• 各项基金提取比例合同规定董事会确定

    The proportion of the amount allocated to these funds shall be determined in accordance with contract provisions or by the Board of Directors.


  • 然后结合湖南省水稻种植保险保费数据提出湖南省种植业保险准备金提取比例测算方法

    Finally, combined with the premium data, the article put forward a methodology to calculate the catastrophe reserves.


  • 本文湖南省水稻种植保险研究了湖南省农业保险巨灾风险保费准备金提取比例触发条件

    This paper studied the reserving ratio and triggering criteria for catastrophe risks of agricultural insurance, taking the rice planting insurance in Hunan province as an example.


  • 实证结果表明,目前湖南地区种植业保险巨灾准备金提取比例准备金触发条件设定合理

    The empirical results indicated that the statutory catastropher eservin gratio for Hunan crop insurance was relatively low, but the trigger for utilizing the reserves was reasonable.


  • 因此标记比例非常意味着提取相对较小量可用数据需要很多xml解析

    Hence, the ratio of markup to value is extremely high, which means that a lot of XML parsing may be required to extract a comparatively small amount of usable data.


  • 纳税人如果我们参与管理一定比例固定数额提取利润或分配房产

    Taxpayerif we do not involve in management and share the risk, but we receive income or dividends in a proportion or in a solid amount , do we pay tax on it ?


  • 作为管理收购基金分担风险的回报,私人股本管理机构一般都会收取管理费,另外提取基金收益一定比例

    In return for managing buy-out funds and sharing in the risk, private equity managers traditionally got a management fee and a share in the fund's performance.


  • 芯片制造商不可能提取不成比例租金限制供应,或甚至尝试

    But chipmakers are unlikely to be able to extract a disproportionate rent or restrict supply-or even to try.


  • 通常建议人们采用最佳提取”法,就是每年提取一定比例退休金做为年收入,用以防止过早地花光退休金出现生活困顿

    Usually advice has focused on the bestwithdrawal rate”, the proportion of the pension pot that can be taken as annual income while minimising the risk that the retiree outlives his or her savings.


  • 第三十八条 合营公司依法纳税提取三项基金利润按照甲、乙方注册资本中的出资比例进行分配

    After paying the taxes in accoudance wiht law and drawing the various fundsthe profits in net will be distributed according to the proprtion of each party's investment in the registered capital.


  • 可以显示更多信息,只要修改GetXML代理程序要求提取格式化更多字段

    You can also display more information than our simple example shows by enhancing the GetXML agent and instructing it to pull and format additional Person document fields.


  • 职工教育经费按照国家规定比例提取专项用于企业职工后续职业教育职业培训

    The expense for staff training shall be withdrawn at the proportion provisioned by the state, and shall be specially used for the follow-up vocational education and training of employees.


  • 最后另一个比例减去位于距异类中心对分类不起作用的样本以便提取具有代表性的边界向量

    Finally, the other large proportion is decided to reduce those sample points lie on the further from the different class center so that the representative boundary vectors can be extracted.


  • 如果茶叶接触沸腾,就会提取出高比例的多化合物,使得这种热饮料过分涩口。

    If water boils when it is in contact with tea leaves, a high proportion of polyphenolic compounds are extracted.


  • 针对抽取海岸边缘特征二值化电子海图提取海岸边缘特征缩放至海图比例实时雷达图像进行匹配。

    The paper works with a binary electronic chart which has extracted the characteristics of coastal edge and a binary radar image which has been zoomed out in electronic chart at real-time.


  • 办法所称一般准备,是金融企业按照一定比例净利润提取的、用于弥补尚未识别可能性损失的准备。

    The "general reserve" as mentioned in these Measures refers to the reserve withdrawn from the net profit at a certain percentage for making up the possible losses not yet identified.


  • 企业提取一定比例准备金用于核销应收账款呆帐损失。

    The company may draw a certain percentage of provisions to cover the debts in its accounts receivables.


  • 如果茶叶接触沸腾就会提取比例多酚化合物使得这种饮料过分涩口

    If water boils when it is in contact with tea leaves, a high proportion of polyphenolic compounds are extracted. These make the hot beverage excessively astringent.


  • 点击正负标志调整香水提取比例

    Click on the plus and minus signs to adjust the proportions between extracts in your new fragrance.


  • 采用正交试验研究了果胶纤维素酶酶用量、酶比例、酶解温度以及酶解时间菠萝果汁提取影响

    The pineapple produced in Zhanjiang as the raw material and the single factor tests and orthogonal test were used to study the effects of enzyme pretreatment on extraction rate of pineapple juice.


  • 得到人体实体切片序列图像大脑器官边缘轮廓线基础上,提取图像中的标尺,利用图像中提供的标尺计算像素实物比例关系

    On the base of distilling edges from images of human slices, by calibrating the gauge, the ratio relationship between the pixels of the gauge and the real section areas were obtained.


  • 存款准备金指金融机构保证客户提取存款资金清算需要而准备中央银行存款,中央银行要求的存款准备金占其存款总额的比例就是存款准备金率。

    The Required Reserve is depositors'bank's minimum balance of deposits in central bank to ensure that the bank do no run out of cash on hand to meet the demand for withdrawals and settlement.


  • 纳税人如果我们参与管理一定比例固定数额提取利润或分配房产? ?

    Taxpayer: : if we do not involve in management and share the risk, but we receive income or dividends in a proportion or in a solid amount, do we pay tax on it?


  • 纳税人如果我们参与管理一定比例固定数额提取利润或分配房产呢?

    Taxpayer: If we do not involve in management and only receive income or dividends in a proportion or in a solid amount, should we pay tax?


  • 我们可以提供更多比例单味复方提取

    We can provide more single or compound extract as certain ratio.


  • 车型细节特征通过图像分割提取数目颜色数目以及车窗比例等特征完成的。

    The detail features which are the amount of blocks and colors and the ratio of window are distilled by the image segmentation.


  • 芦笋枸杞子红枣提取沉淀超滤处理,蜂蜜按适当比例调配后制成芦笋营养液

    The Asparagus Nutritional Liquid Was produced by the mixing precipitating anent and UF membraced asparagus juice and extract of wolf berry and jujube with honey .


  • 芦笋枸杞子红枣提取沉淀超滤处理,蜂蜜按适当比例调配后制成芦笋营养液

    The Asparagus Nutritional Liquid Was produced by the mixing precipitating anent and UF membraced asparagus juice and extract of wolf berry and jujube with honey .


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