• 海军摄影师搭乘海军搜索飞机飞越海军舰队海岸警卫队船只,从空中拍下这张照片

    Photo made by a Naval Photographer, who flew over the Armada of Navy and coast guard vessels in a Navy search plane. (ap Photo).


  • TIGHAR唯一非营利性组织工作性质世界,坚持不懈地搜索飞机残骸捐赠博物馆市民观赏。

    TIGHAR are the only non-profit organisation of their kind in the world and work tirelessly retrieving plane wrecks of historical importance and donate them to museums for the public to enjoy.


  • 巴西搜索飞机周二找到了在大西洋中的飞机残骸这些残骸可能载有228名乘客的法航447次航班的,飞机周日晚上暴风雨中失踪

    Brazilian search planes spotted debris in the Atlantic Ocean Tuesday that could be the wreckage of Air France flight 447 carrying 228 people that disappeared in a storm Sunday night.


  • 巴西空军飞机正在大西洋搜索雷达屏幕上消失法航客机,这班载有228的客机今天飞往巴黎途中失踪。

    Brazilian air force planes are searching the Atlantic for an air France plane that vanished from radar screens as it flew to Paris today with 228 people on board.


  • 雷达直升机提供远程搜索水面舰艇成像跟踪潜艇检测使用敌我识别系统识别飞行中的其他飞机

    The radar provides the helicopter with long-range search, imaging and tracking of surface vessels, a periscope detection mode, and the IFF to identify other aircraft in flight.


  • 配有雷达红外装置的军用飞机夜间继续进行搜索

    An air force plane equipped with a radar and infrared sensor continued the search throughout the night.


  • 数据存储在本地这样飞机可以搜索巴士铁路线路

    The data is stored locally, so I can research bus and train routes while I am still on the airplane.


  • 艘海军军舰搜索搜寻飞机架直升机寻找其余乘客,这次搜寻受阻暴雨巨大的海浪。

    A search by two naval ships, a search aircraft and helicopters for the remaining passengers has been hampered by driving rain and heavy seas.


  • 承认现在几乎已没有机会找到幸存者了,他说搜索工作已经进入第三阶段”——寻找飞机残骸人员尸体

    He conceded that there was now virtually no chance of finding survivors saying that the search had moved into its "third phase" - the search for wreckage and bodies.


  • 法国官方指出恶劣天气使搜索工作变得困难多云天气迫使搜救飞机飞得,同时也影响了视线

    French officials said bad weather made the search difficult, with heavy clouds forcing planes to fly very low over the water and limiting their line of sight.


  • 100多飞机数十艘船只数千军人沿海岸线搜索的时间。

    More than 100 aircraft, dozens of ships and thousands of military personnel will scour the coastline for three days.


  • 网站通过显示不同交通方式包括飞机铁路出租车可以使用户得到基于最快”、“最便宜“最环保”的搜索结果

    Users can get results based on the quickest, cheapest or greenest options using a variety of methods of transport, including air, rail and taxi.


  • 调查人员飞机残骸搜索希望找出造成悲惨事件原因。

    Investigators are searching the wreckage of the plane to try and find the cause of the tragedy.


  • 飞机搜索没有发现他们痕迹他们推定已经死亡

    They were presumed dead after search planes found no trace of them.


  • 搜索一下可以轻松地查看航班号哪个出去、我的确认号码一旦我错失飞机我应该呼叫的Priceline的电话号码。

    With one search, I can easily look up my flight number, the gate it’s leaving from, my confirmation number, and the number to call Priceline when I miss my flight.


  • IBM维亚指出人工智能价值包括搜索引擎飞机自动驾驶功能

    IBM's Banavar points out the value of artificial intelligence, including search engines and the autopilot function on planes.


  • 这次有史以来广泛搜索努力动用了150飞机几十只船可是没有发现任何失踪飞机痕迹

    The most extensive search effort in history involved 150planes and dozens of ships , but it didn't find any sign of the missing aircraft at all.


  • 对于搜寻援救任务,直升飞机配备个250公斤-能力起升机使用绞盘和吊具安装在右舷舱门上方外部还有一个搜索灯。

    For search and rescue missions, the helicopter can be fitted with a 250kg-capacity hoist with winch and scoop fitted externally above the starboard side cabin door and a search light.


  • 接到消息后,飞机调转方向,前往珀斯西南2500公里海域进行搜索

    Four aircraft have been reoriented to the area 2500 kilometres south-west of Perth as a result of this information.


  • 那些搜索终于收到一个架失事飞机发出的信号

    The searchers at last picked up a signal from the crashed plane.


  • 要找到架失踪飞机已经毫无希望于是中止搜索

    All hope of finding the missing aircraft was given up and the search abandoned.


  • 但是如果飞机坠毁陆地没有可以帮助引导搜索行动的脉冲信号。在找到飞机调查人员只能仔细检查所发现的飞机碎片

    But on land, there's no such pinging to help guide the search. Investigators have to sift through the wreckage until they find it.


  • 救援人员正在继续搜索冒险家史蒂夫·福赛特飞机失踪内华达州西部崎岖沙漠中。

    Rescue workers continue searching for adventurer Steve Fossett, his plane missing in the rugged desert of western Nevada.


  • 攻击直升飞机指定为直- 9w (Z - 9w),特征一对外部挂架套顶部安装瞄准用于昼间目标搜索跟踪

    The attack helicopter, designated Zhi-9W (Z-9W), features a pair of external weapon pylon and a roof-mounted optical sight for target searching and tracking in daylight.


  • 尽管广泛搜索没有发现试点飞机

    Despite a wide ranging search nothing was ever found of the pilot or plane.


  • 搜索者们在得到伊拉克记得飞机失事参加了他的葬礼提示伊拉克沙漠发现他的遗体

    Searchers found his remains in Iraqi desert after getting tips from Iraqis who remembered his jet's crash and witnessed his burial.


  • 作为蓝方指挥所,我们利用预警机搜索发现,然后指挥轰7飞机潜艇实施打击。

    As the commanding post of the blue team, we can use early warning helicopters to search and engage JH-7A aircraft and submarines in the combat.


  • 作为蓝方指挥所,我们利用预警机搜索发现,然后指挥轰7飞机潜艇实施打击。

    As the commanding post of the blue team, we can use early warning helicopters to search and engage JH-7A aircraft and submarines in the combat.


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