• 公司花费数百万美元推出产品服务时,容易理解为何他们可能利用一切可能的工具取得成功

    When companies spend millions launching new goods and services, it's easy to understand why they might want to use every tool at their disposal to achieve success.


  • 今天微软网站作为一个社区网站重新推出了,用户可以在里面交流有关如何最好地使用这些工具想法

    Today, Microsoft has re-launched the site as a community site, where users can exchange information and ideas about how to best use these tools.


  • 2006年年底腾讯推出QQ医生1.0 .这是一保护QQ用户账户的防木马工具

    In late 2006, Tencent launched QQ Doctor 1.0, a small anti-Trojan tool to protect QQ user account.


  • 红皮书汇总了各种可用自我帮助工具特性推出进行更新

    The Online Resources Webcast summarizes the available Self-help tools, and is updated whenever new features that same you time and effort are rolled out.


  • 2008年7月Facebook推出(Connect back)功能,提供第三方网站工具协调Facebook所拥有包括登录”在内的用户信息

    Facebook introduced Connect back in July 2008, offering third-party websites tools to coordinate with the user information that Facebook holds, including logins.


  • Kayak最近推出一个崭新的地图应用工具用户可以通过自己设定各种参数搜索机票酒店活动信息。

    KayakmapsKayak introduced a new map-based tool which enable users to search for flights, hotels and activities based on various parameters they establish.


  • ReferenceBot最近推出,这款工具猎头市场注入社交2.0"的新元素

    ReferenceBot was launched recently and adds a "social 2.0" element to the headhunting market.


  • 在线办公软件公司ZohoGoogle在线工具展开正面竞争(目前来看表现还不错),目前该公司他们的在线办公应用套件推出一项功能:Zoho聊天2.0。

    Zoho, the web office company that competes with Google's online tools (and does so quite well), has introduced a new feature to their online suite of productivity applications: Zoho Chat 2.0.


  • 渴望当地人沟通更加融洽的旅行者游客将要有个新玩意:GoogleAndroid手机上的跨语言翻译工具将要推出的“对话模式”。

    Travelers and tourists longing to communicate better with locals may be in luck very soon.


  • 现在正着力接下来年里通过推出各种软件工具改善与其顾客之间的关系

    It now looks to rebuild its relationship with consumers over the next year via various pieces of software and gadgets.


  • 我们推出新的工具帮助用户充分利用所有可以节约成本的方式。

    We've also launched new tools to help people take advantage of all the savings offers out there.


  • 虽然任何人都掌握发布博客所需工具,但是平板电脑推出一个内容丰富的,杂志化的数字出版物仍然有些奢侈

    While anybody can master the tools needed to publish a blog, putting out a rich, magazine-like digital publication for tablets is still cost prohibitive for some.


  • 这里定义指标让读者更加容易评估即将推出AOP工具特性

    The criteria defined here should also make it easier for you to evaluate upcoming releases of AOP tools and features.


  • IBM数据专业人员推出新的分析工具,让他们工作中获得优势。

    IBM is also giving data professionals an edge in their game with new analysis tools.


  • 款设备从设想到推出大约时间,惟一可用软件开发工具一些实行增量改进SDK发行版

    The device became available after almost a year of speculation, where the only software development tools available were some incrementally improving SDK releases.


  • 备受争议呜呜祖拉”加油工具成为南非世界杯大标志,日前,一家网络公司推出了一种据称可消除这种塑料喇叭所发出噪音的“呜呜祖拉声器”。

    An online company has begun marketing an "Anti Vuvuzela Filter" that promises to silence the sound of the controversial plastic trumpets that have become the trademark of South Africa's World Cup.


  • GDS旅游技术提供商amadeus重点推出款嵌入第三网站工具用户带来直观体验,帮助启发其旅游灵感。

    GDS and travel technology supplier Amadeus is to place a major emphasis on providing inspirational tools and intuitive user experience for inclusion in third party websites.


  • CheckMyTripAmadeus合作伙伴客人提供的预订管理工具2001年就已经向市场推出之前一直只有网络版本

    CheckMyTrip has been in play since 2001 as a post-booking management tool for customers of Amadeus partners, but until now has only been web-based.


  • 对于那些晦涩难懂的语言Google推出“翻译工具”,帮助用户进行翻译,这些译文文本添加翻译数据库中

    For more obscure languages, it has released a "tool kit" that helps users with translations and then adds those texts to its database.


  • 2008年2月推出通用桌面”原型,是一个屏幕上利用工具搜索预订跟踪功能结合成一体。

    The Universal Desktop prototype, unveiled last February, combines search, booking and tracking capability with productivity tools on one screen.


  • 工具推出标志着TripAdvisor目的地内容首次整合到Expedia.com中。

    The tool marks the first time TripAdvisor destination content is available on Expedia.com.


  • Nike公司同时还推出环保服装设计工具,借此来帮助工业设计师们做出更加环境友好设计决定

    The company also released the environmental Apparel design Tool, which helps industry designers make environmentally friendly decisions.


  • 但是这些数据预计将会有所提升随着机票搜索工具推出,TripAdvisor使用功能用户比例三月的5.4%增长到了六月的8.6%。

    However, these figures are expected to increase, with the flight search tool already drawing significant traffic - up from 5.4% of traffic in March to 8.6% in June.


  • WhereI’veBeenWIB今日宣布推出新的社区旅游平台特点是实现了社区网络工具基于方位信息服务的强大组合

    Where I’ve Been (WIB) announced today the launch of its new social travel platform, which features a powerful combination of social networking tools and location-based information services.


  • 是否可以熟悉技术读者简要描述一下Mylyn工具即将推出Tasktop产品能力

    For readers unfamiliar with the technology, could you provide a brief description of the capabilities of the Mylyn tool and upcoming Tasktop product?


  • 今天这个公司推出提醒工具这次使用AdobeAir应用桌面工具

    Today, the company is rolling out a new notifier, this time in the desktop format with an Adobe Air application.


  • 推出正式Xobni工具条主要用来挖掘出“隐藏收件箱中的社交网络

    The new, official version of the Xobni toolbar (previously covered here and here) is designed to uncover the "hidden" social network of the inbox.


  • 他们推出Android版的工具,此工具用于由Android SDKEclipse开发应用程序

    They have also introduced a new toolkit for Android, which can be used with applications developed with the Android SDK and Eclipse.


  • 除此之外,我们开始看到一种趋势一些大型软件供应商例如ibmMicrosoftOracleSAP也正在致力于推出企业级Web 2.0工具服务

    On top of this, we are starting to see an increasing trend among large software vendors such as IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, and SAP towards producing enterprise-grade Web 2.0 tools and services.


  • 除此之外,我们开始看到一种趋势一些大型软件供应商例如ibmMicrosoftOracleSAP也正在致力于推出企业级Web 2.0工具服务

    On top of this, we are starting to see an increasing trend among large software vendors such as IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, and SAP towards producing enterprise-grade Web 2.0 tools and services.


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