• 每周收集银行对账单处理日常银行业务,准备现金流量预测

    Collect bank statements prepare check credit note and bank instruction and deal with other bank activities and communicate with bank and prepare cash flow;


  • 本月太平洋共同体秘书处世界银行合作,共同举办一个国家统计官员讲习班改进数据收集使用

    This month, the Secretariat of the Pacific Community in collaboration with the World Bank is holding a workshop of national statistics officers to improve data collection and use.


  • 除了在线收集评论,2010年2月2010年6月第一阶段磋商过程中,世界银行集团还将召开一系列电视电话会议举办其他活动

    In addition to collecting comments online, the World Bank Group will hold a series of meetings, videoconferences, and other events in the first phase of consultations from February 2010 to June 2010.


  • 所以商业零售银行发行贷款,they…,然后商业零售银行将贷款转手,卖房地房利,事实上是收集了,大量全国房贷

    So ta retail bank sells the mortgage and then the retail Banks flips it to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac which essentially package huge Numbers of the mortgages across the countries.


  • 银行系统陷入换乱之后,监管者多种方式能够恢复其平静,监管者要求欧洲银行公布过去个月收集信息,并把作为欧洲各银行“路考”的一部分

    Were panic to seize the banking system, regulators could do much to restore calm by releasing information they have collected in the past three months as part of “stress tests” of Europe’s banks.


  • 银行杂志已经开始收集零售客户编码填充仍然很低随着时间的推移将会改善

    The Banker has started collecting retail customer Numbers, but fill rates are still low - this should improve over time.


  • 至少应该做到定期监督检查广泛收集银行机构信息。

    It would likely require at least periodic surveillance and information-gathering from a wide range of nonbank institutions.


  • 参议院做了一份关于导致2008年华尔街银行破产事件案例调查报告报告收集上千封电子邮件其他信函

    A Senate committee produced an investigative report, assembling thousands of e-mails and other correspondence, into events and practices on Wall Street leading up to the banking collapse of 2008.


  • 版本宙斯第三版”不仅收集用户登录名密码银行资料具有被感染帐户转移资金能力

    The new version, "Zeus v3", not only collects users' logins, passwords and bank details - it is also capable of transferring money out of the compromised accounts.


  • 银行会持续地收集商业事件以及其他可能影响指定仓位风险数据

    The bank continuously collects business events and other data that could potentially influence the risk associated with a given position.


  • 中国人民银行12月15全国季度调查收集20000份问卷,表明消费者在国去年内更加关注价格上涨

    Chinese consumers are more concerned aboutrising prices than at any time in the past decade, the People’sBank of China said on Dec. 15 in its quarterly survey of 20,000households across the country.


  • 每日12:0017:00之前收集售后保险销售收入交存银行(法定节假日期间,出纳收银员一同将收款存入储蓄所)。

    Before 12:00 and 17:00, twice collect cash and checks from after sales, insurance and sales, to bank or savings agency (in case of Public holidays, both cashier and receiver go to the savings agency).


  • 银行系统陷入换乱之后,监管者多种方式能够恢复其平静,监管者要求欧洲银行公布过去个月收集信息,并把作为欧洲各银行“路考”的一部分

    Were panic to seize the banking system, regulators could do much to restore calm by releasing information they have collected in the past three months as part of "stress tests" of Europe's banks.


  • 杰姆根据多方人员以及组织收集信息加以总结然后上报芝加哥联邦储备银行

    Jim reported to the chicago federal reserve bank about his observations based anecdotal information received from a combination of many people and organizations.


  • 参议院做了一份关于导致2008年华尔街银行破产事件案例调查报告,报告收集上千封电子邮件其他信函

    Senate committee produced an investigative report, assembling thousands of emails and other correspondence, into events and practices on Wall Street leading up to the banking collapse of 2008.


  • 菜谱银行管理力求标准化收集所有专业产品菜谱。无论对于内部顾客,还是外部顾客,成为一个方案提供者

    Unilever food-solutions Recipe bank management, standardize and collect all of professional products recipes, be a solution provider to external and internal customer.


  • 该文收集7家中资银行全国50个城市1789个零售顾客服务质量、顾客满意度和顾客忠诚度数据

    Through CATI system, 1789 customers' service quality evaluation data about their 7 retail banking suppliers are collected from 50 cities of China.


  • 方法收集分析1992 ~ 2001河源实施世界银行贷款结核病控制项目资料

    Method Data of the tuberculosis control project supported by the World Bank loan in Heyuan city from 1992 to 2001 was collected and analyzed.


  • 正如幅画描绘存钱一样,笑眯眯可爱小猪银行收集每一滴水的水龙头。

    Just as is depicted in the picture, just like saving money, the lovely and smiling piggy bank is collecting every drop of water falling from the water tap.


  • 例如美国银行根据位置语音跟踪收集数据增加了客服中心员工相互沟通的时间

    Bank of America, for instance, used the data it collected from location and voice monitors to increase the time its call center employees spent talking to one another.


  • 管理办公室财务交易收集报告负责处理日常支付银行相关问题。处理零用现金

    Administers the collection and reporting of general office money transactions. Responsible for the daily payment process and related banking issues. Handles petty cash.


  • 按照人民银行要求,如期完成企业信用信息数据库信息收集整理加载工作

    In accordance with the requirements of the People's Bank, the collection, classification and uploading of information on enterprise credit information database was completed on time.


  • 相反,它们银行系统信息收集协调人鼓励召集各个银行成为一个团体陷于困境银行提供支持和援助。

    Instead they act as information gatherers and coordinators of the banking system and they encourage and corral the Banks as a group to provide support and assistance to the bank in difficulty.


  • 背后窗帘国际货币基金组织世界银行收集金钱贷款第三世界国家。

    Behind the curtain was IMF and world Bank, which collects the money and lend it to the third world countries.


  • 巴塞尔银行管理使用II类数据收集储存可有可无内部方法计算出的数据评价

    Bank management using Basel II-data: is the collection, storage and evaluation of data calculated with internal approaches dispensable?


  • 巴塞尔银行管理使用II类数据收集储存可有可无内部方法计算出的数据评价

    Bank management using Basel II-data: is the collection, storage and evaluation of data calculated with internal approaches dispensable?


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