• 华尔街日报》网站推行同时发布免费收费内容的做法。

    The Wall Street Journal is pursuing a strategy of blending free and paid content on its Web site.


  • 我们这种收费媒体定义媒体,流量如此强大以至于其他组织内容电子商务引擎置于环境中

    We define such sold media as owned media whose traffic is so strong that other organizations place their content or e-commerce engines within that environment.


  • 这些信息许多种用途通过发送基于简档内容定制您的浏览或者通过使用您的信用卡信息地址向您收费发送货物

    This information can be used many waysto customize your browsing by sending you content based on your profile, or to charge and ship goods to you by using your credit card information and address.


  • 看到这种平板电脑人们表示苹果公司不仅当作阅读新闻图书其他材料方式推销而且把它作为一种公司所有内容进行收费的方法来销售。

    People who have seen the tablet say Apple will market it not just as a way to read news, books and other material, but also a way for companies to charge for all that content.


  • 正在领导一项运动来向网络报纸内容收费帮助同行

    He is leading a movement to charge for newspaper content online, which may help his peers.


  • 在告诉任何愿意倾听倘若严格的“不跟踪”规定损及广告收入,就会迫使网络公司更多内容收费遭殃的可是用户

    And it is telling anyone who will listen that consumers will suffer if tough do-not-track rules hit AD revenues, forcing web firms to charge for more content.


  • 或许报纸急于实现在线内容收费方便用户付款基础设施仍不完善

    Newspapers may be rushing to charge for online content, but the infrastructure to facilitate the payments is in its infancy.


  • 华尔街日报少数几个网上内容收费报纸

    The Wall Street Journal is one of the few papers that charges for its content online.


  • 苹果平板设备内容如何收费细节尚未得知不过了解公司思维方式的知情人士表示,苹果可能会改变传统付费结构

    Details of how Apple charges for the content on its tablet couldn't be learned, but people familiar with the company's thinking say Apple could change conventional payment structures.


  • 盛大文学的收入来源是对优质内容收费以及网站出售广告

    Cloudary earns revenue from charging users for premium content and from selling ads on its sites, among other sources.


  • 目前,《华尔街日报》默多克集团旗下唯一一份在线内容进行固定收费报纸

    Currently the Wall Street Journal is the only paper in Mr Murdoch's stable that charges for online content.


  • 没法销售内容本身,除非你自己建立渠道即使这样你也多少因为收费一个很大的障碍。

    You can only do that if you own the channel, and even then you don't make much from it, because a toll has to be ignorable to work.


  • 虽然他们可能完全收费的,伦敦泰晤士报那样但是他们越来越多通道的,出版商内容收费的同时,允许休闲浏览者进入允许分享

    They can be watertight, like that at the London Times, but increasingly they are porous, letting publishers charge for access to content while also admitting casual visitors and allowing sharing.


  • 音乐行业了有益一课,即对包含太多内容在内东西(音乐业,即CD专辑)收费太高,以这样方式建立行业有风险的。

    The music industry provides a salutary lesson in the dangers of building a business around charging too much for too-large bundles of content (in its case, CD albums).


  • 目前该报开始在线收费,仅允许读者免费阅读有限网络内容

    The FT currently allows online readers a certain number of free articles before starting to charge.


  • 然而现在策略就是推动每日电讯报内容尽可能广泛地涵盖数字领域,意味着收费并非重点考虑对象。

    For now, however, the strategy is to push Telegraph content out across the digital hinterland as widely as possible, which rather implies that a paywall is not a serious consideration.


  • 显而易见内容收费意愿突然间了许多2011年在线阅读新闻时,准备掏钱包吧。

    What is clear is that there is suddenly much more willingness to try charging for content. As you read the news online in 2011, expect to be asked to cough up.


  • 本月晚些时候,《华尔街日报》软件提供内容收费并给予愿意登记详细资料的用户个月免费试用。

    Later this month the wall Street Journal will move its app content behind a paywall, offering three months free access for anyone willing to register their details.


  • 他们未经母公司允许不能粉丝收费或是提供相关内容不过他们知道这些节目引起了多大兴趣

    They didn't have permission from their mother companies to charge these fans or provide the material, but they wanted to see how much interest the shows attracted.


  • 如果不包装网络个别内容,它的价值微乎其微。但试图收费的个别内容不可能改变的。

    An individual content item on the web, without a package, has marginal value approaching zero -and attempting to charge for an individual item of content is unlikely to change that.


  • 默多克昨晚(周三)承认,他先前制定有关他旗下包括英国《太阳报》、《泰晤士报》、美国《纽约邮报》以及澳洲的《澳洲人报》等报章的在线内容收费计划被迫推迟。

    Murdoch admitted last night that the schedule was slipping for the start of online charging at papers including the Sun, the Times, the New York Post and the Australian.


  • 在发达国家新闻提供者开始网站移动设备内容收费

    News providers throughout the rich world are starting to charge for content on the web and mobile devices.


  • 谷歌思考准备计划帮助出版商内容收费,该计划Newspass允许一个单一账户网浏览好几个出版物

    Google is also thought to be readying a scheme to help publishers charge for content, said to be called Newspass, which may allow a single account to work across several publications.


  • 金融时报》(该报拥有《经济学人》杂志部分股份)主编LionelBarber上周预测年内几乎所有新闻机构都网络内容进行收费

    Lionel Barber, editor-in-chief of the Financial Times (which part-owns the Economist), last week predicted that "almost all" news organisations will be charging for online content within a year.


  • 霍普金斯先生表示如果出版商提供的内容独家,并具有较高质量,那么这些在线内容进行收费不会引起争议

    Mr Hopkins said charging for online content would not be controversial if publishers offered high quality, unique content.


  • 英国《泰晤士报》太阳报东家新闻国际集团(News International)早已明确表示未来几个月内推行在线内容收费阅读的政策。

    News International, owner of the Times and the Sun, has already made it clear that it will introduce charges for online content in the coming months.


  • 如果LonelyPlanet投入资源建立富有价值独特的内容(包括手机互联网出版物),认为收费不是一个问题

    If Lonely Planet spends resources on creating valuable and unique content (mobile, web or print), then he doesn't see a problem with charging for it.


  • 如果LonelyPlanet投入资源建立富有价值独特的内容(包括手机互联网出版物),认为收费不是一个问题

    If Lonely Planet spends resources on creating valuable and unique content (mobile, web or print), then he doesn't see a problem with charging for it.


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