• 分析工业园区环境管理问题原因基础上,从定位规划实施观念方面提出新的管理思路

    New management thinkings were proposed with aspect of positation planning, implementation and conception based on analysis of environment management issues of industrial parks.


  • 通过目前高校计算机专业计算机基础课教学现状分析提出计算机基础课实施分级教学改革的思路构想

    By actuality analysis computer base teaching for no-computer major in college, bring forward thought and construct about computer base course implementing classification teaching.


  • 通过该院管理者激励机制存在问题进行剖析,从而提出了该院管理者激励机制设计实施思路

    The design and implement thought of FP design institute is proposed, which is according to the existing problems on incentive mechanism.


  • 提出广告宣传车设计依据思路介绍为满足功能实施方案

    The paper presents the design basis and thinking of the advertising vehicle, and introduces the implementary scheme which meets the function needs.


  • 论述了开设综合实验目的意义提出开设综合实验的基本思路重点介绍了综合实验的内容实施方法

    This paper brought forward the purpose and significance of the establishing integrative experiment, put forward its thought, and introduced emphatically its contents and methods.


  • 本文分析ERP实施基本思路方法现状存在问题提出实施ERP的成功对策

    The paper bring forward countermeasure of implementing ERP, analyze basis means, actuality and existent question, indicate implementing ERP must combine practice instance of corporation.


  • 论述了开设设计综合实验目的意义提出开设设计性综合实验的基本思路重点介绍了综合实验的内容实施方法

    This paper brought forward the purpose and significance of the establishing designed and integrative experiment, put forward its thought, and introduced emphatically its contents and methods.


  • 分析了“联通信”管理模式提出省级“联通在信”管理系统设计思路浙江省内付诸实施

    The article analyzes the management mode of "U-Mail" puts forward a design idea of provincial management system for "U-Mail" and implements it in Zhejiang province.


  • 针对多媒体教学工程制图教学方面应用提出了多媒体制图教学的基本思路实施方法探讨工程图学多媒体教学模式的教学实践

    In this file, the basic thought and method of the multimedia teaching in the application of engineering-oriented cartography is point out and the pattern of its teaching practice is discussed.


  • 针对情况,笔者提出经贸专业实训教学实施项目化实践教学深化案例实训教学思路

    Thus this paper put forward practical implementation of project-oriented teaching for economic and trade majors and the idea of strengthening case teaching during th Eir vocational training.


  • 通过总结企业实施PD M经验,提出种基于PD M软件流程管理方法企业实现过程集成提供一种新思路

    The author proposed a new method of procedure management based on PDM software, gives a new idea of achieving process integration in modern enterprises.


  • 为了水资源实施有效监督管理提出地表水总量控制思路和对策。

    In order to implement effective supervision and management to the water resource, this paper has put forward the idea and counter measure for the surface water receives dirty overall control finally.


  • 提出解决方案具有系统结构简单可靠性实施成本的特点,设计思路适合其它控制网络管理网络的数据通信

    The raised solution possesses simple structure, high reliability and low cost, which can be applied in other communication system between control network and management network.


  • 本文通过介绍成本战略基本思路提出实施成本战略的方法

    This paper introduces the essential approach of the cost strategy, gives out ways to execute the cost strategy.


  • 分析世界石油市场特征供需关系,就我国实施利用国际石油资源的战略提出一些思路

    To analyze the characteristics and supply and demand relation of world oil market. To propose train of thought of utilizing international oil resources by "going abroad" strategy.


  • 提出终端水价实施对策政策思路实际运行终端水价角度提出具体方法措施

    Measures and policy of enforcing end water tariff are given, as well as specific methods and measures from the Angle of real operation of end water tariff.


  • 本文提出阿木林业局实施天然林资源保护工程基本思路主要目标

    According to the situation of natural forest in Amuer Forestry Bureau, the authors of this paper present the basic thoughts and primary objects of executing protection engineering in these areas.


  • 结合我国目前国情构建适合我国公司治理模式——二元共同治理模式,提出分类实施思路

    On the basis of analyzing our countrys current situation, this paper will build up a binary joint governance model adapting to the corporate reality in our country and put forward an I.


  • 提出牙科医疗设计依据思路,介绍为满足功能要求实施方案

    The design basis and thinking of the dentistry medical vehicle is introduced, and the implementation scheme meeting the function needs is also presented.


  • 文章心理训练可行性成效实施途径设计原则方面进行了研究探讨,提出思路和对策。

    So the paper focuses on the feasibility, efficiency, and practical approach of mental training and design principles with possible solutions.


  • 此基础转变营销观念角度提出企业实施诚信营销基本构架,为企业实施诚信营销提供思路

    Based on the above analysis, in order to change people's marketing concept, the paper suggests the basic framework of implementing credible marketing and offers direction of credible marketing.


  • 提出水声对抗器材改进思路指出实施网络化水声对抗一种可行的方案

    Improvement suggestion is brought forward which says that networked UAW (Underwater Acoustic Warfare) is an appropriate scheme.


  • 文章亚当斯公平理论”出发,分析了档案馆管理实施“公平理论”的意义,结合实际提出档案管理实施公平理论的具体思路

    Based on Adams Fair theory, this article analyzes and discusses the function of Fair theory in archives management, and offers some practical methods in management of archives.


  • 本文福州地区大学城区域雨水规划及其建设实施之间矛盾为例,提出区域雨水规划充分考虑近远期结合规划思路

    By the contradion between the planning and the construction schema of Fuzhou University Town, and the view on rain water planning must combine near-forward phase is presented in this paper.


  • 阐述了利用机车监控装置为调车作业实施监控可行性,从基本思路遵循标准监控模式方面提出了调车监控具体方案解决难点问题

    It puts forward the concrete plan of monitoring the shunters in the respects of way of design, standards to follow and monitoring mode. The paper also illustrates the difficult problems to be solved.


  • 基础上提出对scl—90、EPQ社会支持三种量表测试指标进行优化,并优化的实施理论研究思路进行了论述

    On this basis, the paper points out to the optimized the SCL -90, EPQ and SOCIAL SUPPORT TEST. It discusses the theory of carrying out the optimization and the train thought of study.


  • 综合多种技术手段基础上,提出了一种具有广泛适用性的反走样思路具体讨论了直线三角形圆形的反走样算法及具体实施方法。

    On the base of some methods, a general anti-aliasing thinking and its designs of the anti-aliasing algorithms of line, triangle and rotundity are given.


  • 针对大型公共浴室,提出连续流量水流实施恒温控制思路实施方案

    The thinking and scheme of control on constant temperature and pressure to a great deal of successive running water of big public bathing room were put forward.


  • 本文提出“基于部件拼接智能款式设计”思路具有一定创新性,后台大型数据库的设计管理远程数据获取多种实施手段网络化款式设计提供了基础

    The configuration and management of large background database and the multiple methods of remote data access will put a solid foundation for fashion style based on Internet.


  • 本文提出“基于部件拼接智能款式设计”思路具有一定创新性,后台大型数据库的设计管理远程数据获取多种实施手段网络化款式设计提供了基础

    The configuration and management of large background database and the multiple methods of remote data access will put a solid foundation for fashion style based on Internet.


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