• 图像视频感知:依靠内置数码摄像机捕捉实时视频信息

    Image &video sensors: capture/input from a camera (all kinds of signals can be found in real-time visual information)


  • 摄像机捕捉动作麦克风记录着每一个声音

    Cameras capture his movements, and microphones record every sound.


  • 这样古怪的一幕麦克·莱斯·菲尔德森林附近摄像机捕捉了下来。

    The quirky scene was captured on camera close to Macclesfield Forest.


  • 方法适用测量经过编码后远距离激光脉冲光斑应用电视摄像机捕捉有规律瞬态存在目标提供了一个途径

    The method is suitable for measurement of the encoded remote laser pulse spot and provided a approach for application of TV camera to acquisition of the regularly transient targets.


  • 方法适用测量经过编码远距离激光脉冲光斑应用电视摄像机捕捉规律瞬态存在目标提供了一个途径

    The method is suitable for measurement of the encoded remote laser pulse spot and provided a approach for application of TV camera to acquisition of the regularly


  • 无论在圣彼得广场着格洛瑞亚还是看着刚出生的羚羊跨出一步,美好总是一瞬间的事情,但你需要摄像机捕捉,静静观赏就好。

    The reward is a moment, whether it's hearing the "Gloria" at St. Peter's or watching a gazelle take its first step, that you won't need a video camera to capture.


  • 张非洲非洲金猫属非洲金猫种)照片数字红外摄像机捕捉到的,这架摄像机由这位研究野外食肉动物行为人类学家,加里 。阿龙森于去年安放的。

    The images of the African golden cat (Profelis aurata) were taken by a digital infrared camera trap set last year by the anthropologist who was studying primate behavior in the wild.


  • 使用一个消费级摄像机使用复合标准视频线输出发送视频捕捉

    I used a consumer-grade camcorder that sent its output to the video capture card using a composite (standard) video cable.


  • ,她只是他们的临时监护人电影摄像机迅速捕捉石头后面聚光灯下摆姿势一个人罢了。

    She was only their temporary custodian, she said, a form and a face caught fleetingly by the movie camera or posing, in soft focus, behind the hard stones.


  • “拿这些作品本质来说,有很多东西都能讲的因为我们可以保存下所有[动态]捕捉时间之后再利用这些素材结合摄像机拍摄,”卡梅隆

    "That is something that makes a lot of sense, given the nature of these productions, because we can bank all the [motion] capture and then go back and do cameras over a period of time," said Cameron.


  • 通过敏感摄像机能够捕捉飞机上裂痕,因为这些裂痕改变热流方向。

    Any cracks will alter the flow of heat, and these changes can be picked up with a heat-sensitive camera.


  • 武打是以高效方式进行的,精心设计动作行云流水般的摄像机精彩的捕捉到,现在广为采用快速剪辑模式慢动作镜头要来的精巧。

    Action is executed in an efficient manner, with the elaborate moves being captured by fluid camera movement rather than the now-familiar fast edits or slow-motion flourishes.


  • 此外一个舷外摄像机捕捉朱利女士所说的“时刻”。

    In addition there will be an outrigger camera to capture what Ms. Druyan calledthe Kitty Hawk moment.”


  • 这种眼镜带有内置摄像机可以捕捉对方面部表情它们表达情感24表情特征配对

    The glasses have a built-in camera which monitors the other person's facial expressions and matches them up with 24 known features which convey emotions.


  • 摄像机一个检查小组捕捉到了只蝙蝠图像,紧紧地贴在发现号15层燃料箱上,当时正在进行灌注燃料(超低温液氢和液氧)的程序。

    Cameras and an inspection team spotted the bat clinging to the side of Discovery?s 15-story external tank as it was being fueled with propellant ? super-cold liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen.


  • 演员们看到的是彼此穿着动作捕捉所需的服装布满摄像机仓库里跑来跑去,而卡梅伦看到的却是那人穿梭在外星球的景观之中

    While the actors saw each other in motion-capture suits running around in a warehouse littered with cameras, Mr Cameron saw Na 'vi moving through the alien landscape.


  • 作为一个补充节中展示如何捕捉静止图像网站播放IP摄像机

    As a small supplement, in this section I'm going to show how to capture still images from your broadcasted IP camera on a website.


  • 为了快速推动飞翔家具,两位研究者使用动态捕捉技术,摄像机对房间的个角落进行追踪,包括主人家具,然后通过电脑接受指令

    To power their flying furniture, the pair used a motion capture system where a camera tracks everything in the room-including the person and the drone, which receives commands from the computer.


  • 但是弗吉尼亚州案件中似乎并没有故意摄像机继续运行捕捉事件现场

    In the Virginia case, however, it appears no one intentionally left the camera running to capture the incident.


  • 美国国家航空航天局EO-1卫星安装先进陆地摄像机阿里(ALI)于2010年7月24捕捉张彩色照片。

    The Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on NASA’s EO-1 satellite captured this true-color image of the Peruvian volcano on July 24, 2010.


  • 邮件内容运动检测视频使用中)发送档案时,就会触发摄像机红外摄像机另一种获得视频捕捉

    The message that reads Motion detected (Video already in use) is sent to the archives when a camera PIR is triggered while another camera is obtaining a video capture.


  • 一连捕捉到了这个画面而没有移动摄像机

    Without moving the camera, I shot the picture four times.


  • 老鼠星系因为有和啮齿动物明显相似尾巴而得名它们哈勃空间望远镜新的高级观测摄像机令人吃惊细节捕捉到的。

    The Mice galaxies, named after their distinct rodent-like tails, were captured in stunning detail by the Hubble Space Telescope's new Advanced Camera for Surveys.


  • 我们不能因为一个只有摄像机才能捕捉错误责怪裁判同意的。

    We cannot condemn a referee, and I agree with him, for a mistake that only the video camera can see.


  • 系统包括一个机载计算机立体摄像机可以捕捉3D图像

    The system includes an onboard computer and a stereoscopic camera that can capture 3D images.


  • 拍摄期间身体着80个“发光点”,脸上152个;8摄像机负责捕捉身体动作56台用来捕捉面部表情。

    During the shooting, 80 markers were attached to his body and 152 to his face, with eight cameras performing the motion capture for the body and 56 cameras for the face.


  • 演员们看到的是彼此穿着动作捕捉所需的服装布满摄像机仓库里跑来跑去,而卡梅伦看到的却是那人穿梭在外星球的景观之中

    While the actors saw each other in motion-capture suits running around in a warehouse littered with cameras, Mr Cameron saw Na'vi moving through the alien landscape.


  • 演员们看到的是彼此穿着动作捕捉所需的服装布满摄像机仓库里跑来跑去,而卡梅伦看到的却是那人穿梭在外星球的景观之中

    While the actors saw each other in motion-capture suits running around in a warehouse littered with cameras, Mr Cameron saw Na'vi moving through the alien landscape.


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