• 再加上各种各样税收减免、抵免政策,如果不是经济危机闹得人心惶惶,如今算是消费者的黄金时期了。 “Nottomention…”引导从句大家再熟悉不过了,意为“更不用……”。

    Not to mention there is a whole range of tax breaks available.


  • 佛罗里达州梅恩财务计划师史夫·博多·诺斯通过采用额外责任保险范围的保护伞政策进一步减少成本

    You might be able to lower your costs further by picking up an umbrella policy, which provides additional liability coverage, said Steve Podnos, a financial planner in Merritt Island, Fla.


  • 由于短期政策利率接近已经达到零,因此获得更多货币意味着扩展一系列手段,而这些手段的效果副作用却并不知道

    With short-term policy rates at or near zero, getting more of a monetary boost means expanding a set of instruments whose efficacy, and side-effects, are ill-understood (see article).


  • 会议之前保守党为了联盟之外一些党内活跃分子宣布了一些受欢迎政策

    It comes before a conference in which the Tories announce popular policies to remind activists of their own party's instincts outside the coalition.


  • 零利率政策经济刺激计划经济数据同时推动资金进入风险更高资产

    Zero rates and stimulus programs boost economic data as well as nudge money toward riskier assets.


  • 值得一提的现在各方代表几乎现行政策没有异议,更不用说援助了;一切似乎都领导人的品行、委任部落深思熟虑密切相关其思想排除在外

    But it is remarkable how little debate there is about policy (let alone aid); it is nearly all about personality, patronage and tribal calculations. Ideology is out.


  • 1997年草率政策地又将衰退期

    A premature tax increase in 1997 plunged it back into recession.


  • 值得一美联储于2001年3施行量化宽松政策不到年后日本银行正在购买股票

    It is worth recalling that less than two years after it began quantitative easing in March 2001 the Bank of Japan was buying equities.


  • 出台怎样的政策以及如何在削减赤字经济两者中做到平衡,考验着特纳能否奥巴马再次赢得大选出份力。

    The policies molded by Geithnerand the balance they strike between slashing the deficit and supporting the economic recovery — could also ultimately determine whether Obama will win a second term.


  • 其他人则认为需要出台更加彻底政策转变加速转向国内需求减少依赖出口,推进这已得到大肆宣传的过渡。

    Others think a more radical policy overhaul is needed to accelerate the much-advertised shift towards boosting domestic demand and reducing dependence on exports.


  • 一措施中国政策制定者寻求经济试图把握分寸最新例证,中国世界上第二大经济体,仅次于美国

    The move is the latest example of the fine line that China's policy makers are attempting to walk as they look to bolster the economy, the world's second-largest, after the United States.


  • 只要央行继续承诺退出政策欧元区其它主要经济体之间利差优势必将持续欧元。

    As long as the ECB remains committed to its exit policy then the euro should remain supported by favourable interest rate differentials with the other major economies.


  • 只有经验政策微妙的变化都能眼睛学生就像棋手,才能学到除了大功率以外的东西,功率是小兵负责的事。

    Only with experience and an increasing eye for the subtle flow of policy will the student, like the chess player, learn that in addition to the Great Powers, the Small Powers--the pawns—do matter.


  • 谢野承认必要开动我们脑筋寻找经济政策他表示没有显而易见的“有效途径支出这么大笔资金。

    Mr Yosano acknowledged that there was a need to "exercise our minds" to find policies to boost the economy, but said there was no obvious "good way" to spend so much money.


  • 股市受到两个因素振,强劲的全球成长前景是布什时期减税政策延长之后,美国成长预测值得到修正

    Equities are expected to be driven by a strong outlook for global growth and revised expectations for us growth post the extension of the Bush-era tax cuts.


  • 实际上美联储连续加息政策甚至可能会经济起到促进作用,因为它有助于信心

    In fact, continued rate hikes from the Federal Reserve might actually boost the economy, by giving a lift to confidence.


  • 本周英国央行会议不大可能英镑带来因为最近几周以来货币政策委员会加息的几率日渐下降。

    This week's BOE meeting is unlikely to boost the pound as the MPC seems to have moved even further away from a rate hike in recent weeks.


  • 本周英国央行会议不大可能英镑带来因为最近几周以来货币政策委员会加息的几率日渐下降。

    This week's BOE meeting is unlikely to boost the pound as the MPC seems to have moved even further away from a rate hike in recent weeks.


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