• 这次采访描述纯属虚构”。

    She described the interview as a "complete fabrication."


  • 描述温文尔雅富有魅力

    She describes him as urbane and charming.


  • 描述高大黝黑相貌堂堂”。

    He was described as ' tall, dark and handsome '.


  • 描述英雄天才恶霸不一而足

    He has been variously described as a hero, a genius and a bully.


  • 这本小册子把图书馆描述校园学习中心。

    The brochure described the library as the focal point of learning on the campus.


  • 这场洪水描述五十年来严重的一次。

    The floods are described as the worst in nearly fifty years.


  • 法官这些罪行描述“令人作呕、难以言表”。

    The judge described the offences as nauseating and unspeakable.


  • 把朗先生描述冷漠、有心计善于操纵别人。

    He described Mr. Long as cold, calculating, and manipulative.


  • 恰如其分地描述高大黝黑相貌堂堂”。

    He was aptly described as 'tall, dark, and handsome'.


  • 描述大约三十身高6英尺,体格中等

    He's described as around thirty years old, six feet tall and of medium build.


  • 亚伯拉罕马斯洛心理学描述存在科学”。

    Abraham Maslow described psychology as "the science of being."


  • 食物医疗供给分发描述一个组织上梦魇

    She described the distribution of food and medical supplies as a logistical nightmare.


  • 逮捕的男子美国缉毒描述非常重要人物

    The four men arrested were described as really big fish by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency.


  • 一些美国飞行员这次经历描述方占有绝对优势的情形

    Some American pilots described the experience as a turkey shoot.


  • 描述骑士时代产物化身

    He has been described as the creature and embodiment of the age of chivalry.


  • 因此美国描述语言墓地”。

    Hence the description of America as a "graveyard" for languages.


  • 任何动物描述进化倒退”,都是有争议的。

    The description of any animal as an "evolutionary throwback" is controversial.


  • 心理治疗师洛里·戈特利布将描述“过度确认”。

    Psychotherapist Lori Gottlieb describes this as "over validation".


  • 社会学家欧文·高夫曼将描述光线变暗一种类型”。

    Sociologist Erving Goffman describes this as "a kind of dimming of lights".


  • 它们描述水平淋浴它们的搜寻力量没有逃脱的余地。

    He described them as horizontal shower-baths, from whose searching power there was no escape.


  • 健康指标评估研究所所长克里斯·默里描述“应刻不容缓采取行动”。

    Director of Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Chris Murray described it as an "urgent call to action".


  • 北京故宫印象深刻,特别是颐和园描述见过的伟大的宫殿”。

    He was impressed by Beijing and the Emperor's Palace, especially the Summer Palace which was described as "The greatest palace that I've ever seen".


  • 相比之下,差异描述过程,在这个过程中,以色列人拒绝迦南根源创建了一个独立身份

    By contrast, he describes differentiation as a process whereby Israel came to reject its Canaanite roots and create a separate identity.


  • 诺贝尔奖得主生理学家阿尔伯特·森特-乔吉曾将发现描述看到所有看到的,思考没有想到的”。

    Noble Laureate and physiologist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi once described discovery as "seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought".


  • 特雷·斯科特·阿特于周六上午拘留,此前美国运输安全管理局特工发现件被他们描述可疑物品东西

    Trey Scott Atwater was taken into custody Saturday morning after Transportation Security Administration agents spotted what they described as a suspicious item.


  • 1992年公司因出品 Ice-T 乐队暴力说唱歌曲《警察杀手》后倍受谴责列文却将说唱音乐描述街头文化合法表达方式说它应该有自己的宣泄途径

    In 1992, when Time Warner was under fire for releasing Ice-T's violent rap song Cop Killer, Levin described rap as a lawful expression of street culture, which deserves an outlet.


  • 这个拥有 230 万会员信托基金会描述环保运动睡狮

    The trust, which has 2.3 million members, has been characterized as a sleeping giant of the environment movement.


  • 冬将这次经历描述为“不见不念”。

    Chen Dong described the experience as "no seeing, no missing."


  • 们更愿意将情商描述为一套特定的技能,可以用于好的或坏的目的。

    We prefer to describe emotional intelligence as a specific set of skills that can be used for either good or bad purposes.


  • 到这些故事,我对这个地方产生了怀疑——其他旅游地被描述为“更纯粹”的自然体验。

    Hearing these stories, I'm skeptical about the place—other destinations are described as "purer" natural experiences.


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