• 摄影纪录一张记录表,它提供了拍摄底片场景细节

    Camera Log: a record sheet giving details of the scenes photographed on a roll of original negative.


  • 曾经有一个从事纪录摄影师工作邻居

    I had a neighbor who worked as a documentary cameraman.


  • 多伦多约克大学完成四年的电影学习研究,那时候兼职摄影助理拍摄纪录片。

    I completed a four-year film-studies program at York University in Toronto while working part-time as a camera assistant on documentary films.


  • 盲目冷漠纪录片式摄影成为新闻摄影报道潮流扭曲图像艺术形式限制住了基本的审美标准。

    Blind and indifferent documentation has become the new fashion in journalistic photography, with distorted pictorial forms providing basic stylistic guidelines.


  • 英国摄影纪录导演蒂姆·哈瑟林顿(TimHetherington)同时遇害,另有受伤

    Tim Hetherington, a British photographer and documentary filmmaker, was also killed and two others were injured.


  • 看到影像后的一个效果考虑这些形象在哪里出现过,且头脑中会涌出更多的印像,是拍摄还是电影中的系列,是在纪录中,传统摄影作品中还是新闻报道中。

    The effect is one where the images are studied and bring further images to mind, a shot or sequence from a film, a documentary, traditional photographic image or news report.


  • 如果说摄影始终有两个截然不同指向:纪录现实,王轶琼静园系列显然成为“造梦”的重要示范之一

    If photography has two opposing directions, it is to record reality and to create dreams, then Wang Yiqiong's Still Garden series will certainly be one of the prime examples in "creating dreams".


  • 为了制作质量美食纪录导演组使用全新设备包括4K摄影高速距离捕捉每一个细节

    To make a high quality food documentary, the directorial team used brand new equipment, including 4k video cameras to capture every detail at high speed and at extremely close distances.


  • 各个展厅搭建过程都将由专门摄影摄像师所纪录,制作纪录

    The process of each installation in the gallery spaces will be recorded in the forms of photographs and video, which will be composed into a documentary later.


  • 作品纪录日常生活中艺术家流离观点情景,摄影这种方式成为调和这种影响背后产生迥异的极端挑剔和内向的人生观。

    The works document discrete aspects and moments of her day-to-day being, mediated and interpreted by the methods of photography and the ultra-selective and introverted viewpoints involved.


  • 不管摄影的人,只是公车上的照相纪录族,欢迎来参加竞赛

    Whether you have a passion for photography, or you just take photographs for fun, all are welcome!


  • 我们专业摄影团队纪录每一个重要时刻

    Our team will help you to record every important moment.


  • 大学时代写过一些短篇小说一部长编小说,玩过摄影8厘米影片,也试验过录像纪录自己的错失里学到了不少。

    In university, I wrote short stories and a novel, I experimented with photography and 8 mm film, I made experimental videos and documentaries. I learned from my mistakes.


  • 跟着学者一同旅行摄影纪录制作者们记录下了这个场景,当时学那些者们遍手记事本一遍蹦跳着爬上山寻找洞穴

    Photographers and documentary filmmakers traveling with the group of scholars recorded the scene, as the scholars, clutching notepads, scampered up a hill in search of caves.


  • 除了本报文字摄影报道之外,小路提议涂俏做一部警示世人电视纪录我们真的做了。

    In addition to our text and photo coverage to do, the path is also proposed to Mr Qiao and I do warn us of a television documentary, we really do.


  • 从事纪录未曾纪录表演摄影素描版画雕塑装置创作甚至还有音乐编曲

    He is making projects as documented and undocumented performances, photographs, drawings, prints, sculptures, installations and even musical compositions.


  • 这部纪录片中,可以看到来自印度场景,那些仅存的还有野生老虎生存的地方之一。《》因令人惊奇摄影获奖

    In the documentary, you can see scenes from India, one of the few places where tigers still live in the wild tiger Watch won an award for its amazing photography.


  • 描述西蒙12年前一个动物学家现在野生动物摄影环游世界拍摄纪录

    Caption: Simon, who trained as a zoologist before taking up photography 12 years ago now works as a wildlife cameraman travelling the world shooting documentaries.


  • 促使我们探索各种媒体潜能界限将学术专著漫画纪录和建筑摄影讲座和音乐录影等各种媒体交织起来

    This has led us to explore the potentials and limitations of various media, cross-breeding between monographs and comic books, documentary and architectural photography, lectures and music videos.


  • 如上所述,《乘着光影旅行》部普普通通的纪录艺术爱好者来说,可能还算有趣,但是对摄影系的学生它的帮助不会很大。

    As such, Let the Wind Carry Me is a moderately engaging documentary that will be probably more rewarding for art-house enthusiasts than it will be for cinematography students.


  • 美国陆军通信兵团日本摄影师拍摄展示血库日常工作的纪录日本当地美国同时使用

    Documentary films showing blood bank operations were made by the Army Signal Corps and by Japanese photographers for use locally as well as in the United States.


  • 比方人身伤害检察工作制定一个摄影视频纪录描述如何客户生活发生了变化,由于受伤

    Let's say you're a personal injury attorney working with a videographer to develop a video documentary that portrays how your client's life has changed as a result of being injured.


  • 比尔•奥列维尔做摄影法国最大电视频道的主要负责人,联合制作了无数电视节目纪录

    Olivier Barbier having been photographer, is leader operator for most the big French Tv Channels. It collaborates on numerous programs and documentaries.


  • 比尔•奥列维尔做摄影法国最大电视频道的主要负责人,联合制作了无数电视节目纪录

    Olivier Barbier having been photographer, is leader operator for most the big French Tv Channels. It collaborates on numerous programs and documentaries.


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