• 推理论为了说服对手,在论辩取胜

    Reasoning, they claim, is for winning arguments.


  • 例证推理来源它们的正确用法我们在后面讨论

    The sources of examples and enthymemes, and their proper uses, we will discuss later.


  • 推理必须尽可能命题组成,组成正常三段论的命题还要少。

    The enthymeme must consist of few propositions, fewer often than those which make up the normal syllogism.


  • 推理三段论,正如每一种辩证法都或多或少地在运用三段论

    The enthymeme is a sort of syllogism, and the consideration of syllogisms of all kinds, without distinction, is the business of dialectic, either of dialectic as a whole or of one of its branches.


  • 逻辑基本范畴,名词判断分析以及推理证的各个形式都有所论述

    This section discussed the essential category of logical deduction the analysis of judgment and every aspect of inference.


  • 间接指令范畴化研究有助于弥补习语推理论缺陷,具有理论解释力。

    The research into the categorization of indirect directives will help remedy the defects of the two theories so that we will get a more powerful explanation of their illocutionary force.


  • 结合高斯计算不同条件下苏丹红分子在不同基底上吸附进行推理论证。

    Based on Gaussion Calculation, we analyzed the adsorption behavior of Sudan molecules under different condition and different substrate.


  • 间接指令范畴研究有助于弥补习语推理论缺陷,具有更强的理论解释力。

    The research into the categorization of indirect directives will help remedy the defects of the two theories so that we will…


  • 间接指令范畴研究有助于弥补习语推理论缺陷,具有强的理论解释力。

    The research into the categorization of indirect directives will help remedy the defects of the two theories so that we will get a more


  • 多数推理实际上基于特殊论述方向,相比之下很少基于普通一般的论述方向。

    Most enthymemes are in fact based upon these particular or special Lines of Argument; comparatively few on the common or general kind.


  • 依靠例证讲话一种讲话同样有说服力依靠推理证的讲话赢得了更大的掌声

    Speeches that rely on examples are as persuasive as the other kind, but those which rely on enthymemes excite the louder applause.


  • 中国审美理论美学史写作范式特点强调逻辑推理,注重历史逻辑统一

    There are three characters in the writing paradigm of the contemporary Chinese theory aesthetic history: It is emphasizing logical reasoning proof, unifying the history and logic;


  • 本文首先推理了概述,在此基础分析了推理论证能力结构牢固数学基础知识

    Firstly, this thesis gives a brief introduction of reasoning and demonstration, and bases on it, analyzes the structure as well. It is: solid basic knowledge of mathematics;


  • 现在推理论材料可能性迹象我们可以看到它们分别对应一般真的命题和必然为真的命题。

    Now the materials of enthymemes are Probabilities and Signs, which we can see must correspond respectively with the propositions that are generally and those that are necessarily true.


  • 例证推理论区别论题进行了明白的阐述。在该篇中,归纳三段论得到了讨论

    The difference between example and enthymeme is made plain by the passages in the Topics where induction and syllogism have already been discussed.


  • 因此明显,形成推理基础命题中的大多数只是寻常的事实尽管它们中的一些或许必要的”。

    It is evident, therefore, that the propositions forming the basis of enthymemes, though some of them may be "necessary," will most of them be only usually true.


  • 研究生学习第一年里无数实证推理,不断粉碎重建粉碎我本科就学过凯恩斯模型

    During my first year of graduate school I read countless empirical and theoretical papers that shattered, rebuilt, and shattered again the tidy Kenynsian models I learned as an undergraduate.


  • 这个木桶推理论上下文这次会议看起来很得体,”并且知道这次活动适合穿是什么衣服?”

    In the bucket analogy, the context was "Looking good for a presentation at a conference," and you wanted to know "What is the most appropriate clothing ensemble for this event?"


  • 神经系统学家经过几十年的推理证发现,事情发生人类大脑其打下时,这相机数码相片文件日期时间一样。

    Neuroscientists have theorized for decades that the human brain time stamps events as they happen, just as a camera tags the date and time onto a digital photo file.


  • 两种推理论之间存在一种几乎所有人完全忽略了的重要区别——同样存在辩证法中的三段论之间区别,而且也有着相似的遭遇。

    There is an important distinction between two sorts of enthymemes that has been wholly overlooked by almost everybodyone that also subsists between the syllogisms treated of in dialectic.


  • 不能确定自己理解是否正确尽管理论逻辑引起的兴趣。

    He wasn't sure he'd got it right, although the theory attracted him by its logic.


  • 路线是一个令人兴奋螺旋星系结构理论的基础。

    This line of reasoning underlies an exciting new theory of spiral-galaxy structure.


  • 这个理论听起来怪怪的一旦开始解释符合侦探工作怀疑变成他谨慎赞赏

    The theory sounds eccentric but once he starts to explain the detective work that went into his deduction, the scepticism gives way to wary admiration.


  • 罗杰斯本人表示任何理论包括自己的,都包含了一定量未知或许当时不可知的)错误理。

    Rogers (1959) himself noted that every theory, including his own, contains "an unknown (and perhaps at that time unknowable) amount of error and mistaken inference" (p.190).


  • 其中一关于试图回答理论的便是,归纳法实际上可以经由纯粹证明不是演示诉之概率的除外。

    One way of trying to answer Hume is to show that actually induction can be justified by pure reason but by appeal to probability rather than demonstration.


  • 我们应该信任抽象理论能力呢,还是应该依赖更加直接的情感反应

    Should we be putting our faith in our capacity for abstract theoretical reasoning, or should we be relying on our more immediate emotional responses?


  • 我们概率或者道德的时候,根据洛克理论我们过去经验发现证据理的契合,只是概率的连接并不是演示的契合。

    In probable or moral reasoning when we reason, uh from past experience according to Locke we see evidential connections but there are only probable connections not uh, demonstrative ones.


  • 但是显然伊壁鲁的真正兴趣不在理式形而上学之上,在于对生活实用价值哲学上,而这种哲学仅仅只是将原子论作为理论基础

    It is clear, however, that Epicurus' real interest was not in speculative metaphysics but with a practical philosophy of life which required atomism only for its theoretical underpinnings.


  • 看起来毕达哥拉斯定理,似乎来自欧几里德三角形理论欧几里德几何学发现可以简单地出来。

    It seems that the proof of Pythagoras's theorem comes pretty much from just consulting the ideas of Euclidean triangle, the exhume of Euclidean geometry and simply doing inferences from those.


  • 如果他们不这么认为,那么他们理论他们自己的证伪了。

    If not, then their theory is falsified by their own reasoning.


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