• 收益途径评估采矿权时,评估参数选取决定着采矿权评估的结果

    As the income way is used to assess the mining right, choosing of the assessment parameters determines the assessment results of the mining right.


  • 利用收益途径成本途径市场调查途径三类方法以延安市宝塔区进行环境价值评估。

    As a case, the environmental value of Baota district in Yanan city is evaluated by three sorts of method, benefit, cost and market investigation.


  • 反对记入此类所得担心这会导致收益质量的下降,可能公司高管找到条操纵收益途径

    Opponents of the practice of booking such gains worry that they erode earnings quality and possibly open a new way for executives to massage earnings.


  • 研究对比了敏捷项目计划驱动这两种不同途径,并对成本降低收益提高结果进行了评估

    The study evaluates the results of cost reduction and increase in returns with Agile projects versus plan-drive approaches. It provided the following results.


  • 它自己拥有出版社降低运营费用获得收益一个途径这个作为私营部门出版社,优先考虑的是获取利润。

    Owning a press was a way to cut printing costs and to reclaim the profits that the private sector was previously getting.


  • 所有这些构成了游戏公司的创收手段,通过这些途径,游戏公司就可以创造额外的重复收益传统零售收入渠道中增加了实质收益

    All of these constitute creative ways in which game companies are generating additional and recurring revenue channels that can add substantial value to the traditional retail revenue channel.


  • 如果使本国国民收益中获取更多份额就要他们开辟分散风险途径

    If the citizens want to share more from the gross incomes, some new approaches to disperse the risk should be taken.


  • Garcia解释道,多巴胺突然产生三个最主要情感因素,即高风险物质回报,情绪多变或者通过很多其它途径经历有所收益

    Garcia explains that the three big emotional elements of a dopamine rush are high risk, substantial rewards and variable motivation - or numerous ways the experience can pay off.


  • 纳税筹划针对一切税种由于不同税种性质不同,纳税筹划途径方法及其收益不同。

    Tax planning can direct to all tax categories, but because the different nature of tax categories, the way, method and income of tax planning are different.


  • 论述风险收益概念二者关系基础上,简述分散风险,实现价值最大化主要途径

    Based on discussion of risk and benefit concept and relationship, describes the main way for realizing the biggest value of enterprise is to disperse risk.


  • 坚持滚动勘探开发一体化技术、新方法应用无疑实现油田投入产出收益有效途径

    It is sure that systematic progressive exploration and development and the application of new technology and new methods are efficient ways for less input, More output and early benefit.


  • 报告本来并非针对贝尔,而是发现实现投资收益最佳途径

    The original intent of this report wasn't to dig up Siebel dirt, but rather to uncover ROI best practices.


  • 研究目的:研究城市土地一级开发收益风险平衡途径

    The purpose of the paper is to analyze the approach of balance between income and risk in first-level development of urban land.


  • 本文介绍了理论依据和国际经验,对债转股的收益面临的运作风险进行了详细的分析,在分析基础上提出了最小化债转股的途径

    This paper introduced the theoretical foundation and international experience in turning debt into stock, analyzed the risks and profits, and offered a minimization approach thereafter.


  • 解决问题有效途径将知识溢出效应的外部性内在化,通过某种方式将外部收益成本内含某种经济关系中。

    It is an effective solution of solving problem that making the eternalness of knowledge-spilling effect intrinsic and containing eternal profit or cost in certain economic relation.


  • 所有没有及时提出符合成本收益规则的解决途径

    Did the firm present cost-effective alternatives in a timely manner?


  • 目前我国信贷资产质量下降商业银行制订正确授信决策防范贷款风险、提供收益途径

    At present the quality of loaning assets is declining. A reasonable credit assigning strategy which commercial bank makes is the way to avoid loan risks and raise its incomes.


  • 文章指出,矿业权评估方法其它资产评估方法相似之处,也是通过收益市场成本三个途径对评估对象价值进行评价和估算的。

    The method of mining rights assessment is similar to the method of other asset assessment, which evaluates the value of target by return, market and cost.


  • 与此同时商业银行中间业务风险小、成本低、收益成为商业银行增加利润重要途径,中间业务成为现代商业银行核心业务之一

    At the same time, the intermediate business of commercial Banks comes to be an important way to increase their profits with low-risk, small-cost and high-income and has become one of core businesses.


  • 数学分析方法一定设定条件下,得出了使净资产收益最大资本结构存在的结论,提出了寻求最优资本结构的途径

    Through the method of mathematical analysis, under some certain prerequisites, the conclusion is came that there is a most reasonable capital struture, which leads to the best net assets income rate.


  • 资产收益分解出多个因子同行公司比较因子的水平,可以发现改善业绩途径

    To be disaggregated into various factors, and compared with the other companies in the same sector, return on assets can help a company to find ways to improve its performance.


  • 资产收益分解出多个因子同行公司比较因子的水平,可以发现改善业绩途径

    To be disaggregated into various factors, and compared with the other companies in the same sector, return on assets can help a company to find ways to improve its performance.


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