• 雀巢公司该市现有74个收购点

    The company runs 74 collection spots in the city.


  • 能够通过合并收购另一个公司业务地理市场新的领域获得市场份额技术,或立足点

    Ability to gain market share, technologies, or a foothold in a new area of business or geographical market via merger with or acquisition of another company.


  • 一国获得立足点,收购通常快捷(有时也是唯一)的方法

    An acquisition is often the quickest (and sometimes the only) way to gain a foothold in a country.


  • 铭记一点,业界衡量业绩往往10年周期而且不会有许多期待2009年会有一个令人疯狂的收购IPO可以说2010年也不会有。

    Bear in mind, the industry tends to measure performance over ten-year periods, and not many people expect a roaring acquisition or IPO market for the rest of 2009, and arguably 2010.


  • 可以潜在收购者提供更好渠道信息一些公司在考虑收购雷曼时抱怨过这一点。

    It can also provide better access and information to potential acquirers, something that some firms considering acquiring Lehman complained about.


  • 但是这项措施完成美联储还得计划再进行一次规模小一点收购避免收益率陡然上升

    But there may be a case for the Fed to schedule extra, smaller purchases to avoid a sharp rise in yields when the current programme ends.


  • 参照水平最后收购价格产生重要影响

    The level of the anchor point can matter greatly to a final takeover price.


  • 尽管那次收购美国电影界引起了巨大轰动,却没有好莱坞带去改变算不上是日本文化实力转折点

    Although that purchase shook many in the American film industry, it did not herald a transformation of Hollywood, nor did it prove a game-changing projection of Japanese cultural power.


  • 调查者指出买入’的信心指数显著增加,增加了六个百分点后达到了44%,表明收购已经成了投资者主导动机了。

    Survey respondents also indicated a notable increase in 'buy' sentiment, up six percentage points to 44 percent, making it the dominant investor intention.


  • 境内交易收购方的表现超出大市7个百分点,跨境交易却落后5.2个百分点。

    While domestic deals outperformed the market by 7 percentage points, acquirers on cross-border deals underperformed the market by 5.2 percentage points.


  • 为了已经成熟寡头国内市场寻找另外的增长点收购了商业银行使位于纽约繁华商业街的同行们感到震惊。

    Seeking growth outside its mature, oligopolistic home market, it bought Commerce bank, which had shaken up high-street banking in New York.


  • 而那些拥有漂亮的资产负债表公司可以通过收购其他公司来达到一点。

    Other companies with healthy balance sheets can do so by acquiring weak competitors.


  • 其中一点体现我们每个月运营的广告条数,高达15002000亿条,就是为什么雅虎收购我们公司原因了。

    One point I think we ran you know, 150 or 200 billion ads in a month and that was the point which Yahoo bought the company.


  • 未来百事需要新的增长点特别是收购Quaker公司所带来动力已经在逐渐减弱,这项收购促使公司进入迅猛发展的健康食品市场

    In the future, PepsiCo will need new sources of growth, especially given slowing momentum from the Quaker acquisition, which propelled the firm into the booming healthier-foods market.


  • 周三Google股价了1.5个百分点,收复部分失地——收购消息发布次日,周二下跌了4.5个百分点。

    Stock in Google rose about 1.5 percent on Wednesday, regaining a portion of the 4.5 percent decline on Tuesday, the day after the bid was reported.


  • 排除汇率波动收购因素外服务类收入占据欧洲销售额的2/3,下降了3.5个百分点。

    Service revenue excluding currency swings and acquisitions in Europe, which accounts for about two-thirds of sales, fell 3.5 percent.


  • 为什么亚马逊要收购Zappos我们思考过后,总结以下四点

    Why did Amazon acquire Zappos? We've thought about this, and narrowed it down to four primary reasons?


  • 我会讲得深入一点鲁珀特·默多克27年前1981年,收购了伦敦的《泰晤士》。

    I'm just going to go a little bit further on -rupert Murdoch bought the Times of London in 1981 that was twenty-seven years ago.


  • 如果保险业监管规定的确达屋交易作罢一事中发挥了作用那么是安邦放弃了收购这一点很说明问题。

    If the insurance rules played a role in the abandonment of the Starwood deal, it is also telling that it was Anbang that dropped the deal.


  • 托雷斯此前要求利物浦加强球员配置以作为留在安菲尔德的条件,如果收购成功,利物浦会有充足财力做到一点。

    His bid will have the financial clout to provide the Spaniard with the squad reinforcements he has made plain he wishes to see if he is to stay.


  • 去年同期相比国家一季度分收购量删加了5.2个百分点。

    The total volume of state purchase in the first quarter rose by 5.2 percent, compared with the same period of last year.


  • 通过要约收购基本规则监管权利救济方面深入分析,来维护股东之权益找到利益平衡点

    Through three aspects of fundamental rule contract purchase, supervising and managing, the right relief we preserve the rights of small shareholders to find balance interests.


  • 宝马收购劳斯莱斯同样如此引人注目新款劳斯莱斯车型幻影”就证明一点;此相同的情况还有大众公司恢复“宾利”品牌。

    Much the same can be said of BMW's ownership of Rolls-Royce, evidenced by its striking new model, the Phantom, and of Volkswagen's revival of Bentley.


  • 收购结束后,这家美国资产管理公司的表现超出摩根士丹利资本国际世界指数51.5个百分点。

    The U. S. asset manager outperformed the MSCI World Index by 51.5 percentage points following its acquisition. U.


  • 去年同期相比国家一季度收购量增长了5.2个百分点。

    The total volume of state purchase in the first quarter rose by 5.2 percent, compared with the same period of last year.


  • 塞尔没有提到一点收购之初欠下的巨额债务论坛报任何风暴面前丧失抵抗能力。

    What Zell failed to mention was that his acquisition of the company had buried it beneath such a heavy pile of debt that any storm at all would likely have sunk it.


  • 确实希望强调一点自己的话可能产生误解雅虎高层庆祝微软取消收购消息,并将视为胜利

    But he hopes to emphasize really a bit, oneself word may let a person produce misapprehensive Yahoo high level to celebrate Microsoft to cancel bought message, regard its as a kind of victory.


  • 他们球员不是问题,已经最近的几笔收购证明一点。

    They have said all along there would be money for players and have demonstrated that with these signings.


  • 贝尔斯登收购提升了小摩在投行业的影响力拓展了服务网络(增加了近2000个服务点),带来成堆无用资产

    The purchases of Bear and WaMu extended its investment-banking clout and branch network (by over 2,000 outlets) but also brought with them piles of duff assets.


  • 贝尔斯登收购提升了小摩在投行业的影响力拓展了服务网络(增加了近2000个服务点),带来成堆无用资产

    The purchases of Bear and WaMu extended its investment-banking clout and branch network (by over 2,000 outlets) but also brought with them piles of duff assets.


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