• 生活杂志普通只用8个版面登载一个摄影故事

    Generally, "Life" magazine only use eight pages to publish a photo story.


  • 狩猎之旅曾经意味着狮子象牙回家现代摄影狩猎之旅的结果大多很棒的快照故事

    Safari used to mean coming home with lion skins and elephant tusks, but modern photo-safaris result mostly in great snapshots and stories.


  • 本文旅行摄影主题系列第七。 我共同关注的话题是:在路上时,希望能够带回一个关于本次旅行的圆满故事

    This post is number seven of twenty one subjects that will help you focus when on your next journey and you wish to bring back a well rounded story of where you were.


  • 狩猎之旅曾经意味着狮子象牙回家现代摄影狩猎之旅的结果大多很棒的快照故事一个狩猎者猎物满意的结果。

    Safari used to mean coming home with lion skins and elephant tusks, but modern photo-safaris result mostly in great snapshots and stories: an outcome which satisfies both the hunter and prey.


  • 所有人物场景都用这套摄影系统拍摄然后专门平板电脑应用程序编辑故事情节,以便产生一种真正身临其境体验

    The entire human field of view is captured on these camera systems, and the stories are edited specifically for the tablet application to create a truly immersive experience.


  • 近日乌克兰摄影阿克列谢•季莫申科拍摄到了只蜥蜴浪漫爱情故事

    Recently, Alexey Tymoshenko, a photographer from Ukraine, captured a romantic drama between two lizards.


  • 不仅如此,摄影作为一种讲故事的手段,已经延续了100

    And for the last one hundred years photography and storytelling went hand in hand.


  • 记住旅行摄影系列21主题所以如果按照这些主题去做的话,一张日落中的乞力马扎罗山照片仅仅整个旅行故事中的4.76190476%,不会有任何负面影响。

    And remember, there are twenty one subjects in this series, so one more picture of Kilimanjaro at sunset is only 4.76190476% of the story you can tell if you follow along.


  • 了解都知道,灰色脑细胞中的记忆内容都是有关摄影(模拟数字的)和无数通过耳相传的故事

    Memories of her are trapped in the grey cells of those who knew her, in photographs (analogue and digital), and in countless stories passed on by word of mouth.


  • 组富有冲击力的叙事图片一定是出自一位能够理解故事背后丰富感情非凡观念的深刻的摄影

    An impacting photo story can only be developed by skillful photographers who understand the emotions and concepts behind ever-great story.


  • 制作这样一部电影的有趣之处在你可以利用摄影拉近故事,与演员之间距离;你运用一种具有活力现代感摄影语言

    One of the things that made this movie so interesting to shoot was the ability to get close to the story, close to the actors with the camera; to apply a language that is so energetic and so modern.


  • 我们一个摄影小组到达俄克荷拉马,就小说故事情节开始地方开始影片的拍摄。

    We started filming with a small crew in Oklahoma, near the spot where the novel begins.


  • 背景本片原作故事来源于阿布拉姆斯小时候超级8摄影的痴迷,本片制片人斯蒂文·斯皮尔伯格也有相同嗜好

    DNA: Original Super 8 story hearkens to Abrams' fondness for toying around with Super-8 cameras when he was a kid, a hobby shared by the film's producer, Steven Spielberg.


  • 摄影保证一个值得讲述故事

    It's up to the photographer to make sure it's a story worth telling.


  • 为了帮助人们制作,“趋势电视”建立详细的在线教程,教人们故事技巧摄影装备以及诸如此类的东西。

    To help people get started, Current TV has extensive online tutorials on storytelling techniques, camera equipment and so forth.


  • 电影摄影兼制片人查贝尔称赫尔夫妇的故事UFO记录领域中的经典。

    Filmmaker-producer Zabel called the Hills' story a classic in the field of UFO reports.


  • 凯特故事则讲述了她作为摄影饰品采购员的经历,同时也描绘了她作为一个喜爱社交聚会女孩生活

    Kate's story examines Kate's life as a photographer and accessories buyer, as well as being a party girl.


  • 荷兰摄影安妮··格摩尔特凭其“男孩女孩系列幅图片赢得肖像故事组别二等奖

    Annie van Gemert, a photographer based in Netherlands, won the second prize in the Portraits Stories category for the series' Boys and girls'.


  • 美国摄影唐纳德·米拉列凭这幅夏威夷2009年铁人世锦赛图片赢得体育动作故事组别一等奖

    American photographer Donald Miralle, Jr takes first prize in the Sports Action Stories category with this photo showing the Ironman World Championships, Hawaii 2009.


  • 察柏尔奥伊米亚康为了收获一个催人奋进故事但是严寒摄影带来了新的挑战

    Chapple said he traveled to Oymyakon to find an uplifting story but said the cold created some new challenges in his photography.


  • 对于摄影故事光影

    Live in the light of photography, story.


  • 摄影正在试图告诉一个感人故事关于人们如何保存这种濒临绝种动物感动动那么

    Thee photographer was trying to tell a moving story about how people saved this kind of endangered animal and that moved me so much.


  • 反映了一种生活方式态度故事包括主题位置造型化妆发型,和摄影愿景

    It reflects a lifestyle, an attitude, and a story comprised of the subjects, location, styling, make-up, hair, and photographer's vision.


  • 旅行途中马宇安遇见来自全国各地同龄人如今已经名自由主兼摄影,和大家一起分享着自己行者故事尽管他的父母对此并不满意

    After meeting peers from all over the country on his trip, Ma now shares his stories of being on the road as a freelance blogger and photographer, even though his parents aren't happy with it.


  • 这次展演总体目标通过创造媒介释放声音”,无论这种媒介音乐诗歌,讲故事舞蹈时装绘画还是摄影

    The overall purpose of this event is to "Free Her Voice" through creative mediums whether it be music, poetry , story telling, dance , fashion, art or photography.


  • 旅游摄影所有用来讲述某个地方相关故事图片种类中很重要一个分类。

    Travel photography is a broad category that encompasses all the imagery involved in telling the story of a place.


  • 旅游摄影所有用来讲述某个地方相关故事图片种类中很重要一个分类。

    Travel photography is a broad category that encompasses all the imagery involved in telling the story of a place.


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