• 首先研究设计包括建立研究假设样本控制样本选取等。

    First, it is a research design, including building the hypothesis, selecting the samples and the samples under control.


  • 拥有已知这些菌株唯一样本,他还为复活过程申请了专利进一步加强控制

    He possessed the only known samples of these strains, and he patented his revivification process to further cement his control over them.


  • 在世卫组织美国疾病控制预防中心支持下现在加强国内检测动物人体样本诊断能力

    Diagnostic capacity for testing animal and human samples within the country has now been strengthened with support from WHO and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


  • 以下一个样本控制文件

    The following is a sample control file.


  • 那时,将有一机器人设施能够根据地球基站控制人员的指令寻找到适当位置机器攫取月球表面风化层泥土材料样本

    One of those robotic devices, after maneuvering to a suitable location with guidance from Earth-based controllers, will use a mechanical arm to scoop up a sample of lunar soil.


  • 我们设备用来帮助蠕虫科学家进行针对蠕虫样本可重复控制变量实验,”怀特赛兹

    'Our device is designed to help worm biologists to carry out controlled experiments using statistically large Numbers of worms,' says Whitesides.


  • 研究表明,绝大多数的样本显示二者相关,所以简单明了早晨类型的积极主动,控制能力更强。

    Theresearch shows correlations over a large sample, so it’s admittedly asimplification to say that morning people are proactive.


  • 论文五月四日发表引起迅速回复一个美国疾病控制防护中心官员接受纽约时代杂志采访时猛烈抨击:“这个样本的规模太小,参加研究的人员太年轻,以及心脏病条件的证据太不完整。”

    The paper, published on May 4th, has provoked a swift response. An official from America’s Centres for Disease Control and Prevention bashed it in an interview to the New York Times.


  • 为了控制收集统计信息样本以及可以重复使用相同样本集,需要使用下列语句。

    Example 30. To control the sample set on which the statistics will be collected and to be able to repeatedly use the same sample set, use the following.


  • 已知仅有病毒样本储存在世卫组织批准两个安全实验室美国亚特兰大的疾病预防控制中心俄罗斯联邦科尔索沃的病毒生物技术研究中心)。

    The only known samples of the virus are stored in two secure laboratories approved by WHO (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, USA and Vector, Kostsovo, Russian Federation).


  • 应该指出数理统计结果具有一定代表性但是一结果受到样本数目质量控制

    It should be pointed out that the results of mathematical statistics have a certain representation, but it is restricted by the quantity and quality of samples.


  • 退火控制引物(acp)的差异筛选分析法样本进行候选基因的初筛。

    The pooled samples were initially screened for candidate genes for narcolepsy by differential display analysis using annealing control primers (ACP).


  • 目的探讨全自动生化分析参数设置活性样本测定结果质量控制作用

    Objective: to study the function of the quality control to the high enzyme activity samples by setting up the assay parameters.


  • 研究中,75%印度马来西亚,中国进行控制国家油漆检测样本超出了美国管理水平

    In that study, 75 percent of the consumer paint samples tested from countries without controls - including India, Malaysia and china-had levels exceeding U. s. regulations.


  • 检索特定领域信息时,通过相关样本集融合,提取关键词集,通过调节样本集实现关键词集的柔性控制,以调控搜索空间结果取向

    When searching special area information, it fuses sample documents, extracts common keywords, and adjusts the sample documents to control the search space and result sum.


  • 网络训练利用改进BP算法,将因子模糊化快速进行。样本点数据则利用动态控制所得到的结果提供

    The networks are trained by the fast BP algorithm via fuzzy variables decision, and training samples are provided by the dynamic inversion control results.


  • 他们抽取了一类人类手指长度比率相似群体样本做实验控制那些影响孕鼠雌激素睾丸素水平基因

    In the experiment, they took groups of pregnant mice - a species with a similar finger-length ratio to humans - and controlled the genes which affect their oestrogen and testosterone levels.


  • 实际计算结果表明样本小于5时,控制方法计算误差为正态逼近20%。

    The results of calculation show that the error of proposed approach is only 20% of that by the traditional approach, while the sample groups are less than 5.


  • 样本疾病控制预防中心收集通过一个国际流感基因组数据库提供研究人员

    The samples were collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and made available to researchers through an international database of flu genomes.


  • 假设总体服从正态分布的条件下,设计抽样区间样本容量控制变化的全变化参数的中位值-极差联合控制

    Under population follow normal distribution hypothesis, designing combine median-range adaptive control charts with variable sampling interval, variable sample size and variable control limit .


  • 点穴控制五星一旦接到微观样本焊缝焊了竞争对手头顶一位普通衬衫密码

    As an example pinpoint control, Five Star once received a micro-weld sample from a competitor that had a weld bead on top of the head of an ordinary shirt pin.


  • 年前随机抽取一份样本你就发现大部分公司关键数据流程实际控制措施。

    Five years ago, if you took a random sampling you would have discovered that most companies had physical control over their mission-critical data and processes.


  • 结果预设相对宽度调节控制可信区间精度决定样本含量大小

    Results Prespecified relative width may regulate and control the precision of confidence interval and may reflects magnitude of the sample size.


  • 结果预设相对宽度调节控制可信区间精度决定样本含量大小

    Results Prespecified relative width may regulate and control the precision of confidence interval and may reflects magnitude of the sample size.


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