• 转炉采用高效吹技术提高强度0

    The intensity of oxygen supply and steel output can be increased by 0.


  • 提高成本正是这一行径部分目的所在

    And raising funding costs is partly the point of the exercise.


  • 为了适应市场需求公司计划扩建热网提高能力

    This company is planning to extend its heat network and enhance its steam supply capability, in order to meet market needs.


  • 结论硅胶色谱凝胶柱色谱混合利用可以提高试品的分离纯化效果

    ConclusionThe co-utilization of silica gel column and gel chromatography can greatly improve the efficiency of isolation and purification.


  • 为了提高质量和利用率,对128变异血管处理进行了总结。

    The experience on management of abnormal blood vessels in 128 cases of donor kidney during the tailoring operation was reported.


  • 随着保存时间延长,应用UW液冲洗胆管可以提高肝胆管细胞保存效果

    With the cold preservation lasting, we can get better effect of preservation of biliary tract cell when washing bili ary tract by UW solution.


  • 肝脏移植物获取提高内热休克蛋白含量,明显减轻移植肝脏缺血再灌注损伤

    And it can protect the liver ischemia-reperfusion injury obviously, before the graft harvest, increasing the expression of HSP of liver will lighten the liver ischemia-reperfusion injury.


  • 结论HLA配型、交叉配型可显著提高受者HLA相配率,对选择最佳的降低早期急性排斥反应的发生,提高移植效果具有重要意义

    Conclusion:HLA typing and HLA crossreactive antigen group(CREGs) matching play an important role in selecting suitable donor, reducing early rejection, improving the effect of kidney transplantation.


  • 结论对于死亡的器官取采取原位洗,切取及体外修整,最大限度缩短缺血时间,有效避免变异血管损伤,进而提高供者器官的利用率。

    Conclusions For the brain-dead donor, in situ perfusion, en block resection can reduce the warm ischemic time, avoid injury of anomalous artery effectively, and ensure the high organ utilization rate.


  • 试验结果表明:覆膜与不覆膜(对照)相比,葡萄覆膜栽培提高品种5 0 %以上,并可增加试品种新生长量30 % ;里扎马特品种果可增大40 %以上、凯然诺尔品种果粒平均重略有减小;

    Result indicates that cover cultivate can improve the rate of setting fruit by 50 percent, the growth of shoot by 30 percent, the weighty of fruit grain of variety PNaMaT by 40 percent;


  • 许多练习场地那些提高技巧新手使用

    There are lot of training grounds still available for anyone, who is a novice and wants to increase his skills.


  • 不足加速了疲劳提高受伤风险

    An insufficient blood supply accelerates fatigue and increases the risk of injury.


  • 巴马正在通过加快退休储蓄计划的实施鼓励雇主提高员工款额度来推动进程

    Mr Obama is pushing this process along by making retirement-saving plans more readily available and encouraging employers to increase employee contributions.


  • 橙色提高脑部产生激励效应激发心理活动

    Orange increases oxygen supply to the brain, produces an invigorating effect, and stimulates mental activity.


  • 中央直流电源直接服务器大幅提高效率。

    It would be far more efficient to power servers directly from a central DC supply.


  • 这些措施产生增值效应,提高大约70%国内使用中国医疗产品质量

    In a value-added way, these measures will upgrade the quality of the roughly 70% of Chinese medical products produced for domestic use.


  • AIX5l操作系统许多参数用户提高LotusDomino服务器性能时使用,然后可以影响LotusQuickr

    The AIX 5l operating system provides many parameters that let users tune to improve performance for Lotus Domino servers, which then can react to Lotus Quickr.


  • 里斯托小组成员StephenHallett提高叶片效率延长它们发电系统

    That would increase the efficiency of the blades and extend the working life of the generator systems they power, says Stephen Hallett, a member of the Bristol team.


  • 泰航表示把A380客机用于欧洲航线,其它小型客机泰国至美国澳大利亚航线使用。 泰航此次大规模购机主要是希望提高公司的国际竞争力,特别是应对来自新加坡航空公司的市场竞争。

    After launching a major share offering last year, Thai Airways said it would use the funds to upgrade its aircraft and regain its leading status from rivals such as Singapore Airlines.


  • 计算结果表明小孔所产生压力损失提高列螺旋机械密封的静态轴向刚度

    The results of calculation indicates that the static axial stiffness of fluid film in double spiral groove face seal is improved due to the pressure loss through feeding holes.


  • 结论吸入液氧延长时间,是提高高原人体运动能力抗疲劳理想措施。

    Conclusion: it can prolong the time of oxygen supply and improve mental performance to inhaling liquid oxygen at high altitude.


  • 半钢炼钢工艺下,通过优化转炉操作提高操作水平、对煤气回收系统进行优化改造提高了转炉煤气的回收量

    The recovery quantity of converter gas got increased in semisteel steelmaking process by means of optimizing oxygen feeding, improving operation level, reforming gas recovery system.


  • 提高电弧炼钢生产率主要基于以下几技术包括改善电弧炉电效率、强化技术、智能控制技术(专家系统)等。

    The primary new technologies that improve the productivity of EAF mainly include EAF power input technology, oxygen input technology and EAF intelligent control technology(expert system).


  • 结果囊防潮效果随着温度提高速度降低、雾化气流速降低而增强;反之则减弱。

    Result: the damp proof effect enhanced with the increase of inlet air temperature and the decrease of flow rate and air pressure.


  • 具有较好的改善心肌血,提高心脏储备能力、改善心功能功效。

    It could prove blood supply of the cardiac muscle, raise reserve capability of the heart.


  • 首先是管理家庭智能仪表能最大限度地提高效率

    First off, it's smart meters for home energy use that maximize efficiency.


  • 烧伤休克早期液体复苏综合治疗加以改进,提高输出量和改善组织不足。

    Therefore, further improvement in fluid resuscitation and combined treatment for early burn shock to raise cardiac output and improve tissue oxygen delivery may be needed.


  • 结论植入合理地选择心脏停搏有助于提高此类移植存活率

    Conclusion Rational selection of hepatic allograft procured from cardiac arrest donors before implantation would be conducive to raising the survival rate of liver transplantation.


  • 结论植入合理地选择心脏停搏有助于提高此类移植存活率

    Conclusion Rational selection of hepatic allograft procured from cardiac arrest donors before implantation would be conducive to raising the survival rate of liver transplantation.


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