• 第1描述web页面一个工具提示流行的Web浏览器实现内置实现相比具有高级行为

    Part 1 describes a tooltip widget for Web pages that has more elaborate behavior than the built-in implementation provided by popular Web browsers.


  • 系列第1描述web页面一个工具提示流行的Web浏览器提供内置实现相比,它具有精致行为

    Part 1 of this series described a tooltip widget for Web pages with more elaborate behavior than the built-in implementation provided by popular Web browsers.


  • 索贝尔提示目前为止,现在眼泪线索只能小组引导故事

    Sobel prompted that, so far, this trail of tears may be leading his team to only part of the story.


  • 重要提示如果错过的话,那么现在您回过阅读

    (Important: If you missed that part, go back and read it now.) This section answers these questions.


  • 然而研究表明极其困难的(因此过去表现不能保证未来收益这种提示通常英国金融产品的一分)。

    However, studies suggest this is extremely hard (hence the rubric routinely attached to British financial products, "Past performance is no guarantee of future returns").


  • 已经汇编一系列提示帮助减少每个食品费用帮助您节省时间金钱

    I've compiled a three part series of tips to help reduce your food costs each month and help you save both time and money!


  • 提示跌倒一样值得庆祝因为他们学习分。

    Tip: Celebrate falling down as well as getting up: it's all part of learning.


  • 索贝尔提示说,目前为止,现在眼泪线索只能小组引导故事的

    Sobel cautioned that, so far, this trail of tears may be leading his team to only part of the story.


  • 第1讨论技巧提示检查表自身详细信息结合使用时,希望使这个过程更简单

    Hopefully, the tips and tricks covered in Part 1, when combined with the detailed information on the checklist itself, will make this process easier.


  • 很快应该看到一个GUI面板提示继续进行系列第1介绍普通安装步骤

    Soon, you should see a GUI panel that prompts you to continue with your regular installation steps as explained in Part 1 of this series.


  • 然后给予信者倍于第一次给,受信者此后得到电脑提示返还给给予者一分钱。

    This amount would then be tripled and credited to the trustee, who was subsequently prompted by the computer to sacrifice a part of his stash by returning some to the giver.


  • 第2将介绍工具高级特性并且提供重要提示

    Part 2 covers the advanced features of this tool and provides important tips.


  • 去年夏天在专家提示撰写相同标题文章(没有“第2分”),得到反馈促使篇文章。

    Last summer, I contributed a Comments Line column with the same title (sans Part 2), and received feedback that led me back to do this again.


  • 很多提示最后完成了小说

    He gave me a lot of hints and I ended up writing three novels.


  • 考试时磁带会提示考生阅读问题然后开始第一分的内容答题

    During the test candidates read the questions for section one. They then listen to the first section and answer the questions on the question paper as they listen.


  • 第2包括SVG例子中指定DOCTYPE提示

    Part 2 will include a tip for specifying a DOCTYPE in the SVG example.


  • 获得关于Design Advisor的总体介绍提示请参阅第1分。

    For a general introduction and tips for using the Design Advisor, read Part 1.


  • 提示美国住宅城市发展(又名HUD在YouTube上一个主要购房者提供建议视频频道

    Tip: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (a.k.a. HUD) has a YouTube channel featuring videos with advice for home buyers.


  • 然后运行cd时,变量pwd更新显示shell提示

    Then, when you run CD, the variable PWD will be updated and displayed as part of the shell prompt.


  • 第二中,我们将要涉及其他的提示提高易用性增强性能以及帮助提高Windows7安全性

    In Part 2, we're going to cover additional tips to improve usability, enhance the performance, and help secure Windows 7.


  • 下次登录时,.profile 文件将作为登录流程执行工作目录显示shell提示的一分。

    When you next log in, your .profile should execute as part of the login process, and this should display the working directory as part of the shell prompt.


  • 系列第2中,使用JTip弹出链接转换为工具提示继续改善导航

    In Part 2 of this series, you will continue to refine your navigation by transforming pop-up links into tooltips using JTip.


  • 2010年的一项瑞典研究提示一些国家发病率不断提高事实上HPV感染慢性传播诱发的。

    A 2010 Swedish study, in fact, suggested that the rise in oropharyngeal squamous cell cancer in a number of countries "is caused by a slow epidemic of HPV infection-induced (cancers)."


  • 本文说明如何创建连锁提示阅读器以检索单个远程提示使用XSLT进行转换作为We b分来显示

    In this article, I've shown you how to create a syndicated feed reader that retrieves a single remote feed, transforms it using XSLT, and displays it as part of a Web page.


  • 本文分首先给出硬盘过程机理系统自举过程可能由于某种故障而给出错误提示

    This essay first provides the mechanism of the procedure of the harddisk booting and the wrong singal because of some possible failure of software during the procedure of the harddisk booting.


  • 结论初步研究结果提示:(1)利用螺旋电极进行右室间隔起搏基本可行且较为安全

    Conclusion: The primary study results suggest: 1. It's feasible and safe to use screw-in leads for RVS pacing.


  • 提示教室表现只能展现你的性格。那么当你不在教室或者学习时候你都干些什么

    Prompt: What you do in the classroom defines only a part of who you are. How do you spend your time when you are not in class or studying?


  • 提示要求一段主题为涵义少于80个词。

    Directions: For this part, you are required to write on the topic: The Meaning of Home You should write no less than 80 words.


  • 提示要求一段主题为涵义少于80个词。

    Directions: For this part, you are required to write on the topic: The Meaning of Home You should write no less than 80 words.


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