• 具体来说使用按钮图标应当依据文档说明中的含义推荐位置不要根据自己对其外观解释

    Specifically, this means that you should use a button or icon in accordance with its documented meaning and recommended placement, and not according to your interpretation of its appearance.


  • 研究结果仍然表明那些不够突出推荐开始女性地球科学领域工作职业生涯的开始就处于潜在不利位置

    She says the results still suggest women in geoscience are at a potential disadvantage from the very beginning of their careers starting with those less than outstanding letters of recommendation.


  • 如果睡眠舌头位置患呼吸道阻力综合症的原因,医生可能会推荐一种牙齿装置向前下颚舌头,防止舌头阻塞喉部通路

    If tongue position during sleep is causing your UARS, the doctor may recommend a dental device that pushes the jaw and tongue forward and prevents the tongue from blocking the opening to the throat.


  • 国家健康研究院推荐位置

    This is the position recommended by the National Institutes of Health.


  • 同时推荐有声图书那些家里位置腾出来的人们。

    I also recommend audio books to anyone looking for ways to reduce the number of books taking up shelf space in your home.


  • Stay网站就提供酒店餐馆旅游景点推荐根据热门度价格位置进行排序

    Stay offers recommendations for hotels, restaurants and tourist spots, and sorts them by popularity, price and location.


  • 使用显示在“Projectcontents下面推荐缺省工作空间位置可以了选择Next

    The proposed default workspace location shown under "Project contents" is fine. Select Next.


  • 如果适当位置可比较产品服务器经过时间测量实际负载模式可能获取精确并发比率很大的帮助,强烈推荐

    If you have a comparable production server in place, measuring its actual load patterns over a period of time can go a long way towards getting accurate concurrency rates and is highly recommended.


  • 他们推荐用于控制应用程序线程位置taskset以及用于更改调度chrt命令

    They suggest that taskset be used to control placement of the threads of the application, and that the CHRT command be used to change the scheduling.


  • 我们高度推荐这家北京的东方君大酒店,因为他们拥有友善工作人员,因为它的位置氛围酒店设施他们出色地完成了自己的工作,赞个!

    We would highly recommend the Beijing Grand Hyatt because of their friendly staff, location, ambience, and hotel amenities. Bravo to them for a job well done!


  • 顾客通常食物偏爱经验地理位置朋友推荐或食物指南做出选择

    The customer will usually make a choice based on food preference, experience, location, or recommendation of a friend or guide book.


  • 未来几周意见可能听取,工作上可能推荐一个更好位置因为你受到过好的培训并且工作尽职尽责。

    Your advice will be sought and listened to in the coming weeks, and in many ways you are being groomed for a better position professionally, not least because you are well trained and conscientious.


  • 朋友推荐张学友的小龙虾。”下单一些小龙虾,送到我们测试位置在测试时间截止完成支付

    Your friend recommended "Jacky's Crawfish. " Order some crawfish, and have it delivered to our testing location. Please stop before just before completing the purchase.


  • 保证接头焊接质量推荐纤维素型下向焊条管子位置焊接规范详细介绍操作要领

    To ensure the welding quality of pipe joints this article recommends the welding specifications on pipe's all position with the fiber down-welding electrode and introduces in detail the operation way.


  • 允许用户选择安装程序功能安装位置推荐高级用户使用。

    Allows users to choose which program features will be installed and where they will be installed. Recommended for advanced users.


  • 推荐游丝位置设计优化方案适用其它类同的机械测微仪。

    The recommended optimal scheme of the position design for hairsprings in the lever-gear type micrometers also is suitable to other similar mechanical micrometers.


  • 酒店位置非常推荐这里

    I would highly recommend this hotel for the location.


  • 总的来说,高度推荐这个宾馆因为这个位置而且优质服务

    In overall, I would highly recommend this guest house since the location is very good and has excellent services.


  • 可以检测到项目,如其类别类型(病毒广告软件等),位置推荐操作查看更多详细信息

    You can also view additional details on the detected item, such as its category type (virus, adware and so on), its location and the recommended action.


  • 公司根据用户除尘位置除尘要求推荐最佳除尘方式供用户参考选择。

    Our company can recommend best dust removal way for the user's reference according to the the dust removal position and the dust removal request.


  • 不过依然家庭团体游客推荐这家酒店虽然并不中心位置,但是价格合理

    Still, I highly recommend this place to traveling families and groups of friends who don't mind staying in a hotel that's not exactly in the middle of it all for a reasonable price.


  • 位置方便周围饭馆价格合理- ,口味不错,感谢工作人员推荐

    The location is convenient and the restaurants nearby are delicious with reasonable price, thanks to the agent's recommendation. Worthwhile to try.


  • 许多管理者没有安全感他们教练下属,他们不推荐更好员工,因为担心他们位置取代

    Many managers are very insecure that they don't coach well their subordinates and they don't recommend the better employees fearing that their position will be overtaken.


  • 篇文章概述了这些手术技术它们结果提出目前推荐的良性阵发性位置性眩晕的外科治疗以及难治性良性阵发性位置性眩晕的生理病理学的见解

    This article summarizes the techniques and their results and proposes a currently recommended practice of surgical therapy in BPPV as well as new insights into intractable BPPVs' physiopathology.


  • 毗邻栈桥风景区青岛火车站特价住宿推荐,小青岛,天主教堂德国总督大楼著名景点散布四周位置独特温馨舒适

    Adjacent to the trestle scenic, small Qingdao, the Catholic Church, the former German Government Building and other famous scenic spots scattered around the unique location, warm and comfortable.


  • 毗邻栈桥风景区青岛火车站特价住宿推荐,小青岛,天主教堂德国总督大楼著名景点散布四周位置独特温馨舒适

    Adjacent to the trestle scenic, small Qingdao, the Catholic Church, the former German Government Building and other famous scenic spots scattered around the unique location, warm and comfortable.


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