• 基础图案主要研究解决图案形象设计基础知识,探讨图案的普遍规律描绘表现方法

    Pictorial foundation to study and solve major pictorial image design the basic knowledge, the universal law of design and performance methods described.


  • 画家描绘主观情感表现是画家所理解内在实质不是外在的形式

    The artist is depicting subjective emotions, showing the inner reality as interpreted by the artist rather than the outward form.


  • "来说,觉得,我觉得两个地方描绘非常具有表现并且使得这位女性栩栩如生,使得我们感觉思考一个非常严肃事情

    For me, it is her face and hands, I think they are really expressive, and also, they make the woman seem very contemplative, seems like she is thinking pretty seriously about something.


  • 大多数三维雕像无论是站立的、着的还是跪着的,表现出一种称为“正面描绘”的特征:它们面向正前方扭曲也不旋转

    The majority of three-dimensional representations, whether standing, seated, or kneeling, exhibit what is called frontality: they face straight ahead, neither twisting nor turning.


  • 观察右边这个金发碧眼小孩子并不容易,由于一个虹膜烟色涂污而使得她的双眼明显的表现出恐怖,而且没有感觉到莫迪里阿尼试图描绘人类自身痛苦

    It is hard to look at the small blonde child on the right, her eyes expressly made creepy by the smudging of one iris, and not feel that Modigliani was trying to paint human pain itself.


  • 描绘许多背包客明显表现出来的一种常见的自我形象——那就是他们某种程度上来说并不是旅游者

    He also describes the common self-image articulated by many backpackers that they are, somehow, not tourists themselves.


  • 描绘沙漠全景时运用广角镜头是合适沙丘一侧顽强生存植物特写表现另一种物质。

    A wide shot might best portray one desert, while a close-up of one plant struggling to survive on the side of a dune might best represent another.


  • 1.右上角左下角图表表现一个相似的复杂实体但是左下角图表描绘体系结构显示了封装是如何减少复杂性的。

    Figure 1. Both upper right and lower left diagrams represent a similar complex entity, but the architecture illustrated in the lower-left diagram shows how encapsulation reduces complexity.


  • 拉博夫看起来似乎过于瘦弱过于机敏,以至于无法夺宝奇兵》和《变形金刚中饰演动作英雄的角色,但在本片中其表现非常出色,一个打破太多规则飞黄腾达的人物形象描绘活灵活现

    LaBeouf, who seems too seedy and smart to play action heroes in Indiana Jones and Transformers movies, is terrific here as a man who wants to make it big without breaking too many rules.


  • 媒体描绘成与的一些争议英雄他 ,他们应该表现世俗一面

    Media has portrayed him as a hero or associated him with some controversy but they should show his secular side.


  • 重点论述女性艺术家对花题材具体表现,从三个方面分析女性艺术家如何描绘表现花的

    Elaborated the feminine artist with emphasis to the flowered theme concrete manifestation, how analyzes the feminine artist from three aspects is describes and displays colored.


  • 因为光线可以表现对象描绘对象,可以形成阶层空间效果营造电视广告画面气氛

    Because the light can performance object, describe object, can form color class times and space effect, build the atmosphere of TV advertising picture.


  • 描绘墙壁上狩猎场面不仅艺术表现形式一点为人们了解

    It has long been known that the hunting scenes depicted on walls were not simply a form of artistic expression.


  • 中国水墨画不同笔触描绘高雅富于表现艺术作品色彩令人印象深刻

    Brush strokes with different patterns of Chinese ink make the elegant and expressive art works more impressive than color painting.


  • 所以图象特征研究苏州版画表现特点,将版画描绘实景对照揭示一种有效方法

    We have to study the expressing characters of Suzhou woodcut from its image characters, and it is an effective way to compare the depiction in thew.


  • 六朝人这种追求,强化文学作品的形象性描绘性,拓宽了文学语言表现范围,中国文学批评史上颇具开创之功。

    This trend strengthened literature image and enlarged representation rage of literature language, which had creative contribution in the history of the Chinese literature criticism.


  • 作品深切表现行走异乡游子对故国思念牵系生动描绘域外风情和异乡人物

    This collection not only expresses the homesickness and deep affection of the traveler towards his home country, but also vividly depicts the foreign flavor and a variety of people.


  • 以凝重写实风格和直面现实精神,通过市井生活的世俗风情画卷描绘表现了生存的艰难生命的卑微

    By describing the common customs in realistic writing style, she intends to explore the hardness and lowliness of the living being.


  • 画家在进行严谨的写实描绘中,借鉴了民间美术传统工笔重彩表现手法

    The painter mostly adopted realistic painting methods, but also used some folk and traditional Chinese painting techniques.


  • 文化艺术,经常对自然环境转变动植物进行描绘表现不同季节特征及四季的变化。

    Throughout Chinese culture the four seasons have been depicted in art by seasonal changes in the environment or the depiction of certain animals, plants or trees.


  • 无论是诗化生活描绘还是艺术形象塑造,不约而同地表现惊人审美追求相似表现了著名作家共同的艺术敏感类似的艺术表现方法。

    They all show the amazing similarities on the pursuit of the beauty and the same artistic form of expression on both the description of poetic life and the creation of artistic characters.


  • 舞蹈作品意境就是舞蹈作品描绘生活图景表现的思想感情融合一起而形成的一种艺术境界。

    The artistic conception of dancing work is the result of the fusion of the scene in life described and the feelings expressed by dancing.


  • 结果邓箭今描绘风格发生了微妙的变化,从具表现有节制地转向象征主义

    As a result, Deng Jianjin's painting style got subtle changes turning the figurative into symbolism.


  • 本文根据现代园林设计要求,提出用线表现描绘对象园林基础素描重要内容

    This paper suggests that the description of an object with lines be main content in basic garden sketch in accordance with the requirements of moden garden design.


  • 画家运用抽象性线描绘色彩表现事物的内涵和艺术家的主观情感

    By using lines and plane surfaces of abstraction and non-depictive colors, painters express the connotation of motif and their own subjective feelings.


  • 光影描绘是摄影艺术主要表现方法

    Ligt shade description is a main expression method of photograph art.


  • 光影描绘是摄影艺术主要表现方法

    Ligt shade description is a main expression method of photograph art.


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