• 文说,在控制了父母的收入、教育交谈量的差异等因素后,发现拼图游戏是预测认知能力的一个重要因素。

    Puzzle play was found to be a significant predictor of cognition after controlling for differences in parents' income, education and the amount of parent talk, Levine said.


  • 控制(这个词翻我翻不好)家长收入婚姻地位一些其他因素之后我们发现家长教育影响仍然重大

    Even after controlling for parental income, marital status and a host of other factors, we find that the impact of parental education remains significant.


  • 即将来临的新赛季收入增长意味着俱乐部不得不集中控制成本——球员工资经营成本——如果保持赢利的话。

    However lower revenue growth in forthcoming seasons means clubs will have to focus on improving cost controlboth wages and other operating costsif profits are to be maintained.


  • 年后研究者记录死亡人数控制多种因素包括年龄性别健康状况收入教育婚姻状况

    Five years later, researchers recorded the number who died and controlled for a variety of factors, including age, gender, health, wealth, education and marital status.


  • 农民分组参与管理新的抽水控制系统意味着可以让水确定时间流入确定的农田,从而提高作物产量农民收入

    Involving farmer groupings in the management of the new pumping and water control systems means that water gets to the right field at the right time, thus boosting crop yields and farmers' incomes.


  • 通过弗兰克法案其他规则控制这些行为——确实降低了银行业风险——将会降低银行业的收入

    Curbing those abuses through the Dodd-Frank reform law and other new rules - in effect, reducing risk in the system - will cut into revenue.


  • 共同努力回应收入国家癌症控制评估制定规划方面的援助提出请求

    Joint efforts will also respond to requests for cancer control assessment and programme development assistance in low - and middle-income countries.


  • 工行董事长姜建清表示该行计划将贷款增长控制适度水平,努力获得来自理财其它收费产品较低风险收入

    Jiang Jianqing, chairman, said the bank aimed for only a modest growth in its lending, in favour of less risky income from wealth management and other fee-based products.


  • 苏丹安哥拉争夺石油收入控制导致长年内战

    In Sudan and Angola, the struggle to control oil revenues contributed to lengthy civil wars.


  • 这种方法个人计算机控制台游戏市场中的流行度正在减退无线游戏方面还是一种典型收入方法,通常隐含游戏时的通话时间收费中。

    This has faded in popularity in PC and console markets but is still a typical means of revenue in wireless gaming, usually implicitly through use of call time to play the game.


  • 也是成本的:收入价格应该用来控制通胀,但随着这种控制失去作用,通货膨胀大举提高。

    But there was a cost. Wage and price controls were used to contain inflation, which surged when controls came off.


  • 白宫提出将支出削减率税收提高率分别控制在83%17%(党提出比率实在没有多大差别),并且承诺通过消除漏洞而非提高边际税率增加财政收入

    The White House is offering an 83%-17% split (hardly a huge distance) and a promise that none of the revenue increase will come from higher marginal rates, only from eliminating loopholes.


  • 该机生产燃料液压系统飞行控制系统派克汉尼汾公司(Parker HannifinCorp.)预计,500架ARJ21使其获得2.75亿美元的收入,而售后服务收入至少有这个数。

    Parker Hannifin Corp., which makes fuel, hydraulics and flight control systems for the plane, expects 500 ARJ21s could earn it $275 million in revenue and at least that much in after-sales services.


  • 全美收入最高5%群体控制这个国家一半财富收入最高的20%群体收获了86%资本收入包括利息股市收益。

    The top 5% of the nation's earners control half of its wealth, and the top 20% bring in 86% of capital income, including interest and stock market gains.


  • 成本中心不同,利润中心能随时控制成本收入不仅关注生产,而且要关注产品推销

    By contrast to a cost center, a profit center has control over both cost and revenue and it would be concerned with marketing its goods as well as producing them.


  • 这些提及思路特别有助于收入消费者尖锐问题但是她们通过允许自身进行更多选择控制而从所有信用卡消费者中受益

    The ideas presented here are specifically targeted to help the acute problems of low-income consumers, but they would also benefit all credit-card users by allowing them more choice and control.


  • 一个好的控制系统应由不同负责收入记录支付储存

    A good system of control divides the receiving, recording, disbursing, and depositing of cash among several individuals.


  • 作者没有下来,一首流行指南财产收入辩称有很多收入来源必要平衡控制自己财务未来

    The author of NOTHING DOWN, one of the first popular guidebooks on income property, argues that many sources of income are necessary for balance and control of one's financial future.


  • 协助财务总监财务经理管理所有经营有关现金收入支出银行帐户包括内部控制方面工作

    To assist the finance controller and finance manager in overseeing and directing all aspects of operation concerning cash receipt, disbursement and company's bank account, including internal control.


  • 一个报告实体呈报:合并了自身及其控制实体资产负债收入费用现金财务报表

    A reporting entity presents financial statements that consolidate its assets, liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows with those of the entities that it controls.


  • 收入捕获使用竞争性定价模型灵活信用控制启用任何用户的任何服务以最大化市场份额

    Revenue Capture maximizes market share using competitive pricing models and flexible credit control to enable any service for any subscriber.


  • 定期准确酒店总经理相关部门提供有关销售情况、费用控制情况、销售收入等信息。

    Share and report regularly and accurately to GM and relevant department about sales information, cost control, revenue analysis.


  • 收入流失风险主要发生在BOSS系统运行维护过程如何有效控制BOSS的收入流失,成为电信运营商关注的热点。

    Revenue leakage risk mostly appears in the process of running and maintaining the BOSS system, so, how to control and reduce it is becoming the Operators' focus.


  • 经济上获得控制列出每月开销收入

    Take financial control: Make a list of your monthly expenses and income.


  • 结果提高医疗质量工作效率,医疗药品收入控制在规定标准范围

    Results The medical quality and efficiency were enhanced. The income of medical and drugs was controlled within standard limit.


  • 即使研究人员控制IQ收入因素(两者都与冲动性测量有关)后,结果仍然相同

    The results were the same even when the researchers controlled for differences in IQ and income, both of which have been found to be related to measures of impulsivity.


  • 虽然我们能够控制一些变数可以一直负责协会观察在这里(教育收入),其他潜在第三个变数仍然不受控制

    Though we were able to control some variables that could have been responsible for the associations observed here (education and income), other potential third variables remained uncontrolled.


  • 控制饭店收入支出资产负债

    Control over income expenses, assets liabilities of the Hotel.


  • 控制饭店收入支出资产负债

    Control over income expenses, assets liabilities of the Hotel.


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