• 之后他们借着“多数人名义无情控制所有国家机构并且通过扩展公共部门追随者安排工作其他利益,从而牢牢掌控权力

    They then hold on to power by ruthlessly seizing control of all state institutions in the name of the majority and by rewarding their followers with jobs and benefits via an expanded public sector.


  • 卫组织所有受影响国家现场开展工作,协助监测控制措施

    WHO is present in the field in all the affected countries, assisting with surveillance and control measures.


  • 世界卫生组织(世卫组织)呼吁尚未成为《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》缔约国的所有国家迅速行动

    The World Health Organization (WHO) calls upon all countries not yet parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) to act swiftly.


  • 大约所有住户商业债务的70%是以外币计价的(主要瑞士法郎),这就使国家受困有限控制货币

    About 70% of all household and business debt is denominated in foreign currencies, mainly Swiss francs, making the country hostage to a currency over which it has limited control.


  • 许多国家所有媒介疾病控制取得巨大进展挽救无数生命

    In many countries, tremendous inroads were made in the control of all vector-borne diseases, and countless lives were saved.


  • 几乎所有亚洲国家在世界卫生组织签订了烟草控制条约承诺限制烟草宣传杜绝公共场所吸烟帮助人们戒烟

    Almost all Asian countries have signed the WHO's tobacco-control treaty, committing themselves to restricting the marketing of cigarettes, curbing smoking in public and helping smokers to quit.


  • 2005年10月14日 |日内瓦-世界卫生组织(世卫组织)呼吁尚未成为《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》缔约国的所有国家迅速行动

    October 2005 | GENEVA - The World Health Organization (WHO) calls upon all countries not yet parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) to act swiftly.


  • 其他所有国家一样我们国家毕竟有权义务控制我国的边境制定美定居成为公民法律

    Ultimately, our nation, like all nations, has the right and obligation to control its borders and set laws for residency and citizenship.


  • 刘先生资金10%花在污染控制这样能够符合所有国家标准并且转用清洁天然气能源。

    Liu says 10% of his capital expenditure goes into pollution controls, that he meets all national standards and is switching to cleaner natural gas.


  • 克里姆林宫控制俄罗斯60%报纸并且控股所有六家国家电视台

    The Kremlin controls 60% of Russia's newspapers and owns stakes in all six national television stations.


  • 几乎所有国家DOTS是在国家结核控制规划预算最大份额单一项目。

    DOTS accounts for the largest single share of NTP budgets in almost all countries.


  • 尽管有某些改进但是所有世卫组织区域国家结核控制规划报告了药品缺货实验室太少质量控制薄弱以及设施有限不能开展培养药品敏感性试验

    Despite some improvements, NTPs in all WHO regions reported drug stock-outs, too few laboratories, weak quality control, and limited facilities to carry out culture and drug susceptibility testing.


  • 意大利公共事业公司—国家电力公司买下西班牙电力公司少数股东所有股份;百事也争取获得大最大灌装分公司的全权控制力。

    Enel, an Italian utility, is buying out minority shareholders in Spain's Endesa, for example, and PepsiCo has bid for full control of its two biggest bottling affiliates.


  • 国家所有本身并不意味集体控制

    State ownership in itself does not signify collective control.


  • 所有控制昆虫齿动物的重大措施必须当地国家的规章和程序协调,尤其是当地的全国疟疾防治计划

    All major efforts to control insects and rodents must be closely coordinated with national programs and practices, especially with the national malaria control program.


  • 国家几乎控制所有银行系统借此使银行贷款今年上半年比起去年翻了一番。

    The state controls most of the banking system, and has used this control to double the amount of bank lending in the first half of this year, as compared to 2008.


  • 今后周内国家议会看似铁定通过本土化经济强制法案这个法案可能会最终所有生意至少百分之五十一控制权落入本地黑人之手

    In the next few weeks, Parliament looks set to pass the Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Bill that might ultimately transfer at least 51% of all businesses into local black hands.


  • 系统安装施工符合相应IEC国际标准中国国家标准规范所有动力电缆控制电缆信号电缆布线分开

    The system shall be installed and constructed in compliance with relevant IEC or China national standards or specifications. Power, control, and signal cables shall be wired separately.


  • 如果印度GDP增幅没有领先中国增幅10%,那么很快亚洲所有国家印度都将受到中国及其盟友巴基斯坦控制

    If India don't grow in future with more then 10 percent GDP more then China then very soon all Asia and India will become in control of China and his ally Pakistan.


  • 所有国家作为国家紧急突发状况病例作了响应阻止了后续传播或者控制少数病例之内。

    All responded to that case as an urgent national emergency and stopped onward transmission or held it to just a handful of cases.


  • 这项行动计划正在所有国家应用,所以其成果癌症传染疾病预防控制上将重要影响

    The action plan is being implemented by all countries and so achievements in the prevention and control of cancer and noncommunicable diseases will have a major positive impact.


  • 事实上美国国家导弹防御系统一旦全球部署,可使美国控制世界上所有国家当然也包括朋友盟国

    In fact, after the America national missile defense system is deployed on a global scale, the United States can control all other country, of courses, including its friends and Allies.


  • 现在重新炮制欧元条约”在法律上规定了欧元区所有国家承诺全力控制公共债务

    Now redubbed the "pact for the euro", it stipulates that all euro-zone countries put into law a pledge to get a grip on public debt.


  • 符合希腊问题,已经所有其他在遭受银行痛苦控制国家

    This also applies to Greece and all the other countries which are suffering at the hands of the Banks.


  • 国内外出售少量股份没有改变国家所有控制

    The sale of minority stakes at home or overseas does not alter state ownership and control.


  • 国内外出售少量股份没有改变国家所有控制

    The sale of minority stakes at home or overseas does not alter state ownership and control.


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