讨论最多隐私泄露焦虑不管我们信任与否网站收集越来越多的信息

    As with most discussions of Facebook these days, it all returns to privacy concerns and whether or not we trust the site with more and more of our information.


  • 今年早些时候一位荷兰研究者曝光隐私问题后,Facebook停止向从未访问过Facebook网站的用户收集浏览器数据

    Earlier this year it stopped gathering browser data from users who had never even been to Facebook.com after it was exposed by a Dutch researcher.


  • 苹果公司发言人诺维丽重申,安装苹果公司iOS系统的移动设备从来没有追踪记录个人隐私,苹果不会收集连接个人他们电子装置任何信息

    Novelli reiterated the company line that iOS devices have never tracked individuals, and that Apple does not collect any information that can be connected to an individual or their device.


  • 记录网络用户哪里做什么的广告商数据收集隐私损害获取利润

    Advertisers and data collectors who record where customers go and what they do want profit at the expense of privacy.


  • 大部分正规公司网站都会一项隐私保证声明,把它们如何使用会员和客户那里收集个人信息解释清楚

    Most reputable companies or websites will have a privacy statement that explains clearly how they will use the personal information that they collect from their members or customers.


  • 隐私声明揭示了我们收集哪些收集以及信息使用方法

    This privacy statement discloses what information we gather and how we use it.


  • 美国几个已经展开联合调查确定谷歌街景车辆在网民无防备情况下收集他们私人数据的时候,其行为是否违反隐私法律

    A number of U.S. states have joined in on an investigation of whether privacy laws were broken when Google's Street View vehicles collected personal data of unsuspecting Internet users.


  • 对于这些公司,网民隐私意味着昂贵公开条件对于他们而言客户隐私意味着收集客户信息能力限制潜在法律责任

    For them, privacy means expensive disclosure requirements, constraints on their ability to collect information about their customers, and a potential source of legal liabilities.


  • 或者糟的是,我应该自己简主义者感到难过,并且为收集那些窥探隐私图片感到难过。 我的穿着以及生活方式很多抓狂,懊恼或者感到厌恶知道吗?

    Or even worse, just calling myself a minimalist and posting voyeuristic pictures of what I pack, what I wear and how I live makes some people mad/annoyed/disgusted (?), but you know what?


  • 我们鼓励离开我们网站知晓这一情形,阅读一个收集个人身份信息网站隐私政策

    We encourage you to be aware when you leave our Sites and to read the privacy policies of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information.


  • 据悉,谷歌公司在09收益是45亿英镑,该公司负责人说“街景”将不再收集无线资讯数据保证改善自身保护隐私方面政策

    Google, which made a profit of ?4.5billion last year, said its Street View cars no longer collected any type of wireless information, and promised to improve its privacy policies.


  • 仔细阅读隐私政策了解卖方这边收集什么信息这些信息如何使用的,以及怎样阻止过程

    Read the privacy policy carefully to find out what information the seller is gathering from you, how the information will be used, and how you can stop the process.


  • 互联网存在使信息收集处理传播极为方便,使个人隐私遭到前所未有的威胁。

    Internet makes the collection, processing and transmission of information more convenient, yet it poses a serious threat to individual privacy.


  • 因为电脑能够收集很多的数据,和互联网能够分配他们在全球范围内担忧隐私在线放大

    Because computers can gather and sort vast amounts of data, and the Internet can distribute them globally, the concerns about privacy online are magnified.


  • 因为电脑能够收集很多的数据,和互联网能够分配他们在全球范围内担忧隐私在线放大

    Because computers can gather and sort vast amounts of data, and the Internet can distribute them globally, the concerns about privacy online are magnified.


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