• 了解人们搜索趋势绝妙方法

    It's a great way to find out what people are searching for.


  • 了解人们搜索趋势的绝妙方法

    Its a great way to find out what people are searching for.


  • 这些建议分析基于行业搜索趋势渠道深入分析。

    These tips and insights are based on carefully analyzed industry search trends and channels that are driving maximum returns for Milestone's clients and partners.


  • VarianChoi表示,共同利用这些搜索趋势经济计量模型就能够提高预测准确性

    Mr Varian and Mr Choi show that the addition of these search trends to econometric models improves the accuracy of their estimates.


  • 甚至不必这些时间序列数据进行分析因为这个工具允许一个散点比较不同数据里的搜索趋势

    You don't even have to produce an analysis on time-series data, as the tool lets you do a scatter plot to compare search trends between different data.


  • 当然如果真得搜索趋势可以用来预测股价变化,我猜Google也许就不会公开这些数据了。

    Then again, if the hourly stream of search queries really can predict stock price changes, Google might want to keep those data to itself.


  • 意思就是搜索趋势变化”显示图标这个还有这个词相关总的每月平均搜索。下边的才是准确每一个词的数据。

    Search Volume Index is amount of searches that has been done for the terms you enter, relative to the total number of searches done on Google over time.


  • 可以通过访问谷歌奥斯卡搜索趋势网站来做出自己预测网站提供了每个奖项所有提名者的数据资料但是这种预测今年正确的吗?

    You can make your own predictions with Google's Oscar Search Trends site, which provides data for every nominee in all of the awards - but will they be right?


  • 当代社会人们上网搜索他们需要信息已经成为一种趋势

    In contemporary society, it has been a trend for people to surf the Internet for the information they need.


  • 十大趋势重塑消费者进行旅游搜索消费购买模式。

    These ten technology trends will reshape the way consumers search shop and buy travel.


  • 至少我们看来,有意思显示上升趋势热门搜索排行榜

    More interesting, to us at least, are the ancillary lists (in Chinese here) that highlight rising trends and hot searches.


  • 周三发布的这一名单列出大类热门的趋势搜索新闻

    The list, released on Wednesday, identified the top trends, searches and news items from several categories.


  • 用来搜索博客时候,是个复杂的工具复杂的趋势分析对作者认知内容其他许多很酷功能

    It's quite a sophisticated tool for searching blogs. It's got trend analysis, author awareness and a number of other cool features.


  • 我们积极行动,探测标记提供恶意软件网站时刻保持最新趋势的关注并留意流行搜索词条

    We actively work to detect and flag sites that serve malware, keeping on top of the latest trends and watching for popular search terms.


  • 趋势搜索完全变革了我们生活我们认为任何东西任何时候都是可以搜索的,我认为如果不是这样我们更加失望

    I guess the big trend I'd say is that search has revolutionized our lives, made us expect that anything should be searchable from anywhere and that I think we'll get more disappointed if it's not.


  • 人们可以一个名叫谷歌趋势网站上得到这些数据并且可以下载特定条款物品搜索总量指数

    These data are available through a site called Google Trends, which allows anyone who CARES to do so to download an index of the aggregate volume of searches for particular terms or categories.


  • 瓦茨博士认为简单搜索预测可以越来越精确地锁定消费者对于某类产品的趋势

    Dr Watts thinks that simple search-volume forecasts will help spot consumer trends of this sort with increased precision.


  • 今年因特网搜索引擎谷歌启动了项类似的网络工具,叫做“谷歌登革热流行趋势”,用以监测登革热。

    This year Google, the Internet search engine, launched a similar web-based tool called Google dengue Trends to monitor for dengue fever.


  • 搜索结果个性化趋势在前两三年里蠢蠢欲动最近开始步入主流视线。

    Personalization of search results has been simmering for a couple years now, but has started going mainstream recently.


  • google需要成百上千可能感染用户求助搜索才能把正在不断成长趋势和google数据库干扰因素区别开!

    It would take thousands, not hundreds, of likely infected people searching for help to distinguish a growing trend from the noise of queries in Google's database.


  • 搜狐资深编辑网络趋势分析师女士(vera Chan)出于各种原因英国石油公司漏油事件成为热门的搜索话题

    Vera Chan, the company's senior editor and web trend analyst, said the BP oil spill was the most searched topic for term for a variety of reasons.


  • 今年七月Flipboard收购了语义技术新创公司Ellerdale,智能数据分析算法用来建立实时搜索引擎趋势跟踪

    In July, Flipboard acquired semantic technology startup Ellerdale, whose intelligent data-parsing algorithms had previously been used to create a real-time search engine and trends tracker.


  • 我们提供了和Gmail一样搜索功能不是显示个文字列表,而是一个图来展现邮件的趋势

    We provide the same search functionality used by Gmail, but instead of a list of messages we show you a graph of your email trends over time.


  • 此外Twazzup用户可以通过相关关键字列表趋势列表,进一步定制搜索结果。

    In addition, Twazzup also allows you to easily restrict your searches through lists of related keywords and sub-trends.


  • Google流感趋势去年十一月推出的,可以跟踪描绘流感相关的搜索内容,从而预测某个地区的流感人数。

    Google flu Trends, which was launched last November, tracks and maps flu-related search queries to predict how many people in a given region actually have the flu.


  • 对于那些可以使用主页用户主页顶端有一搜索以及Twitter趋势页面链接

    For users who already have access to the new interface, a search box will appear at the top of the page, as well as a link to Twitter's trends page.


  • 流感趋势FLU TRENDS) :Google位天才发现人们生病以后喜欢Google搜索相关信息。

    FLU TRENDS One of Google’s geniuses figured out that whenever people get sick, they use Google to search for more information.


  • 为了帮助你更好的锁定搜索范围,我们列出了美国健身协会(ace)2010年健身趋势的分析。

    To help narrow down the search, here's our take on what the American Council on Exercise predicts will be the top 10 fitness trends for 2010.


  • Twitter整合新的flock浏览器上得到加强,现在可以使用话题趋势搜索并且保存搜索历史记录

    Twitter integration in the new version of Flock has also been improved, now providing access to trending topics and allowing you to save search histories.


  • NovaSpivack一位编写搜索引擎技术开发人员,他说能够进行趋势预测网站更加受到欢迎。

    Nova Spivack, a technology developer who writes about search engines, said sites that forecast trendy topics will become more prominent.


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