• 至今为止FDA收到接受述组织治疗患者不良反应报告例如传染病传播接受)。

    To date, FDA has not received reports of adverse reactions (e. g. , transmission of communicable disease to recipients) in any patients who may have received the tissues in question.


  • 转让方收到接受通知三十(30)天内转让方送交书面通知,提名非转让方提供的两家会计事务所之一转让股权进行评估。

    The Disposing Party shall, within thirty (30) days after receiving the Acceptance notice, by notice in writing delivered to the Non-Disposing Party to value the interest to be transferred.


  • 请求接受就会收到一封电子邮件,其中带有一个注册链接,您可以输入密码登录。

    When your request is accepted, you will receive an E-mail with a sign-up link for you to login with the password you entered.


  • 昨天收到份邀请没有接受

    He received an invitation yesterday but he did not accept it.


  • 使用一个副作用默认模式中,会议主持人第一个加入者收到其他每个希望加入会议人员接受请求

    One side effect of using it is that in its default mode, both the meeting host and the first person to join will get the acceptance requests from every other person wishing to join the session.


  • 大多数TCP服务只是收到新的套接字连接请求尝试接受它们

    Most TCP services simply attempt to accept new socket connection requests as they are received.


  • 如果收到份“感谢投掷简历确认函的话,那么的简历已接受并且收录进我们数据库

    If you received a confirmation notice thanking you for submitting your resume, then your resume was received and is active in our database.


  • 实现一对一承保流程规则服务收到一个贷款请求通过接受拒绝转交状态做出响应。

    A rule service implementing a straight-through underwriting process would receive a loan request and respond with an accept, reject or refer status.


  • 我们发出请帖后收到五个接受的回复,一个拒绝回复。

    Since we sent out the invitations we've received five acceptances and one refusal.


  • :根据目前掌握的情况,我们没有收到任何正式邀请无法预测判断是否接受

    A: So far as I know, we haven't received any formal invitation, therefore I can not predict or judge whether to accept or not.


  • 例如假设收到付款接受客户付款的活动成功完成之后流程涉及发送订单

    For example, suppose your process involves shipping orders after payment is received and an activity to accept payment from a customer has completed successfully.


  • 澄清一下中国是否收到邀请如果受邀,中国是否接受

    Would you please clarify whether China has received the invitation and if so, will China accept?


  • 收到了,打电话就是感谢公司的录用不过非常遗憾告诉,我已经接受另一个职位

    I am just calling to thank you for your offer. But I am sorry to tell you I have accepted another position.


  • 现在不仅人们接受介词结尾甚至这样放在其他地方收到的表达效果更好。

    Not only is the preposition acceptable at the end, sometimes it is more effective in that spot than anywhere else.


  • 在任一种情况下,他们很平静,不他人造成痛苦——完全那些收到通知社会接受人。

    Either way, they were serene and unwilling to inflict pain on others-exactly like those who were given word of social acceptance.


  • 服务器收到XML请求(假设已经做好了准备工作)接受XML,解释然后返回响应

    The server will get your XML request, and (assuming you've done your pre-work) accept the XML, parse it, and send you back a response.


  • 消费者错误消息是否可以接受即便订单实际上已经在后端系统执行了?

    Is it acceptable if the customer receives an error message, even though the order has actually been carried out in the back-end system?


  • 工薪利息收入自动报税任何仅有项收入公民收到一项填报就绪税收返还他们可以接受拒绝

    Anyone who earns only a salary and bank interest, both of which are automatically reported to the taxman, will be sent a tax return that has already been filled in, which they can accept or reject.


  • 弗兰克接受CNN记者采访表示:“每次收到一封邮件都会兴奋一下,这个积极反馈证明你是个受重视的。”

    Each time you get an e-mail, it’s a small jolt, a positive feedback that you’re an important person, ” Frank told CNN.


  • 不过说,人们渐渐接受酒店重新阐释,现在已收到一致好评:“最后,没什么问题。”

    " However,hesays people came around to his reinterpretation of the hotel and that he nowhasreceived consistent praise: "In the end, it was not big problem.


  • 收到送的礼物但是准备接受

    I've received a gift from him, but I'm not going to accept it.


  • 这个流程接受JoeLaptops发送确认收到订购单的消息,然后给 JoeLaptops发送一个确认收到的消息。

    This process receives the PO acceptance message sent by JoeLaptops, and sends back a receipt message to JoeLaptops.


  • 第二对象abio接受连接使用的bio,用来连接。

    The second object, abio, is the accept bio, the one that will accept incoming connections.


  • 收到很多父母来信他们知道共同监护权能否使孩子更容易接受离婚

    I get many letters from parents who want to know whether joint custody makes divorce easier.


  • 不过说,人们渐渐接受酒店重新阐释,现在已收到一致好评:“最后没什么问题。”

    However, hesays people came around to his reinterpretation of the hotel and that he nowhasreceived consistent praise: "In the end, it was not big problem."


  • 表示容器任意连接(包含防护的连接)时,必须接受约束的请求

    It indicates that the container must accept the constrained requests when received on any connection including an unprotected one.


  • 贸易知道客户那里接收到订单是否有效所以坚持某种形式接受认证

    A merchant will want to know that he is receiving a valid order from a customer, and so will insist on some form of acceptable authentication.


  • 虽然他们立场解释通常那么令人满意收到一个解释可以接受就是应用如何序列化事务

    While the explanations of their position are usually less than satisfactory, one explanation that I received that was acceptable had to do with how the application sequences transactions.


  • 告诉他们如果你们收到一份更好报价不妨接受

    I told them: if you have a better offer, take it.


  • 今天早晨提交股票交易所一项公告中公司他们收到伯明翰董事会同意让他们持股增加80%的接受信。

    In a statement to the Stock Exchange this morning, the investment company said it had now received acceptances from members of the Birmingham board that would lift its shareholding to almost 80%.


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