• 搅拌机搅拌器揉和装置滑阀反应釜、阀门接管。

    Pumps, Agitators, blenders, kneading devices, sliding valves, armatures, valves and stem pipes.


  • 我们必须将因知识而生出自豪感因无知而生出谦卑感加以揉和

    We must temper our pride in knowing with the humility of not knowing.


  • 一生(立即举手站起:“不能揉和眼睛,否则一不小心伤害眼角膜

    Another student (hand up and stands up) says: "You can not knead your eyes, it is easy to hurt the membrane of your eyes."


  • 面团需要揉和烘烤才能造出适当薄片。玉米片是用于早餐谷类食品,牛奶一起食用。

    The dough is rolled and toasted to make the well-known flakes, which feature as a breakfast cereal, served with milk.


  • 它们需要数据,它们修改更新数据,它们常常各种不同数据源揉和在一起派生出新的数据。

    They require data, they modify and update data, and they often also derive new data by bringing various data sources together.


  • :茬室内荧光灯白光下具有独特的透视效果茬室内冷色光源下,咖光的揉和度,补充室内红光强度

    Attack can be: I ran in indoor light, fluorescent light has a unique perspective on indoor cool light, increase light and coffee, supplementary interior red light intensity.


  • 揉和蜂蜜蜂胶蜂皇浆成份研制成蜂蜜护理面膜测试证实具有舒缓功效,特别适合敏感肌肤使用俄语翻译。

    The honey nursing facial mask developed by mixing the components of honey, propolis and bee milk etc, are proved by tests that have palliation effects, especially suitable for sensitive skin.


  • 罗马但从未遇到过我在萨伦托待两天时间里,在社会各个阶层中注意到的那种多种文化揉和的情况。

    I spent two years in Rome and never encountered the kind of cosmopolitanism that I observe, at all levels of society, in two days in Salento.


  • 人为中心企业管理模式揉和美式日式企业管理模式长处而确立的新的管理模式,根本要求就是尊重人关心

    The new mode of management takes man as the center and absorbs the advantages of American and Japanese-pattern management, and its ultimate demand is to respect and care for people.


  • 罗马家长日耳曼法的父权,两种原生权力在近代法上揉和而衍生出亲权探视就是从亲权制度逐渐演变出来的一种具体权利

    Visitation right is a concrete right comes to existence gradually from the parental power system, which developed from the parental right from Roman law and the Father right from Germanic law.


  • 很少如此老练人物记录如此放荡不羁的、浪漫堕落揉和寻常地步的生活方式”,班巴·盖斯·科恩他的《莫卧儿王朝》中

    "Rarely can such a sophisticated mind", says Bamber Gascoigne in "the Great Moghuls", "have recorded so wild an existence which combined to an extraordinary degree the romantic and the sordid."


  • 揉了揉的两条胳膊两条僵硬

    He rubbed his arms and stiff legs.


  • 里面没有任何身份证明只有美元一张揉皱的看起来好像好几个年头了。

    There was no identification inside. Just three dollars, and a crumpled letter that looked as if it had been carried around for years.


  • 绿延伸公路上,被熏揉皱汽车搁置至少400长的马路旁,爆炸区域里没有哪户人家窗子完好无损的。

    Cars lay blackened and crumpled for at least 400 metres along a long stretch of road running north from the Green zone. Barely a house within the blast zone was left with a window unbroken.


  • 而言之,苹果不惧收购创意永远揉入自身的特点,调整归并各种技术的集大成者。

    Apple is, in short, an orchestrator and integrator of technologies, unafraid to bring in ideas from outside but always adding its own twists.


  • 但是德国市场非洲市场有着天壤之别,前者成熟具有高度竞争力,而后者襁褓之中,沃尔玛可以利用自身全球影响力随意搓圆揉扁。

    But there is a world of difference between the mature, highly competitive German market and using its global clout to shape an African market that is still in its infancy.


  • 总裁贝里·高迪曾这样描述迈克尔一眼印象:“他唱歌时揉入了那样感情灵感悲伤,彷佛经历过中描述的所有事情一样。”

    Motown president Berry Gordy said of his first glimpse of Michael: "He sang his songs with such feeling, inspiration and painlike he had experienced everything he was singing about."


  • 本文介绍肘子原料采用盐水注射、空揉的西式工艺,经真空包装杀菌等工序,加工五香肘子的技术。

    A new western style process for spicy shank with pig shanks as the raw material and applying brine injecting vacuum tumbling vacuum packaging and post pasteurization is introduced.


  • 够了爸爸分一半我们来回直到不再了,揉面的工序完成了。

    Water enough, my father and I each half, we use hand rub back and forth, until no longer sticky hands, rub the process is complete.


  • 鸡肉蛋白1汤匙生粉揉匀。放置冰箱静置。

    Combine the chicken, egg white and 1 tablespoon of the cornflour. Set aside in the fridge.


  • 一个侏儒脑袋能带来好运,”哈尔顿守卫他们的语言交谈

    "He says that it is good luck to rub the head of a dwarf," Haldon said after an exchange with the guard in his own tongue.


  • 本能过手揉了揉宝宝的脸颊

    Instinctively, I reached over and rubbed his head and cheeks.


  • 艾灸眼袋注意事项每日太阳穴四白穴饮食

    Note in addition to pouch moxibustion, daily massage the temples and Sibai, low sodium diet.


  • 这张碟把杰克吉尔,乔治·坡吉,玛丽的小羊这些故事揉一起,让他们参加英国小镇上科尔国王生日宴席。

    Join Jack and Jill, Georgie Porgie, and Mary and her little lamb as they take a journey to King Cole's birthday party in London town.


  • 小提琴演奏中的出发点和目的音乐艺术表现服务

    The objective of vibrato in playing violin is to serve the artistic expression of music.


  • 小提琴演奏中的出发点和目的音乐艺术表现服务

    The objective of vibrato in playing violin is to serve the artistic expression of music.


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